Author Topic: Religion (Potentially sensitive)  (Read 38299 times)

The Jade Knight

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Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« Reply #135 on: November 21, 2008, 06:27:07 AM »
But you dont need religion to be a good person, or a bad person. And religion does not make someone good, or bad, automatically. People are as they are. Bad people exist everywhere, in every religion 9or lack thereof), every race, every gender.

I agree completely.  This has nothing to do with the truth of the relosophy supposedly held by those individuals, but on their own use of agency.

However, some relosophies encourage people to be more "good" than others.  I think it's no secret that Naziism, for example, isn't going to help one get along with one's neighbors...
« Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 06:31:57 AM by The Generous Knight »
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Re: Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« Reply #136 on: November 21, 2008, 06:34:29 AM »
I've gone and renamed the thread, as it's no longer about Brandon at all.
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Re: Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« Reply #137 on: November 21, 2008, 06:51:30 AM »
It should be noted that FairLDS isn't actually a good place to learn about what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe. It's only good for learning what's wrong with anti-Mormon propaganda.

Ultimately, neither anti-Mormons nor apologists will give you a picture of LDS beliefs that has bearing on day-to-day LDS doctrine and worship. Want to know about Mormons? Go to an LDS church for the entire three-hour meeting block (better yet, go to two Sundays of meetings, one of which should be a first Sunday of the month and one not). Want to know the LDS view of listening to modern prophets? Watch an entire session of General Conference with no interruptions (and no popcorn). Want to know why we believe in the Book of Mormon? Read the Book of Mormon.

If you don't want to know what we believe, then don't do those things—your choice.
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Re: Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« Reply #138 on: November 21, 2008, 06:57:28 AM »
It should be noted that FairLDS isn't actually a good place to learn about what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe. It's only good for learning what's wrong with anti-Mormon propaganda.

Well, yeah, but...I get the impression that he probably doesn't want to go check out for that matter. And solely based on his posts here, I just can't see him having a desire to go check out a sacrament meeting in a local ward....So this is the next best thing. It's much better than how he's currently getting his info.....

Oh, and I love how you throw in "no popcorn" for the Conference thing.....Do cinnamon rolls count? Because my family has a tradition involving cinnamon rolls and conference. It's good....A little distracting for a few minutes perhaps, but good nonetheless.
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Re: Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« Reply #139 on: November 21, 2008, 06:57:50 AM »
Mok has a point, and this holds true of any religion—if you want to evaluate any religion, it is best to do so by talking to adherents and reading the beliefs of the religion as written by adherents.  Take the religion on its own weight, instead of on the hateful weight of its detractors.

It's kind of like, when choosing a politician, do you base your choice entirely on what bad things one politician has said about the other, or do you actually look at their platform?
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Re: Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« Reply #140 on: November 21, 2008, 09:03:35 AM »
I'm not really good at wording things to sound smart or even remotely intelligent, so I'll just say this.  :D

I have no problem with religion, or even religious people per se. My only problem comes from people trying to push their beliefs on others. Note, I am not referring to JUST religious people in this statement, everyone does it to an extent. I am the last person to deny anyone the right to practice their own religion, but when that religion or belief begins to effect my life and the lives of my friends and/or family, then there is a problem.

Again, I'm not generalizing any certain religions here, just my two cents.

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Re: Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« Reply #141 on: November 21, 2008, 09:09:59 AM »
I feel the exact same way about politics, Cthulhu.  People can believe whatever they want, but the moment they start trying to push their politics on me, by, say drafting laws which affect me...
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Re: Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« Reply #142 on: November 21, 2008, 01:40:13 PM »
Faith requires evidence.  I have faith because I have seen the evidence which underlies it.  Skar can tell you the same.  Mok Apple Pie can tell you the same.  We have seen the evidence of "the pie" which is God, and that is why we have faith!

In a scientific method, you must be able to reproduce your evidence and draw the same conclusion. You say you have evidence. But really, all you can say is "I have a relationship with God" - that is not evidence, that is a belief, a feeling, call it personal evidence if you will, you cannot reproduce your evidence for me to see. You have no observable evidence of God or any higher power. If you use y0ur evidence and your "logic" you could prove the existence of aliens, ghosts and the boogie man. DesCartes method was flawed, and has been refined over the years.

Now, again, I am not saying you shouldnt believe as you do. But you cannot prove to me, or anyone else, that what you believe is a fact. No religion can. And that is why it is religion, and not science.

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Re: Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« Reply #143 on: November 21, 2008, 03:19:34 PM »
I'm locking the thread. My post pointing out that this was not about proving or disproving a religion was completely ignored. THat is *NOT* what we do here.

Drakogy, do it again, and you're banned.
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