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Messages - Shadowkiller

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon Sanderson Wiki
« on: October 31, 2008, 04:03:28 PM »
There's a link at the top with the words 'a section about Brandon Sanderson.'

But just in case,

There isn't a whole lot there though I have started working on my Metals table.   Essentially I will get everything there eventually as I plan to do it with or without help, it will just take a lot longer on my own than with help :).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon Sanderson Wiki
« on: October 31, 2008, 03:09:01 PM »
Well on the plus side, my wiki wants to focus on all things BS related and you can sign up without authorization :).   Its just not as pretty.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon Sanderson Wiki
« on: October 30, 2008, 01:22:55 AM »
Heh, of course I remember :).   You should come by and join the new forums.   Everyone here who likes RJ and WoT should come join our forums :D.

Ahh, but Sazed did say in his blurbs that Kelsier came up with this legend of the eleventh metal out of nowhere.   Nobody else had ever heard it nor was there any books about it.   It was suspected that Kelsier was being influenced somehow.   That of course is going off memory so the details could be off a bit but it should be pretty close to what was said.   Sazed also said that it was surprising the number of people that were spiked, Vin of course being the obvious surprise.   But it was never said if Kelsier had gotten some sort of spike.   I suspect that Kelsier lost his mind in the mines and a voice came and helped him out.   Afterall, they did say that Kelsier was a different man after the mines.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon Sanderson Wiki
« on: October 29, 2008, 08:12:37 PM »
*sigh*   So much for trying to do something original.   Nobody is going to repeat work.   Thanks anyway.

Brandon Sanderson / Brandon Sanderson Wiki
« on: October 29, 2008, 07:01:06 PM »
Hey guys.   I hail from Shadowburn which is a series of websites dedicated to Robert Jordan and a Webcomic based on WoT called WoTNow?   I host the sistersite to WoTNow? called BurntOut but was originally a site dedicated to a WoT RPG game Children of the Dragon and we together host a set of forums.   Unfortunately Burnout, the author WoTNow?, hasn't been around in a while and I haven't made any serious effort on my webcomic either(Though perhaps intervention by the great EUOL himself could bring Burnout back) so the websites haven't been doing too hot.   But I have recently started a Wiki on my site.   I started to put together a section about Brandon Sanderson and his books but I have precious little time and our forum goers are dwindling.   I was hoping you guys could help me flesh out this section with BIO info on BS, spoiler free and spoiler ridden reviews of his books, and perhaps summaries and anything else you guys would be willing to help with.   I plan to do some delving into his magic systems as well but it won't help if I'm the only one working it.   What do you all think, could you help a brother out?

Actually the mists were NOT creating mistings nor mistborn.   There had been 1000 years of interbreeding that allowed exactly 16% of the population to have blood relations to the original mistborn.   The proof behind this is NO nobles got sick at all.   This is because the nobles all had been snapped already.   It was part of family tradition to beat their children in order to cause them to snap.   On the other hand, I suspect that every noble was some form of misting and that either they didn't know the metal they used or the metal didn't cause a discernible effect(Like Duralumin or Aluminum).

The ones who stayed sick longer, either the mist wanted to separate them out to take notice(as Sazed kind of indicated in one of his blurbs), or the fact that they were atium mistings which technically isn't one of the base metals meant the mist had a different reaction in them.

I posted this last night before I went to bed and kept thinking about it as I fell asleep.   

So Tin increases physical input, pewter physical output.   To take that to the next step, make them effect metals instead of humans.   With Steel and Iron instead of physical input, there is metal input(if you don't stop it, it will end up inside of you but it can't get any closer than the center of you).   

Then with Brass and Zinc, there is dampening of emotion vs flaring of emotion.   Copper and Bronze essentially effect metals instead of humans, dampening the metals of yourself and those around you vs flaring it to the point of sensing it.

Gold and Electrum vs atium and malatium the problem was already noticed.   But above and beyond that, it doesn't follow the same rules.   Thats of course, like has been mentioned, atium and malatium do not belong on this chart at all.   Gold and Electrum(I still think they need to be redefined) effect humans, that means the next step is to effect metals.   Because of that I think the redefinition needs to be found before we can understand how that works.

Aluminum and Duralumin obviously effect metals, that means their counterpart must effect people.   Aluminum dampens the effects of metal right out of existance, Duralumin flares it so  its burned instantly.   That means that their counterpart Chromium and Nicrosil would dampen people vs flaring them.   To me, they would become weak, unable to think and unable to support themselves.   Or essentially become pewter & tin burners at the same time.

I think another idea supporting this is hemalurgy.   Check out the quick reference table in the back of the book(MB3).   You quickly notice the pattern to it, every other one essentially effects humans vs every other one effecting powers.   Because of that pattern, it becomes much easier to extrapolate things like Duralumin hemalurgy would steal human enhancement.   Not quite sure how that would work but maybe its another situation that needs redefining.

I think Feruchemy needs redefining also though that one may be a little harder.   With Atium, age seems wrong.   Spend time as an old man, get to stay young longer?   That would give decreasing returns as you did get older.   But wasn't the Lord Ruler using Atium to supplement his age?   It doesn't really make sense since Atium doesn't give you more age in Allomancy.   You can see the future, but its more than time in a bottle.   If instead I said that the definition of Atium Feruchemy was immortality, what might change?   You could still store age but there would be limits to its use, like you couldn't turn yourself into a child or younger.   Atium lets you be a part of a god for a mere moment so in turn channeling that timelessness into the Feruchemical storage allows on to stay timeless for long periods of time.   My definition is also not 100% perfect but I'm trying to think outside the box.   One could argue that Age is correct as you can put your own age in but that since Atium gives you essentially godhood and gods don't age, the process becomes infinitely more powerful when you intentionally age while burning Atium.   

Well its my opinion that our dear author Brandon is tricking us.   Afterall, if you've read any of the Alcatraz series, you know he is a liar.   In any case, let me state my case for you.
  • We learn of Allomantic savants as Spook has become one.
  • Tin supposed increases ones senses.
  • This is shown several ways one of which is Spook becoming even sensitive to touch and it becoming painful for him to do things.
  • Spook thinks about how pewter and tin don't seem to be total opposites like many others are.
  • When Spook burns pewter, it dulls his senses so that he doesn't feel pain anymore.
  • Pewter is listed as increasing physical abilities.
As both metals are listed as increasing physical attributes, they don't seem opposite as they should be.   While I do believe in this example those two are opposites, I believe Brandon is specifically tricking us by letting him define the definitions of what they do.   What if I were to say that tin were increased physical input and pewter were increased physical output.   That would certainly make the definitions sound much more opposite.

It is my opinion that WE need to define what the metals do on our own and build our own chart.   Of course that won't stop me from getting a poster if it becomes available :D.

BTW, its my opinion that atium doesn't let someone see the future, it gives them understanding of the world around them.   Remember, it shows the person the future but it also gives them the ability to interpret what they see.   The four types of metal are Physical, Temporal, Mental and Enhancement.   I think Atium is all of them.   They talk about the person gaining grace to go along with it, mental capability to understand what they see, temporal of seeing the future, and the enhancement has me stumped but you get the idea.   If gold 'shows you your own past and atium gives understanding of the world around you, then a mixture gives you understanding of the past around you.   It might mix with only the base 8 metals(giving a nice 3x3 atium square vs the 4x4 allomantic square vs the other 3x3 Lerasium square, the 3x3 squares being atium or lerasium at the center with their mixtures of the base allomantic metals at the center) or maybe it mixes with all 16 for a whole new 4x4 square.   Even more fun would be to mix Lerasium and Atium together, then again maybe it'll just make an Atium Misting.

Hoping to see what you guys can come up with for this and to see if BS will acknowledge that I'm on the right track. :)

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