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Messages - ryos

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Oh. Um, I'm confused. What do your deadlines at work have to do with your hobby writing? I mean, so what if you don't submit every week? You're the only one in the group that does.

Deadlines? Are these...self imposed deadlines? If so...pssh. Give yourself enough time to write to the best of your abilities.

Well. I knew I should have slept on it before writing out my critique. The single most important thing I noticed was also the thing I left out. Fortunately, Erik hit it just perfectly. The pickpocketing is meh, and the payoff from the "hell" stuff could be bigger.

As for your original idea, it sounds freaking awesome. BUT, I don't know if I could believe it. All of the rocky planets we know about are not solid all the way through - they're molten in the middle. If you fracture one of these planets, each fragment's molten center would form into a sphere (and take the crust with it). The oceans would boil, saturating the atmosphere with water vapor, and the whole thing would cool off on a geologic timescale.

We're talking total cataclysm here. No life would survive at all. Perhaps not even bacteria.

We have precedent for this. Our moon is believed to be a fragment of the earth that broke off during a massive collision some billions of years ago. You will note that both Earth and Moon are spherical today.

So, yeah. Nice concept, but it needs a lot of work to make it plausible.

Well, LTU, I'll say this for you: worldbuilding seems to be your strength. Your world is more unique than suggested by your prologue. I like the variety of races you have, and the racial dynamics in your city's politics.

Prose and dialog are the weakest parts of this story. It's hard to describe why I don't like the prose without a good line edit, but I'm afraid I'm not a good enough person to put that kind of time in. I may do a section of the piece when I'm not so tired.

In absence of a line edit, I notice that you tend to use words that sound like the word you needed, but are not. For example, in one place you used barrings (not actually a word) instead of bearings. During the entire Elidor section, you used roves instead of roofs. Perhaps most egregious and consistent, you always say "passed" when you should say "past". When you refer to something being beyond something else, use past. For example:

She whistled a short tune, slipping passed another unsuspecting man in a hurry.
You see, outside of the city, passed the desert out there, is freedom.

Those should both use past instead of passed.

As they passed, she slipped her hand along his belt.
As the whole of the mass passed, both sides of the street pressed together again, like two sides of a coat being brought together with a hook.

Those use passed correctly.

Moving on. I'm confused about what is desirable for citizenship. Parts of the chapter imply that one should be small, others tall. Parts imply one should be as inhuman as possible, and others imply that being mostly human is where it's at. That needs clarifying.

In the first scene, Tasia is described as wearing a skirt and a halter top. Then, she has on a sleeveless shirt. Then, she has on a jacket. This is confusing. Unless she's wearing Schroedinger's Clothes, of course.

I was also confused as to why she was worried about people finding out she had a fat purse when she gets smashed against the side of the street, since she wasn't exactly being secretive about it, what with all the rifling and counting right in the open.

As for the Elidor scene, I was wondering until the very end why you had chosen to put this entirely unrelated section in the middle of chapter 1. I suppose at the end it's clear that Elidor is going to go after Tasia (possibly mistakenly; I see no evidence that Tasia could be the woman he's after), but even still, I would have preferred if Elidor's section were not in the middle of Tasia's. I think it would flow better to move it to chapter 2.

If I think of anything else I'll let you know. This was a good start overall. And...I should write a better conclusion, but I really am quite tired. I go sleepy now.

Reading Excuses / May 17 2010 - Ryos - Benders - Chapters 1 and 2
« on: May 18, 2010, 07:39:24 AM »
Here you are. "Benders" is a working title. This novel takes place just after the events of one of my previous submissions, the short story Dalrymple, the King, and the Future, though I should note that reading that story is not a prerequisite for this one. In other words, I tried to write this to an audience who hadn't read the prequel short.

Those who read DtKatF and follow the Progress and Submission Reports thread will note that Dalrymple's brain be a'talkin' again. Yes, I cut it from the short story. Yes, I'm bringing it back in the novel. AND YES, I know that most of you hated the brain. I think I have a pretty good in-world reason for bringing it back. I still think it's pretty funny. But! Please let me know if you still hates it.

Reading Excuses / Re: A couple of notes on formatting
« on: May 18, 2010, 06:50:54 AM »
Please. RTF is NOT plain text. ;D

Also: oh. You must be using webmail. I find it hard to recall that most of the world is crazy, and doesn't mind reading its email in a browser. Personally, I couldn't stand that. I need my dedicated, desktop mail client, which, by virtue of its nature as a desktop application, downloads all mail I receive into a local archive. If I were a webmail serf, I'd probably download RE submissions too.

Reading Excuses / Re: A couple of notes on formatting
« on: May 18, 2010, 06:35:17 AM »
I agree that that's useful. In fact, I sort my RE email folder by author, not date.

Don't get me wrong - I'll oblige and put my handle in my filenames. It's just that it seems more sensible to me to use your email client to organize your emails than it does to expend energy trying to convince a group of people to change their behavior.

Reading Excuses / Re: A couple of notes on formatting
« on: May 18, 2010, 05:59:57 AM »
Plain text forever!

Also, I've asked before (though not to you), but what are you doing downloading submissions? Make a rule to sort the emails into a folder, and never worry about filenames again.

Reading Excuses / Tofu, the awesome reader app
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:39:14 AM »
Hey guys,

Just thought I'd share a little gem of an app that I've recently discovered with y'all. It's called Tofu, it's free, and it's a Mac-only reader for RTF, Plain Text, and Word documents. Let's face it: reading submissions in an interface designed for writing is a pain. Tofu lays out your documents in readable columns that scroll smoothly from left to right. And, well, that's it. But! It has made reading your submissions a much more pleasant experience for me, so I thought I'd share.

At first I was a little put off by the horizontal scrolling, but then I realized that not only is that how books read, but it's also the only method that makes sense when using multiple columns.

Heh, I may well be the only Mac user in the group. If that's the case, sorry for gloating. :)

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:32:32 AM »
I'm working on something. I've set a goal to have a submission for you by tomorrow, and the best goals are public.

So: I'd like to submit tomorrow. Make sure to point and laugh if I don't make it.

Dan Wells / Re: IRL Serial Killers
« on: May 16, 2010, 06:19:10 AM »
I must be the odd man out, because I have absolutely no interest in serial killers. If I happen to know an SK's name, it's because I absorbed it through cultural osmosis, and not because I sought to know about them.

I read IANASK because people told me it was awesome. :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings Acknowledgments List
« on: May 16, 2010, 03:23:46 AM »
If you think your name should be on this list, tell me.

Yeah go ahead and add me to that list.  I always thought it would be cool to appear in a book.

Lulz. ;D

Wait. That WAS a joke...right? Please?

Rants and Stuff / Re: Web Design
« on: May 15, 2010, 10:26:38 PM »
Certain layouts that tables excel at are difficult to achieve with divs and CSS. The biggest challenges involve vertical bars; if you want any columns to be equal in height you'll have a rough time of it with divs. This is why some people still use them.

However, in my experience, using tables for layout always gets you in the end. The layouts they create are not amenable to modification, and they produce cluttered markup files that are difficult to read and maintain. Simple, clean, semantic markup really is the best way to go. Don't let the religious zealots who decry tables as sin deter you; it's a pragmatic principle that you really should follow. You know, for your health.

And, once you let go of the layouts that CSS sucks at, you'll discover the layouts that tables suck at but divs and CSS are fantastic for.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Computer Trouble
« on: May 15, 2010, 06:28:42 AM »
Is it even possible to uninstall IE under XP? I thought it was a critical piece of the system. They could have fixed that by XP or one of its service packs; I'm too lazy to google it.

Howard Tayler / Re: Did I miss something?
« on: May 15, 2010, 03:56:31 AM »
Another theme of these stories has been "developing minor characters", though admittedly this may just be necessitated by the split company.

I predict Legs will get a promotion out of this (and overdue at that). Nick might as well. His would be just barely due. I seem to recall a spot opening up in the command chain fairly recently...

Rants and Stuff / Re: Web Design
« on: May 15, 2010, 03:46:45 AM »
If you're using tables for layout, you deserve what you get. :P

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