Author Topic: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books  (Read 83091 times)


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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #105 on: September 09, 2010, 04:52:51 AM »
Here are some I wrote down from WoK. I hope they all make sense. They're all from my hardcover copy I got at the BYU release.

Page 197: "You're doing well with your command son," Dalinar said, nodding to a group of soldiers at they passed and saluted. (Should be as)

Page 207: The archers continued to fire, and more than a few of their shafts bristled form the chasmfiend's face. (Should be from)

Page 251: Oddly, he noticed a group older boys gathering... (Needs an of between "group" and "older")

Page 416: The longer her worked (her should be he)

Page 584: Was it angry at being forced belong the horizon? (below)

Page 624 He [Amaram] sighed, glancing back at Amaram. (Should be Roshone)

Page 704: The glyphs, reversed, read sas nahn. ("sas" isn't italicized)

Page 731: Dalinar He caught up to the Radiants... (Either "Dalinar" or "He" needs to go)

745: He looked up with as Kaladin... (Either "with" needs to go, or something like "with desperation" or "with hope" or something needs to be put in)

750: ...he grabbed the vegetable disk between two fingers and began eat. (Maybe "eating", but more likely "to eat")

850: ... gripping the stone railing, leading forward. (leaning)

903: He stood up, meaning to gather some men to carry Moash and Teft... (Moash wasn't hurt, Skar was. Kaladin even takes Moash with him a few paragraphs later.)

931: Dalinar climbed down, trying to get to the Parshendi while he was still. (This one might not be a mistake, but it felt like it should read "while he was still down.")


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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #106 on: September 09, 2010, 07:02:13 AM »
Last batch you'll see from me. I finished today. :)

779.6 "So if Sadeas could arrive first, then hold out long enough for Dalinar get his men across..." Dalinar TO get his men across
793.14 "He could the use extra men..." use the
924.1 "'He wanted them to bunch up against us,' one the spearmen said."
935.1 "Ahead, he could make out a figure in scratched blue Shardplate, fighting at the front of group." THE group
936.10 "Adolin cut down through multiple men at once..." May not be an error, I'm not clear. Does it mean to say Adolin is swinging his Blade downward through multiple men at once? Or did he cut them down? Or cut through them?
940.12 "Adolin and last of his troops filed along behind him." THE last of his troops.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #107 on: September 11, 2010, 12:45:30 AM »
things to be added     things to be removed

91.3 - "She blinked open her eyes to find the king and his bodyguard huddled against the wall beside to her."
155.6 - "Well, then, they could attack from the sea!"
158.1 - "Leaves were plastered by rainwater to the rough sides of the barracks."
161.4 - "You'd always find the young, untrained men and protect them, even though it put you into danger."
172.3 - "The crab squirmed some more, and Nan Balat held up the leg, pinching the beast with two fingers on in his other hand."
270.11 - "He pressed a bandage against the side, holding it in place with his knee, then tied a quick bandage on the leg, ordering one of the soldiers bridgemen to hold it firm and elevate the limb."
447.9 - "He summoned his Shardblade in the stillness and dark, then used it to slice a hole in the dome, angling his Blade so that the chunk of rock did not fall down inside."
   Earlier, in paragraph 5, it is implied that he has already summoned his Blade, and he doesn't dismiss it: "Ten heartbeats after the passing of the guards, Szeth Lashed himself to the wall."
483.5  -"Kal had an image in his head of the reptilian creatures, as big as horses but with carapaces across their backs"
659.4 - "Maybe the Almighty is preserving you," Syl said."
718.6 - "Szeth leaped off the wall, Lashing himself downward as he flipped, landing with one knee on the dinning table."
   For Szeth "downward" is the wall because he's currently Lashed to it. Therefor Lashing himself downward would just re-Lash him to the wall and not the floor.
720.7 - "He Lashed himself back downward, dropping behind the Shardbearer to land on the broken table top."
   See above
735.13 - "That was the very same reason they didn't let Renarin ride into battle."
804.4 - "One day," Hoid said, "while Derethil and his men were sparring to regain their strength, a young serving girl brought them refreshments."
879.5 - "I'm convinced my master keeps an extra apprentice especially for those kinds of situations."


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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #108 on: September 12, 2010, 06:35:51 AM »
On the map of Shadesmar in WoK, there's a section labeled "Expanse of the densities".  Is that supposed to be densities, or was it supposed to be destinies?
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #109 on: September 12, 2010, 07:23:20 AM »
Densities is right, I'm pretty sure.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #110 on: October 08, 2010, 05:47:39 PM »
I only started taking notes about halfway through.  Here goes:


609.2 . . .what was hope it  (should be if)

609.6 Kaladin couldn't take their voices anymore.  (This sentence caused me to re-read for clarity and should probably go something like: "Kaladin couldn't abide the sound of their voices."    Just for natural flow.)

615.4  He was (one) of the most renowned. . .

651.14  That ('s) a funny name. . .

694.11  Maybe you'll you happen. . . (obvious)

739.6  expecting to me  (an extra to)

765.10  clung to the side of (the) gemstone

769.6  rifling should be riffling (this may occur in one other place, too, but I didn't note it)

793.13  He could the use extra men  (again, obvious)

817.5  I think it must have been a great distance. . . (does not, in my mind, fit with:) . . . do not walk like beggars for hundreds of miles (@ .9) Maybe just omit the "I think"?? 

871.13  too should be to

913.3  He thought (he) could see. . .

915.3  then should be them

I can't believe I found any new ones after this most thorough proofreading by all!  Especially Ryos!

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #111 on: October 11, 2010, 06:45:07 PM »
rifling is the correct term. But other than that, thanks.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #112 on: October 11, 2010, 09:10:18 PM »
does this include ebooks? there must be 10000+ in mistborn ebooks (gollancz)
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 09:14:48 PM by cromptj »

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #113 on: October 11, 2010, 11:17:58 PM »
Can you give some examples from the Gollancz ebooks? If they're OCR errors such as spelling Ham as Harn, I may have reported that kind of thing already. (I know I made some kind of report of a similar ebook error to one of the publishers.) Assuming there are a ton of errors like that, this isn't a good place to list them. What the company would need to do is start from a better source in the first place.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #114 on: October 11, 2010, 11:47:56 PM »
They're mainly that sort of thing but there are also some autocorrect errors such as writing "khlennium" as "millenium" "vin" as "via" etc.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 11:50:57 PM by cromptj »


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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #115 on: October 12, 2010, 03:42:31 AM »
WTF is anyone doing selling ebooks sourced from an OCR scan, anyway? If they're legit, why not start from the digital source documents?
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #116 on: October 12, 2010, 04:23:37 AM »
This is the question asked by reasonable people everywhere. Answer: I have no freaking idea.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #117 on: October 13, 2010, 11:21:55 AM »
Don't know if this was picked up, but in the paperback edition of Mistborn: WoA, the first line of the epigraph of chapter 16 has the word fuelled spelt 'fueled'.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #118 on: October 13, 2010, 09:08:50 PM »
fueled is the American spelling, fuelled the UK spelling. Are you in the UK? I haven't checked the UK editions for spelling errors at all.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #119 on: October 13, 2010, 10:20:11 PM »
The Way of Kings [HC], page 891, first printing:

"They soon entered the staging area.  Dalinar's father, in his Shardplate, was conferring with Teleb and Ilamar."

Pr' sure he's dead.  Should read "Adolin's father".

I noticed two other places that names were confused, but Omelethead nailed those.  On the whole, it was pretty well edited for such a massive work.  Props to Peter & Co.