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Messages - happyman

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK Cover Art Questions
« on: December 20, 2010, 03:45:33 PM »
Hey all

One thing that has been bothering me is that I've never been quite sure what the cover of The Way Of Kings exactly depicts.

Clearly it's the Shattered Plains, I assume that's a highstorm coming, and a figure in Shardplate standing? But what actual scene from the book is it?

Also, does anybody know if the next 9 books will have covers by Welan aswell? Wouldn't that be incredible! Although it could be interesting to see different styles too, I suppose.

Thanks  :)

I've assumed that that was Dalinar and the Parshendi shardbearer saluting each other.  But if anyone has any other suggestions, I'm game.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Bridge 4 Crew T-Shirts
« on: December 20, 2010, 03:44:18 PM »
Has "I survived Bridge 4 (and all I got was this lousy t-shirt)." been suggested? 

or a bumper sticker with "Keep honking for just 10 more heartbeats..."?

I really like the "honking" one.  But I admit, practically nobody out in the real world will get it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: December 20, 2010, 03:42:49 PM »
**** On topic Towers of Midnight Spoilers  *******

Well, in point of fact, we know who killed Asmodean.  It was Graendel.  They dropped more than enough hints in Towers of Midnight for 99.99% of the fans to figure it out on their own.  For the absolute nuts, they included an entry in the glossary stating it outright.

I never cared much, but Graendel always seemed to be the best candidate, simply because there were no decent arguments against her (and what little circumstantial evidence there was pointed to her).  But seriously, I stopped paying attention years ago.  I was just curious about the fan reaction after realizing it had finally been revealed.  As Jordan tried to say many times, though, the answer was extremely mundane.  This disappointed fans, but they really should have listened to the author  :).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« on: December 20, 2010, 03:36:53 PM »
Everyone focuses on Szeth vs Kaladin because they're both Windrunners, but how about Szeth vs Jasnah instead?

That fight would go rather differently for Szeth.

The other reason everybody focuses on this fight is because Szeth was just sent to assassinate Dalinar.  Dalinar just employed Kaladin to be his bodyguard.  It's not hard to speculate where that might be headed.  Of course, we could be surprised, and knowing Brandon, it would be an even better plot than what we're imagining.  But it's a very natural fight to expect.

You know how it says, somewhere, that one of the three viewpoint characters would ruin the world?  (I don't remember where, but that means that either Dalinar, Shallan, or Kaladin are going to do something really stupid.)  My bet is on Kaladin.  He just seems too easily embittered, and while he did a ton of good in this first book, I can easily see him turning into a much shadier guy as we get deeper into the series.

I mean, once he gets his powers developed, he'll be just as unstoppable as Szeth--but without any random oaths to anybody else.  I can see him going Loose Cannon on Roshar brightlords sometime in the future.

Dalinar or Adolin might never kill Sadeas, but Kaladin?  Oh, boy.

It's on the back of the hardcover, and you're forgetting Szeth, who is the most probable character to go off destroying things at this point.
It seems to me that Kaladin and Szeth will end up being very opposite, I mean, Kaladin is embracing the Oaths, and Szeth is following an 'honor' of a very different sort. Personally, I think that while Szeth is far more practiced, Kaladin will be an even match for him relatively soon since these Oaths seems to be giving him power.

Don't forget that, as Teft noticed, Kaladin is a master of the spear.  He hasn't used Stormlight as much as Szeth, but his other practice might manage to make up for it, as well as the oaths.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Thunderclasts *WoK Spoilers*
« on: October 18, 2010, 06:00:36 PM »
Speaking of spren and thunderclasts, I noted this in my re-read:
Dalinar looked up at the hulking carcass. Tiny, near-invisible spren were floating out of the beast’s body, vanishing into the air. They looked like the tongues of smoke that might come off a candle after being snuff ed. Nobody knew what kind of spren they were; you only saw them around the freshly killed bodies of greatshells.

No clue what it means but I think it bears mention.

I think the current theory is that these Spren are part of the magic that allows the Greatshell's to survive despite their ridiculous proportions, and that the creatures of Roshar naturally capture Spren in order to survive the extremes found there.

There is too much of the Almighty in the highstorms for them to originally come from Odium, though it is possible for Odium to have 'hijacked' them.

I don't think it the land can just be broken into three parts and a shard given to each part. There is much mixture between the societies, indicating that the shards have influenced more than one culture.

Also, there are two different ways to read this epigraph, one that includes Odium as one of the three, and one that counts him as a 4th.  Which way are you reading it?:
11.“Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns.”—Collected: Chachanan, 1173, 84 seconds pre-death. Subject: a cutpurse with the wasting sickness, of partial Iriali descent.
Brandon has stated that there are only 3 shards directly related to this series, so I think the former interpretation is more likely (Odium being one of the three).

Yes, well, I'd like to see this quote.  I've been waiting for it, actually.  Where is it?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: knights radient
« on: October 17, 2010, 12:03:42 AM »

I like the idea about Szeth's Oathstone being a tracer of sorts. And I can see him placing enough weight in his honor that if someone with lots of influence in Shinovar (ie a stone shaman) were to tell him that the only honor he could achieve in life was through serving the holder of his oathstone, it'd hold him. His oathstone isn't like the Oath Rod in WoT where it compels him to act, IMO.

I agree with this.  I think that his behavior is enforced strictly internally, but that when we understand why he believes it so thoroughly, it will shock us.

Note that he believes that if he does not obey the owner of the oathstone, his soul will be destroyed, whereas if he does obey the owner, he will go to hell but still exist as a soul.  It's an odd religion from what little I've picked up of it.

Ten books, people.

It really isn't hard to see that we're being set up for at least a few long-range plot and character arcs.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mist Spirit *Mistborn Spoilers*
« on: October 13, 2010, 07:51:47 PM »
Maybe they just meant the fog was unusually thick.  That's my guess.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Shattered Plain War Questions (Possible Spoilers)
« on: October 11, 2010, 03:46:25 PM »
I'm worried that the Parshendi have had a constant influx of reinforcements as Parshmen (or whatever) get changed to become Parshendi.  Or something like that.  After all, their estimates of how the war is going is based on the assumption that they know how many Parshendi they are.  They could be totally wrong.

I've always kinda thought it was odd how everything about Shinovar is more like our world. All the unique things about Roshar don't seem to apply there.

It does seem to imply that Cultivation and the Shin are closely related.

The other odd thing about Shinovar is that the highstorms never reach it.  They apparently can't get past the mountains.

This is probably connected as well.  No highstorms==no reason for the world to adapt to hurricane-force winds.

It could be as simple as evolution, or it could be a different Shard's domain, or what is left of one.

There are many hints that the beleifs of the Shin lean towards being effected by or including Cultivation.
They respect Farmers and craftsmen "He who adds is to be revered." Szeth refers to himself as "he who takes away"

The misted mountains do not just stop the storms they cause the storms to break apart and fade away, I think there may be more to it.

Well, being protected by a different Shard might be a reason the storms break up.  I was just noting the most obvious difference between Shinovar and the rest of the world.

I've always kinda thought it was odd how everything about Shinovar is more like our world. All the unique things about Roshar don't seem to apply there.

It does seem to imply that Cultivation and the Shin are closely related.

The other odd thing about Shinovar is that the highstorms never reach it.  They apparently can't get past the mountains.

This is probably connected as well.  No highstorms==no reason for the world to adapt to hurricane-force winds.

It could be as simple as evolution, or it could be a different Shard's domain, or what is left of one.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dalinar's visions
« on: October 08, 2010, 06:20:05 PM »
Time travel is a hard idea to do properly.  Lots of people have tried, and many have failed.  The trouble is that causality is such a deep part of our understanding of the world (instinctive, I suspect) that we just can't deal with what time travel would do to us.  Partly because of this, I suspect that the recordings theory is more accurate than actual time travel in this case.

My theory is that the Almighty's ability to give visions is related to Shallan's memories.  Because the Almighty is a Shardholder, he has the ability to Memorize, not a two-dimensional image, but a whole scene in time, including the personalities (spirits?) of the people involved.  Just like his taking the memory would be more powerful than Shallan's memories, his ability to play them back would also be extremely enhanced, resulting in what is essentially a three-dimensional interactive world.  Just like Shallan, however, he has a hard time placing himself in the scene---changing what he saw would presumably be a lot harder, and putting himself into the scenes means changing one of the participants personalities, suspending the playback, or similar changes.  It's harder, and probably requires more time; time he may not have had when he realized Odium was going to kill him.

Notice that the scene in which the Almighty appears himself is not at all interactive.  It's setting probably comes from a possible future, so even then it would not be created from complete scratch.

There's also no mention of spren in the Interlude that happens in Shinovar.
Fabrials brought in from outside function in Shinovar, but natives find the idea of using Soulcasting to transmute materials to be "bemusing".

Oh, they mention spren all right.  They're notable by their complete absence!

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