Author Topic: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'  (Read 56463 times)


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On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« on: February 22, 2009, 01:53:16 AM »
Obviously this thread is going to have a large amount of SPOILERS.  If you've not read all three Mistborn books you're in for surprises.

Mr. Sanderson has said in the MB3 spoiler thread that, if he does write the next series, there will be no Mistborn and that Feruchemy will have followed a similar path of degeneration.  I don't know if this was supposed to mean that there will be no more full Feruchemists or just that there are now Feruchemical 'Mistings' as well(It would seem odd if the former were the case because you'd think that TLR's breeding program would have caused it after a thousand years.).
Either way, just like Allomantic Mistings, I would think that Feruchemical ones would get names that matched their abilities.
Being as presumptuous as I am, I have decided to post a list of names that I like for Feruchemical Mistings.  I think it would be cool for their ""Official"" titles be the name of the metalmind that they can use, but, just like Allomancers, they have a ""Common"" name as well.  That's what I'm here to suggest; here are my names(And quick reference for those that don't remember or can't infer from the names):

Ironmind : Anchor  --  Physical Weight
Steelmind : Sprinter(little_wilson) --  Physical Speed

Tinmind : Afferent(Eerongal)  --  Senses
Pewtermind : Brute  --  Physical Strength

Zincmind : Savant(Inspired by CptSqweky)  --  Mental Speed
Brassmind : Sink(Inspired by douglas)  --  Warmth

Coppermind : Keeper  --  Memories
Bronzemind : Insomniac(little_wilson)  --  Wakefulness

Goldmind : Immortal(CptSqweky)  --  Health
Electrummind :

Aluminummind : Stone -- Pain(Speculation)
Duraluminmind :

Cadmiummind :
Not-Cerrobendmind :

Chromiummind :
Nicrosilmind :

Some of those names are crap, but that's part of the reason that I'm posting it here: To have other people make suggestions for better names.
On top of these names for metalminds, I also came up with names to differentiate between Feruchemical and Allomantic Mistings, as always, I welcome suggestions for changes and whatnot:

Burner - Allomantic Mistings.
Tapper - Feruchemical Mistings.
Misting - Someone that can burn one metal and store in a different one.
(Metal name) Misting - Someone that can burn one metal and store in the same metal.
Full (Metal name) Misting - Someone that can burn one metal and store in all of them.

The other metal's abilities are not listed here for the rather obvious reason that Mr. Sanderson has yet to tell us what the other metals do Feruchemically.  I remember him saying in his LiveJournal entry for the Allomancy poster that, if it was popular, he'd produce one for Feruchemy and Hemalurgy as well.  That would help a lot.
Anyway, tell me what you think, suggest any names where you think they would be better, wildly speculate about what the other metals do Feruchemically, etc.
And always remember to think about what kind of special names there may be if a Feruchemical Misting is also an Allomantic Misting of the same metal.  What would be the name of a Pewtermind that was also a Pewterarm?  Interesting things to think about...
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 04:31:48 AM by Turbolinux999 »


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 02:22:52 AM »
Firstly I would like to say welcome to the forums, and that linux rulez!

Don't be disheartened by all of us tearing apart anything you say or do.  We do it to EVERYONE and often times later find out we are wrong.  We are, generally speaking, a fun loving and . . . . argumentatively creative group (that's a good description I think.)  So yeah, hope you stick around a while.

I could say stuff about all of them, but for now I will just talk about one so that I am the first to welcome you. xP

Anchor - But they, as we saw Sazed to, can also make their weight all go into a mind at once and make themselves super light.  :/ So I'm not sure it fits that well.


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2009, 06:53:54 AM »
Actually, I was just thinking that out of all of those, I like Anchor the most. Sure, you get light at first, but once you take the weight back out you get heavy. I think Anchor is great. I also liked Brute. Heater... ehhh... the jury's still out on that one, since they'd only be warming themselves up. And yes, Keeper should definately be the name for Coppermind users.

The rest... yeah...
My own suggestions, not very good either, but maybe they'll get someone else thinking of something better:

Steelmind:  Sprinter
Tinmind: Watcher. Or alternatively: Guard. Or maybe: Sentinel.
Zincmind: Genius. Or alternatively: Voluntary Seizure Victim
Bronzemind: Caffeine addict
Goldmind: Immortal

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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2009, 08:23:28 AM »
Zincmind: Genius. Or alternatively: Voluntary Seizure Victim

If I would've had anything in my mouth, I would've spewed just now....

Anchor= Good. Miyabi makes a good point, but so does Sqweky. I think it should stay.
Sprinter= I like. Not perfect, but I do like it.
Watcher=Decent. Needs a bit of perfecting. Don't have any ideas for it right now...
Immortal= :)

My ideas:
Steelmind: Speedster
Bronzemind: Insomniac

Also, for the Brassmind, maybe it could be a play off the hot-cold thing, since the person can also technically be really cold. I don't have any names right now, but something that gets the idea of hot-cold. For example, thermometers and air conditioners. Those aren't actually ideas for names, because they would never work, but that's just kind of an idea of what I mean by hot-cold. Something along those lines....
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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2009, 05:33:47 PM »
Brassmind: Firefighter?

Walk right into a bonfire and start dumping all the heat into your brassminds so you don't burn.  Just be careful to stop at exactly the same time you get out of the fire so you don't end up a frozen popsicle.


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2009, 06:16:19 PM »
Brassmind: Firefighter?

Walk right into a bonfire and start dumping all the heat into your brassminds so you don't burn.  Just be careful to stop at exactly the same time you get out of the fire so you don't end up a frozen popsicle.

Wow nice!! Thats a really great application!
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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2009, 08:56:07 PM »
I like Keeper, Brute, Sentinel and Anchor. Those would be my choices for names.


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2009, 02:36:44 AM »
My ideas:

Bronzemind: Insomniac

I like this one.


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2009, 09:16:43 AM »
Thank you very much for the welcome.  I know people on forums can seems like(Or be) asses, but I've used forums quite extensively in the past so I'm prepared.  ;)
Your point about Anchors got me thinking and second-guessing that name but, upon further thinking, I can't come up with a truly practical use for the 'make-yourself-lighter' effect that would outweigh the 'make-yourself-a-mobile-weight' effect.  Of course there should be exceptions to that, but I really think that the 'Anchor' ability would be the most obvious and frequently used effect.

I'm glad you liked at least some of my ideas.  I'll expand on some of the reasons for my choices for names and at the same time I'll voice my opinions about yours.

Steelmind:  Sprinter -- I didn't want it to be tied to running because stored speed can be put to use in any aspect of physical movement. Besides, how much speed would a Steelmind have to store to outrun a Thug in a pewterdrag(And live)?
Tinmind: Watcher. Or alternatively: Guard. Or maybe: Sentinel. -- Watcher and Guard are too much like common words and would generate confusion as the only way to tell if you higher a guard or a Guard is the capitalization.  I like Sentinel, but I think that that should be the name for a Bronzemind.
Zincmind: Genius. Or alternatively: Voluntary Seizure Victim -- Again, confusion over a common term.  Seizure? Maybe an Autistic... Maybe Autist?
Bronzemind: Caffeine addict -- Funny, I like it.  I think that Sentinel would be good for this one.
Goldmind: Immortal -- I like it, but it feels like it doesn't fit.  I think the Goldmind is going to be one of the more difficult to name...

Insomniac works really well for a Bronzemind.  I'm not going to edit the line about Sentinels above, but it just occurred to me that it's too specific.  Insomniac is perfect.

Something like that had never even occurred to me at all, it's genius.  And it would be perfect except for one thing: fire consumes oxygen.  I'd like to come up with something that conveys both concepts... What do you think of Sink? Like a heat sink; made to absorb heat and then radiate it back out.

I'm going to edit the first post with the best ideas(Properly credited to their creators) so that people know what's already been discussed.
Thanks for all the new input, but where is the wild speculation that I demanded?  Is there already a thread for that?  ;D
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 10:05:00 AM by Turbolinux999 »


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2009, 05:20:46 PM »

Zincmind: Genius. Or alternatively: Voluntary Seizure Victim -- Again, confusion over a common term.  Seizure? Maybe an Autistic... Maybe Autist?

Ummm... Just so you know, VSV was a joke. But it makes sense because a seizure happens when neural activity shoots up really high. There's a joke, I forget who said it, that goes: "I once used 90% of my brain. It was called a seizure." My wife has seizures, so I know a little bit about these things.
I don't know much about autism, though. Is excessive neural activity a common symptom? Like I said, I don't know much about it, but what little I do know would suggest that it's not, since its more of a genetic thing.

I'm going to edit the first post with the best ideas(Properly credited to their creators) so that people know what's already been discussed.

Also, you do know that "BEST" is an extremely subjective term, right? You can change it to what you think is best, but it seems as though everyone has had a different idea as to what is "best". I would suggest you say you've changed it to your favorites, otherwise... well... you just look stupid to all the people who disagree with you.
Also... DO NOT credit that "antic" thin to me. To be honest, I hate it, I think it's dumb, and I didn't come up with it, you did.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 05:24:51 PM by CptSqweky »


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2009, 05:24:13 PM »
Zincmind: Spark (do to the sudden increase of brain activity)
Steelmind: Sprinter


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2009, 05:26:01 PM »
Zincmind: Spark (do to the sudden increase of brain activity)

Good name... but it's taken by the Foglios with their "Girl Genius" webcomic.


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2009, 05:28:00 PM »
Me = never read.  ha ha.


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2009, 05:37:33 PM »
That's too bad. It is seriously the best webcomic ever. Better than Schlock Mercenary, better that OOTS, better than Penny Arcade.


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Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2009, 02:26:55 AM »
I really do hope that other people come to contribute, I like new ideas and challenges to my own.

Plus, I demand wild speculation!  :D

When I mention Autism I specifically mean the Savant side of it( I'm an idiot; that's a much better name.  Silly me.  I am a seizure victim as well(I've got the scars to prove it too), I understood that it was a joke, it had just got me thinking and I try as much as possible to put my thoughts out as they come.
I took as assumed that when I said 'best' I meant 'what I liked the most' seeing as 'best' is entirely arbitrary.  Also, I didn't like 'Antist' either, but I didn't like any of the others.  What do you think of Savant?
Also, the 'Inspired by' term I use to mean that the person's comments got me thinking in such a way that it lead me to that name.

I like Spark, that's cool and it'll probably get more votes than Savant will.  Sprinter I still don't like.  Someone who just runs isn't very useful(Especially if it's to take place in modern, radio-using times.).  I just keep thinking back to all the fighting that Sazed had to do; I see him tapping the steel lock on the Kandra cage for the speed to out maneuver the Fifths in combat in MB3 and I can't resign the Steelmind title to something that sounds so limited. 
I don't want to be a despot, I'd like people to vote for what they like and I'll label them 'best' and put them up in the main list, but I just really hate a limiting term when the ability can be used in such broad ways.