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Messages - Fireborn

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There were about 200 people there.  It was way fun, but there was much standing in line.  Everything wound down at about 3am.  I thought it was a blast, then again, this was my first signing.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Scribbler - 2011
« on: September 01, 2010, 12:23:46 AM »
DANG.  Guess I'm not reading it until the fall of 2013, then.  *sigh*

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Shalan - near end of book **SPOILERS**
« on: September 01, 2010, 12:18:20 AM »
My assumption is that her father had one and she got he when she killed him.  Though that does raise the question of how exactly she killed him when he has a shardblade.  Hmmm...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Scribbler - 2011
« on: August 30, 2010, 05:20:23 AM »
All the references to this book made me very excited when Moshe tweeted that.  Unfortunately, unless it's released in the first half of 2011 I won't be able to read it until 2013.  Rrrrgh...
And if anyone isn't taking Miyabi seriously, start, he totally means it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK ARCs
« on: August 30, 2010, 05:16:08 AM »
I just want Brandon to work on these now. Long time Wheel of Time fan and holy crap he needs to stop writing those and finish this series!
I'm extremely inclined to agree with you because I haven't read the WoT.  I've been saying he should work on his own stuff the whole time!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK ARCs
« on: August 29, 2010, 10:41:00 PM »
I got mine on Thursday and finished it yesterday.  It was SO GOOD!  Brandon's best?  Maybe.
I didn't post when I got it cuz, well, I wanted to read it!  I still can't wait for the release tomorrow!  I want to see the missing artwork, especially the map of Roshar.  It was frustrating to have him namedrop all those places and not being able to see how they fit together.  I want to see just how BIG this is.
The typos were annoying, but the big thing that really kicked me out of the book were the occasional notes about the text.  They threw off my groove! (I'm sorry, you've thrown off the Emperor's groove.) *aaaah!*

Brandon Sanderson / Re: New metal idea
« on: August 23, 2010, 08:55:17 PM »
Having all these different Larasium alloys adds loads to the table of allomantic metals, who's to say they would do anything? GIving somebody the ability to burn copped by giving them something made of two components one of which would give the ability to burn all metals doesn't really make much sense....
We do  have the word of god on this. Alloys of Lerasium change someone into a misting.

Do we? Because the last I heard, it was never directly confirmed. Larasium alloys were thought to make mistings, but it was still just speculation. I do agree, it does seem to be the best and most likely explanation. I'm just hesitant to base a lot of my assumptions off of it, because when it gets shot down, all that theorizing is moot ;D.

But I could be wrong. Do you mind letting me know where this was confirmed? Or at least pointing me in the right direction (Q&A, annotation, a specific thread)?
I'm pretty it says so on the Allomantic Metals poster.  Chaos, confirmation on this?

Wait, my understanding of how the totem works is that you have an item that only you know the weight and feel of, that way when you go into someone else's dream, they don't know how that item is balanced so it can't be recreated.  It's  not that a totem becomes "tainted", the reason you're not supposed to let someone else touch the totem is so that they can't recreate it, allowing you to differentiate between reality and dream.  It's the totem, it's someone else using the totem against you.  Now letting someone you trust is still a bad idea because, if they know the item, they subconsciously make it accurate making it useless in that person's dream.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK ARCs
« on: August 19, 2010, 10:52:56 PM »
A USPS package was in the mail today.  I was very excited.  It turned out to be the seatcovers my parents ordered for the car... :'(

Well, the thing is that that the only other person to touch the top is dead.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK ARCs
« on: August 17, 2010, 10:02:03 PM »
Mine got shipped today, so I'm not sure when I'll get it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK ARCs
« on: August 17, 2010, 08:49:42 PM »
I won an ARC on twitter!  I'm waiting to get it, and I'm so excited!

Just because they're archetypes doesn't make it not interesting to see how the details fit together.

From now on I'm going to recommend Mistborn as the Inception of fantasy books.  That'll get people's attention. ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: [Spoilers] Just finished Mistborn... confused
« on: August 12, 2010, 06:05:26 AM »
I like how you say that as if I'm some kind of authority on the subject.  Which I'm really not.

;D Well, your explanation sounded plausible enough to me, mainly since it didn't involve Preservation making any overhauls on his magic system, just him changing the way the mistsickness worked to try to send a message to Elend.

And since I just copy+pasted your text, I wanted to give you credit and let other people see where I grabbed it from, but I didn't bother to get the Quote-link that the site can provide.
Well, thank you.
I actually brought up the atium burning issue in another topic.  I have the same problem with it you do.

Oh really? Did you get any satisfactory answers?
No, not really.
Well, didn't some of the soldiers die from the mistsickness?  I'm assuming that those might have been the mistborn.  A shame they died, but it's not like Preservation could fine tune the mists for them.

I guess they could have been Mistborn, but I don't think so, personally. More likely people who were unable to bear the attempted Snapping for some other reason. Things like heart or lung defects, the old and the young, people who were already sick with some other normal disease, or whatever else. They just couldn't handle the stress of the mistsickness.
That would make sense.
I believe it is NOT confirmed. But it is a popular theory that has not been denied.

Okay, maybe I do need to find my quote  :P

Aha! There we go, found it. It was on the Barnes and Noble Q&A. And hey, the reason I remember it was because I asked the question.

Hemalurgically, atium steals Allomantic Temporal Powers. But, that seems unlikely, since atium is a god metal. It wouldn't fit in with the rest of the magic system. Did Preservation, in addition to switching Cadmium and Bendalloy for Atium and Malatium, also switch atium's Feruchemical and Hemalurgic powers with Cadmium? Because it seems to me there's not a lot of atium Marsh can use to live for hundreds of years into the next Mistborn trilogy. :P

Preservation wanted Atium and Malatium to be of use to the people, as he recognized that it would be a very powerful tool--and that using it up could help defeat Ruin.  But he also recognized that sixteen was a mythological important number, and felt it would make the best sign for his followers.  So he took out the most unlikely (difficult to make and use) metals for his sign to his followers.  But that doesn't have much to do with Hemalurgy's use here.
Remember that the tables--and the ars Arcanum--are 'in world' creations.  (Or, at least, in-universe.)  The knowledge represented in them is as people understand it, and can always have flaws.  That was the case with having atium on the table in the first place, and that was the case with people (specifically the Inquisitors) trying to figure out what atium did Hemalurgically.
Their experiments (very expensive ones) are what determined that atium (which they thought was just one of the sixteen metals) granted the Allomantic Temporal powers.  What they didn't realize is that atium (used correctly) could steal ANY of the powers.  Think of it as a wild card.  With the right knowledge, you could use it to mimic any other spike.  It works far better than other spikes as well.

As for Marsh, he's got a whole bag of atium (taken off of the Kandra who was going to try to sell it.)  So he's all right for quite a while.  A small bead used right can reverse age someone back to their childhood.
But this was a little beyond their magical understanding at the time.

Emphasis mine for the specific piece of interest.

All of Brandon's answers from that specific Q&A have been reposted here: This one was midway down on the second page.
Guess not, Peter.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings release date change?
« on: August 11, 2010, 10:04:25 PM »
I'm keeping 25 bucks set aside for the night of the 30th.  But then I'm gonna go to the signing on the 31st at the Barnes and Noble that I live, literally, five minutes from.  Two doses of Sanderson in 24 hours!  Yes!

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