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Need ideas for what Magic can do

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Thanks, Jason! That actually helped a lot. I especially like the combining of seemingly unconnected powers.

Jason R. Peters:
Glad to help.

The powers-matrix was actually created for a video game I intended to design, an RTS where you could...well...combine powers.

I wanted to see what would happen if you crossed Starcraft with Chronotrigger, but on a massive scale.


--- Quote from: Jason R. Peters on June 14, 2011, 01:43:23 AM ---The powers-matrix was actually created for a video game I intended to design, an RTS where you could...well...combine powers.
--- End quote ---

I did something similar to that to get an interesting story idea. I looked at my DVD collection, closed my eyes, and grabbed two or three at random. I then forced myself to combine the core storylines. I tried to find common elements between them no matter how odd. I actually combined Shawn of the Dead with the live action Popeye movie. You would be surprised at how well that worked.  When I tried this with the Stock Superpowers I got Your Hearts Desire combined with Powers via Possession. Hilarity ensued!  ;D

Jason R. Peters:
I want to make one final plug here that I respectfully disagree with the premise behind your original question.

It is phrased in such a way as to indicate:

1. You have an existing world or story and
2. You want to add magic over the top of said world/story

I challenge you, rather than using magic to SUPPLEMENT your existing world (adding fire magic or healing magic), build a story AROUND the magic (or in SciFi, technology).

I'm a firm believer that a love story with elves should just delete the elves, or a mystery story with fireballs should just delete the fireballs. Tolkien's story, however, would not have worked without rings of power. Without Feruchemy and Allomancy, there is no story for Mistborn. Without runes, Elantris is meaningless. Without a tainted Saidin, the fear of men channeling doesn't exist.

In each case, the magic is as vital to the story as the characters and setting (in good fantasy, magic is indistinguishable from setting), not something the author added to an existing story which could stand alone without the magic.

Good point.  Having a magic system that's only window dressing is a complete waste of effort.


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