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Messages - maxonennis

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Reading Excuses / Re: 3-2-09 maxonennis
« on: March 05, 2009, 06:21:37 PM »
As for genders...I think it will take me a long time before I get them down. Luckily I've already gotten used to referring to them as "it's" rather than he/she.
Well ... except when you slip up and show that you do think of An'Nainin as male ...

For that same reason Hogosha is trying to hurry An’Nainin back to their grounds so that it can be immediately put into classes for the specialty that “they” want him to study.
(emphasis added)

Yes, but I wrote that two weeks ago  :P. By now I've got it.

Reading Excuses / Re: 3-2-09 maxonennis
« on: March 05, 2009, 04:14:40 PM »
Q4: Japanese was fine, but I would suggest finding subtler ways to explain them then footnotes. They annoyed me a little bit. And all the different 'tongues' confused me a bit too (the references to switching from first tongue to another tongue and whatnot.)

Yeah, I wouldn't use footnotes if it had been the real story, but I thought it would be best in this situation. As for the flipping back and forth between languages, I've yet to decide how I wanted to relay that to the readers without coming out and saying it. If you guys have any suggestions, let me know. Hogosha has ascended once already, and its mouth has developed in a way that makes it difficult to speak the first tongue, so it uses it uses the first tongue sparingly and only when it absolutely has to.

As for genders...I think it will take me a long time before I get them down. Luckily I've already gotten used to referring to them as "it's" rather than he/she.

Oh, and Frog, QP is on my desk waiting to be read this weekend. I bought a crate of coffee, and set aside all prior appointments in hopes that I might be able to read the entire thing this weekend.  :P

Dan Wells / Happy Birthday, Dan!
« on: March 04, 2009, 06:34:31 PM »
I hope you get something with bacon  :D

Reading Excuses / Re: 3-2-09 maxonennis
« on: March 04, 2009, 02:50:07 AM »
This is prewriting, so I tend to jump back and forth with how long after this encounter An'Nainin wrote this, thus he now knows what Hogosha said then. But it is awkward relaying it this way.

Something I'm trying to get across is that they are "born" as adults. They have an adult level ability to absorb and apply knowledge. Because if this An’Nainin is already slowly picking up Hogosha’s language, and a few customs along the way. For that same reason Hogosha is trying to hurry An’Nainin back to their grounds so that it can be immediately put into classes for the specialty that “they” want him to study.

The creatures are also born with the physical attributes of an adult (that’s if you don’t count ascension, as I don’t).

Howard Tayler / Re: Is that the tinkle of breaking paradigms I hear?
« on: March 03, 2009, 10:51:55 PM »

Reading Excuses / Re: The tragedy of me!~
« on: March 03, 2009, 06:37:33 PM »
That's weird because I keep everything I've ever written on one jump drive and I've never lost it. It's probably because I'm hyper protective of all my vast secrets and hidden knowledge.  ::)

Reading Excuses / Re: 3-2-09 maxonennis
« on: March 02, 2009, 04:12:48 PM »
I'm going to go ahead and clarify something before anyone asks.

1. Yes, the first tongue is Japanese, but for the most part only nouns and verbs.

2. Akachan is incorrect. I believe it should be aka-chan, but I thought it looked better all together.

Hogosha paused and then started talking once more in my own tongue. “Shihai , ascendancy. Reaching the next form of existence.”

I didn't say it in text, but there are two Japanese words for ascendancy and Hogosha used the second one (which I can't remember) right after Shihai in this line.

Reading Excuses / 3-2-09 maxonennis
« on: March 02, 2009, 03:49:02 AM »
I'm going to go ahead and put up a thread now so I don't have to wake up early tomorrow (I'm not a morning person).

I have several questions for readers about the story. I would ask that you read the submission before reading the questions (I don’t want them to influence your responses).

Question one: the characters are none gender, did it feel to you as if one or the other belonged to a set gender? And if it did, which one?

Question two: An’Nainin has, obviously, just become animated. An’ has some child like personality aspects such as curiosity and being unable to think outside of the present. Did you feel this is overdone, or out of place?

Question three: Did the characters feel genuine? Did they feel correct to you?

Question four: Did I over use the Japanese words? (I read way too much manga…)

Feel free to mention anything else that caught your eye, but these are my biggest concerns. Thanks!

Dan Wells / Re: Burgers
« on: February 24, 2009, 11:28:38 PM »
Anything without bacon  ;D

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: February 23, 2009, 09:07:31 PM »
I suppose if you're going to twist my arm, I'll submit next Monday. But know that I did this of my own free will, and not because you begged.  8)

Dan Wells / Re: Now's your time, Dan...
« on: February 21, 2009, 12:25:07 AM »
Pitch A Night of Blacker Darkness to every publishing house NOW!

Writing Group / Re: Chapter Length
« on: February 20, 2009, 05:23:14 PM »
Rane, you want longer chapters? If so, as long as you're not titling each chapter, you can do what Ookla says. Although my chapters usually end up being about 3,000 words long, ideally each of them are a thousand words shorter because shorter chapters feels like I'm staying on task more even though I'm giving the same amount of story.

Reading Excuses / Re: Internal Dialogue, An Essay
« on: February 19, 2009, 05:45:33 AM »
Necroben, when I'm talking about narrative internal dialogue I mean that the thoughts of the narrative character is intertwined with the actual text, not separate as in the examples you've given.

Hold on, let me find a good example...okay it's taking too long to find the "perfect passage", but I'll make one up.

Exhibit A: The smiling girl skipped by. Bouncing pig tails, she mummed off key as she went. But why?

The "but why" is a thought. In most every book there are small bits of thought given like this in the story, but in some all thought is delivered this way.

Note: I had been looking through my copy of The Shadow of the Torturer for a good passage, but the entire book is so fused together with the main character's thoughts that you can't really see it with one sentence.

Reading Excuses / Re: Help!
« on: February 19, 2009, 01:53:50 AM »
I found my answer in the far east, on the other side of the world... ;)

Writing Group / Re: Chapter Length
« on: February 18, 2009, 11:03:39 PM »
I think short chapters are best. Mostly because that means that the story stays on course and gets to the action faster.

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