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Messages - happyman

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Question about The Lord Ruler/Skaa/etc
« on: January 14, 2011, 03:16:37 PM »
That all makes a bit of sense.  Especially the part with storing youth.

Thinking about TLR really makes me curious.  I'd love to read a novel/short story about the time period right after the logbook ends.  Reading everything about him at the well, discovering/gaining allomantic abilities, his rise to power, etc.  I think it'd be an interesting story.

I think it'd be depressing, actually.  I got the impression he wasn't a particularly good leader.  Sure, the worst excesses probably came from Ruin's twisting, but my suspicion is that he wasn't a good leader in any case, just obscenely overpowered with his combo of Allomancy, Feruchemy and Hemalurgy (the last used to create Koloss, Kandra and Inquisitors, which all extend his power even if he does not let himself get spiked excessively.)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: knights radient
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:35:14 PM »

You know, the scene where the Knights Radiant gave up has always seemed more than a little bit unusual to me.

In the other visions Dalinar saw, even for other parts of that same vision, things seemed "normal" until the Almighty patched in his extra message.  Humans reacted in the way humans normally react.  We didn't have the complete background, but that's OK; the feeling that it's there never really seemed to waver.  But with that vision---things seemed really, really odd.  Why didn't the Knights Radiant respond to Dalinar's questions?  Why didn't they at least say something to the people they were abandoning?  That whole scene seemed like a nightmare, not a piece of history.  Something happened with that vision, and I'm not sure what, exactly.  I don't think it's a "Odium tampered with the visions," not the same way it happened in Mistborn.  But something seems really, really off.
Quite possibly. But I don't think the whole vision was tampered with. Only the end part. The beginning feels normal enough.

Very true.  The beginning is normal enough.  It's just when Dalinar runs out and tries to talk to the radiants that things pick up a surreal feel.  It's almost like that bit isn't literally true, but rather symbolic, if that makes any sense.  Maybe the context is such that it makes sense, if we knew more history.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Roshar and the Ocean. (very minor spoilers)
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:32:45 PM »
Also, how is Roshar not in the spellcheck here?  ???

The spellchecker isn't on the website.  It's in your personal browser.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: knights radient
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:59:03 PM »
Can I just throw out a random theory on the Knights Radiant here? I was reading the back of the book, and ended up just staring at the line, "before the Heralds abandoned us and the Knights Radiant turned against us." for ten minutes.
For no apparently reason it occurred to me that maybe the Radiants have somehow 'fallen from grace' for lack of a better term, and that maybe they got cursed, or something to that effect.

It's been a long time since I have had the book--I just barely got it back--and I'm too lazy to look it up, but I remember something about the Voidbringers being the parshmen, or at least that's what Jasnah thinks. Any chance the Radiants are Parshendi? or vise versa?

I just had to write it down before I started pulling apart the flaws :P

Any thoughts?

I don't think it was so much the knights that fell to grace, but the humans around them. Without the threat of the voidbringers, humanity started fighting amongst themselves, and the knights got sick and tired of being used in these fights, so they gave up and let humanity fight amongst themselves.

You'd think if they were sick and tired of all the fighting they would have hidden the Blades and Plate away where nobody was going to find them anytime soon, of course, maybe the other orders besides the Windrunners  and Stonewards did, and that's why there are hundreds of Shards missing. Rather then you know leaving the fighting people with even better ways to kill each other.
Or it could be just their way of saying "You know what? You want to use these things to slaughter each other, you have fun with that. We're done."

You know, the scene where the Knights Radiant gave up has always seemed more than a little bit unusual to me.

In the other visions Dalinar saw, even for other parts of that same vision, things seemed "normal" until the Almighty patched in his extra message.  Humans reacted in the way humans normally react.  We didn't have the complete background, but that's OK; the feeling that it's there never really seemed to waver.  But with that vision---things seemed really, really odd.  Why didn't the Knights Radiant respond to Dalinar's questions?  Why didn't they at least say something to the people they were abandoning?  That whole scene seemed like a nightmare, not a piece of history.  Something happened with that vision, and I'm not sure what, exactly.  I don't think it's a "Odium tampered with the visions," not the same way it happened in Mistborn.  But something seems really, really off.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Roshar and the Ocean. (very minor spoilers)
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:48:35 PM »
I have to go with those who say it is how the world has adapted to the Highstorms.

They are, far and away, the most important fact of life for plants and animals in Roshar.  Anything that can't survive a highstorm is dead.  This means shells, retracting into the ground, or finding a safe place to hide, or perhaps flying above the storms.  Assuming that the changes happened a sufficiently long time ago, the niches filled in our world by what we consider normal creatures would probably have been filled by creatures from the sea who kept many of their adaptions in the new environment for the very simple fact that they are still needed, even on land.

On a side note, I'd add that many of the creatures so described can't exist in our world, simply because an exoskeleton becomes impractical when it gets scaled up too large (the muscles have a hard time supporting the bulk; muscle strength goes up linearly in size, while mass goes up as the cube).  It's probably not a coincidence that all those creatures have gems in them.  I'm repeating the speculation of others here, but I find their arguments convincing.

Howard Tayler / Re: Oh, they would pick Celeschul, wouldn't they?
« on: January 07, 2011, 06:38:48 PM »
Oh yes.  Personally, it seems to me that tangling with Tagon's hazy past would be fun.  But I'm sure plenty of other things could go wrong.

Man, I love this strip.

Do you think the guy from the mall (or his friends) will bump into Kathryn and company? Old friends and all that...

Personally I'm holding out for a less epic storyline for this round.  Something local and simple, that's what I hope for.

Howard Tayler / Re: Oh, they would pick Celeschul, wouldn't they?
« on: January 04, 2011, 04:26:59 PM »
Oh yes.  Personally, it seems to me that tangling with Tagon's hazy past would be fun.  But I'm sure plenty of other things could go wrong.

Man, I love this strip.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: January 04, 2011, 04:25:24 PM »
Pardon my French, but I thought it was pretty badass of Rand to walk right into the White Tower without a drop of fear and announce he was going to break the seals. I honestly don't know why he'd do that though. Wouldn't the Dark One be immediately released once they're all broken?? Shouldn't he wait until EVERYONE was right in front of Shayol Ghul to do that??

The bore was open from the time it was made up until when Lews Therin sealed it, and the Dark One was not able to break out during that time. I understand the War of the Shadow lasted several years. His influence over the Pattern will increase when the seals are broken, but I don't think he's able to break out just yet.

This is a really good point, and something I suspect will be addressed in the last book.

As Verin pointed out, we don't really know what the Dark One wants with the world or how much he can influence it.  There's a lot of speculation out there.  I'm not in a camp, because I suspect we don't have enough knowledge to know  :).  The one thing I do believe for certain is that he's lying to the Forsaken, except perhaps to Ishamael.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« on: January 04, 2011, 04:17:35 PM »
I really want to see everybody intersect at the same time. Szeth shows up to fight Dalinar, but Kaladin gets in the way of that, and as their battling Jasnah and Shallan show up and offer the aid of their Soulcasting abilities. Oh, and maybe Amaram can show up just in time to watch it all :)

The only thing I can think in response to that is "The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills."

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Kaladin and Kalad
« on: January 04, 2011, 04:16:39 PM »

*** Warbreaker spoilers ***

Kalad was an alternate name for Vasher.  Or perhaps I should call him Warbreaker?

I don't really see a connection here.

Howard Tayler / Re: Well, that's a crew...
« on: December 26, 2010, 09:22:16 PM »
He forgot to use weasel words!  The weasel words are there to protect them.  What could he possibly be thinking?

On a side note, I'd very much like it if this could be one of the toughs Little Adventures (tm) that is fun without having all kinds of cosmic side-effects.  Howard is usually good about adding those, and I'd say the time is right for another one.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Favourite Minor Character
« on: December 26, 2010, 09:14:08 PM »
I like Baxil and his mistress.  Their interlude is my favorite.  There's just something about random chaos that brightens my day. ;D

Ah, but that interlude was almost certainly anything but random!  There have been some very shrewd guesses as to her identity, and I for one am pretty certain the most obvious one is correct.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Ten Focus Characters of the 10 SA Books
« on: December 26, 2010, 09:11:10 PM »
I'd guess that Teft is going to be very important, no matter what happens.

So much so, I've almost wondered if he was going to be a main character somewhere along the line.  His backstory seems to have been fairly well developed.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Spren - (Major Spoilers TWoK)
« on: December 22, 2010, 02:02:28 PM »
Ahh yeah, I forgot about the creationspren being visible when she draws sometimes.  So I guess it is a spren specific to Soulcasting, but is seen at different times for different people.  Jasnah doesn't see them in the same way that Shallan sees them, I'm guessing because of their different Order.  We will have to see what else we can learn about Spren in general I suppose, to find out exactly how they are attracted.

Spren seem to be attracted to whatever causes them.  Or they're the reason things happen.  Either way, I suspect that for Jasnah and Shallan, they were attracted to their rigorous intellectual honesty.  Not honesty with other people, mind, but their love of scholarship.

Howard Tayler / Re: ET Phone Home?
« on: December 20, 2010, 03:59:38 PM »
No, it's not ET.

It's his uncle.

Seriously?  Yeah, I think you pegged it.

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