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Messages - jwdenzel

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Reading Excuses / Re: Dec 15 - Queen'sOpal - Part 1
« on: January 24, 2009, 09:30:52 AM »
You're just a mean, mean person, Jacque. It's about time someone showed you just how mean you really are....;D

You'll get your turn next, little_wilson.  I saw those mean and horrible comments you left for my work.  ;-)

And you're not alone in liking your elves. I like them too. They're much more relatable than Tolkien elves. Relatability is ALWAYS a good thing.

But more seriously now, one thing I forgot to add was that while I was reading your stuff Jacque, was that your elves simply felt like humans  to me.  In chapter 1 there wasn't anything that made them... elfish.  I think you mentioned their long lives, and maybe a few minor physical differences, but so far that's it.   I whole-heartedly think that you need a relatable protagonist (which you have, I think!) but so far, I don't see why you just didn't make him a human. 

Looking forward to reading more and seeing unique elven traits that fit the character and feel right for the story.


Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: January 24, 2009, 06:49:28 AM »
Hello, Hamster!  Welcome to our little group.  Always a pleasure to have another Mistborn / WoT addict.

Don't be shy about submitting your stuff.  None of us here are published (Well, except for Pipe, I hear) so we're all in he same boat.   Also, just remember, part of the cool thing about this group is that we like to point out the things you do right!

Looking forward to seeing you around

Reading Excuses / Re: Dec 15 - Queen'sOpal - Part 1
« on: January 24, 2009, 01:10:23 AM »
I've read the other replies in this thread, and I'd like to clarify some of my own opinions:

- Traditional Tolkien / D&D elves tend to be a little dull.  But I'm not interesting in judging that. If you have a good story, and it happens to involved elves... great. 

- The prologue is certainly more "exciting" than chapter 1.  But it's very much IMO a confused and overloaded cluster.  There's a ton of potential for that to be a good chapter, but things need to be about 400% more clear and focused for it to work.

Reading Excuses / Re: Dec 15 - Queen'sOpal - Part 1
« on: January 24, 2009, 12:56:12 AM »
At long last!  I've been looking forward to reading your work. (Mostly so I can return the favor with the mean comments... just kidding!) 

Right off the bat, in the prologue, I love that the POV character is some kind of mage familiar.  Very cool. 

The "thinking brackets" <> bother me though.  I think you'd have the same result with italics and/or simple quotes, but that's just me.  I'll get over it.

Garrad was outraged. Vernack knew it even before he leapt from the throne, blue eyes blazing and hands balled into fists.

Show, don't tell.  The first sentence told us his mind set.  The second part of the second sentence showed us.  Go with the show. :)

By page 4, I'm already overloaded with teasers.  I know prologues can be a great place for setting up stuff that can be explained later, but my gut feeling is that you can do that once.  Twice, at the most.   So far though, you've mentioned wars, drow, Elbans, demons, and gatherings of mages.  That's fine, but just consider explaining all this stuff as you introduce it.   

...the new Bearer would come of the Queen's blood, so her line will keep it and see the prophecy fulfilled."

Is this what your story is going to be about then?  (Neat.)

The end of the prologue was pretty abrupt. I like how you fast forward many years.  Just consider doing it a little more smoothly

You have a huge imagination.  I'm really excited about this story. Elves, drow, betrayals, wizards, etc... I eagerly look forward to more.    Unfortunately, most of the prologue -especially the the first 5 pages-- fell apart for me. I was completely lost, and that took me out of the story.  Sure, I could follow the basic idea, but having no context to put things in on frustrated me.  Also, with the exception of the first few paragraphs, I never got a sense of where the characters were, or who else was physically present.  (I like the idea of Vernack having a whole gathering of peers "listening in" on his conversations though)  Things got better starting on page 6,however, when the elves arrive.  Consider possibly just starting it right there. 

Regarding Chapter 1....

SO much better.  :)   The prose here is almost from a different writer. (LOL, Again, I'm teasing, but it IS stronger and more in control here)   It's not as hurried and is far easier to read.  I wouldn't necessarily say this chapter is "exciting" per say, but its neat to see what these elf boys and girls are doing.

I find it odd that a teenage (??) elf would refer to girls as "elf-maids" or "elf-girls".  Wouldn't that be like you or I walking around talking about "human girls"?   I could expect a HUMAN character to say "elf-maiden", but not an elf.  Make sense?

That's pretty blunt way to tell kids that their mother is dead. Felt a little out of place for the king, even though we were just getting to know him.

“What exactly do you think I could have done about it? Sickness cannot be fought off by silly things like swords, you know.”

This line bothered me quite a bit.  That's a really, really shallow thing to do at a time like this.   Maybe this king is a jerk.  If that was your desire... well done!  (And bonus points for having his sons only refer to him as "Sire")    But if you're looking for this king to have any sort of warmth or wisdom or gentleness to him, this line is out of place.

(Edit... after reaching chapter 2, I see that he's a jerk.  So... yeah, good line!)

Overall -- good job! I'm looking forward to catching up and reading the rest.


Hmmm.  I see.  You mean because I used the term "sh**-eating grin" and put "shkat" in there, it didn't work.   

Would it have bothered you (or anybody else) if Aric was walking along, stubbed his toe and yelled "Ah, shkat! That hurt!"


If Shkat is a replacement for a certain four letter English word that starts with the same sound, then I'd prefer to have a spade called a spade...

Does anybody else have any thoughts regarding this?  Yes, "shkat" was intended to be a replacement for sh**, and is Aric's way of using it.  I guess I could just call it what it is, but generally in sci-fi/fantasy, I see a lot of authors use replacements for cuss words.

It works really well in Battlestar Galactica, anyway!  Then again, using the work "frak" is just a really creative way to get around using swear words on TV.

I intend to use more cuss words in later chapters because the characters would likely use them.  But I don't want to pull the reader too far out of the world to do it.

What do you think?

I think I need to seriously research how fast a fleet of ships can sail in a given period of time!!

For now though, just go with it folks. ;-)


Reading Excuses / Re: 1-12-09 Aspirations
« on: January 21, 2009, 11:54:55 PM »
I understand your MC needed to let go or release some built up pressure, but it just was a disappointment.  I was hoping that there was going to be some romantic flame built between Angel and him but instead they only held hands and he cried all night.  It's just me.  I do get that he is torn between the memory of his wife, a vampire lady who I missed out on, and Angel. know the story, if this scene is 100% necessary, keep it.  If not...lose the crying and get some kissing going on! lol

I respectfully disagree.  The sexual tension in the story is good.  Tension in books is good.  Keep it.  The moment you have them jump each other's bones is the minute that tension leaves.  And quite honestly, asside from the sexual tension, Angel hasn't got a lot going on otherwise.  Yet.  Just need time to develop her character.

Reading Excuses / Re: 1-12-09 Aspirations
« on: January 21, 2009, 11:03:48 PM »
It's interesting that in earlier chapters, you SHOW the Stranger's accent by "spelling it out" phonetically, but here in this chapter, with the Kim doppleganger, or whatever she is, you write her normally and just TELL us that she has an accent.   Why the change? 

BTW - don't think I've not noticed that you don't use things like  "said Jason"  or "she said."   That's a hard thing to avoid, and you do it well.  That said, I think you can take your dialogue up a notch or two so that the character voices aren't so similar at times.  I sometimes find myself having to try and figure out who said each line, which is definitely NOT what you want readers doing, eh?

O_O   His name is Jason De[...]  ?!?!   ;-)

Angel where did I know that from—not the biblical angel, of course—it rang a bell but I couldn't think straight right now.

I don't buy this.  He's not an idiot, but he was just told by a DEMON to find the hair of an angel.  I don't think he'd forget that.

It was enough to make me want to pull out my hair.

*snark*  See my immediate comment above.

The end of chapter 21 would be a perfect lead-in to a chapter from Miranda's POV. :) It's also a good break in Jason's adventure.

The encounter with Angel's dad felt a little too easy.

Ok, all these mentions of Angel's hair are driving me nuts. :) Even if the character named Angel is not intended to give him some of her hair, I recommend that Jason (or, heck, even Angel herself) should think of and consider the idea.

There were a few places where I noticed you changed tense.  The last one was on page 16:
Angel just rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

Consider putting it back in the past tense.

Finally, you had some typos in there.  Places where you said "there" and meant "their",  etc.

Reading Excuses / Re: 12-29-08 Aspirations
« on: January 21, 2009, 09:37:54 PM »
I just read your email for your NEXT installment (chap 19 ...) and it said:
Unfortunately, this woman is a spiting image of his dead wife, Kim.

This was not apparent to me in chapter 18.  Yes, you compared their eyes, and it was clear that Jason thought of Kim, but beyond that, I did not get the sense that she was the "spitting image" of her.   May want to clarify


Reading Excuses / Re: 12-29-08 Aspirations
« on: January 21, 2009, 09:33:44 PM »
Saying she is not a monster seems...a little out of place.

I actually liked this contrast and thought it gave some nice characterization. She's torturing a a guy, and yet she really believes she's not a monster. She thinks her DAD is though.   Makes me wonder what he dad could possibly be like!

Reading Excuses / Re: 12-29-08 Aspirations
« on: January 21, 2009, 09:27:55 PM »
Hey there,

Something occured to me as I read this chapter. The book started out with a certain tone and pacing. Chapter 1 was awesome. I love pretty much every word.  Now, 14 chapters later, I'm finding it to have a completely different tone.  Yes, your writing is still very good. The fast pace is there, which is also great.  But it just feels like a different book.  And I'm reading these chapters all in one sitting.    I'm not suggesting you drastically change anything. I'm just suggesting that you may want to somehow hint in the earlier chapters at what's to come: vampires, soul-stealing demons, the second ring of hell, etc. 

Just food for thought.  :)

Specific feedback

page 1:  The "Go to hell" and "What the hell?" jokes got old quick.  I suggest no more than 2, if even that many.

The Deamion tossed a piece of parchment down as I lay there,

Would Jason recognize parchment?  Or would he think it was just paper, and later realize it was parchment?

I must have asked this aloud because a small, sad boy answered me.

Needs clarification. I didn't realize at first that it had materialized.  If it does, a more accurate description would be helpful.

Regarding Miranda's POV....  I'm convinced that she sounds different than Jason, and that she sounds like a female.  :)   Good job.  I actually like her a lot.  She's quite cute.  Especially when she has lines like:

Yes, I can do that.  I am a Vampire; remember?

I enjoyed Jason's camping trip.  The best part is how you have him be so realistically clueless about things like types of trees and stuff like that.  Heck, I only know a few tress myself. :(

Hmmm... this new girl  (she sounds and looks Romanian in my mind), is interesting.  But I don't trust her yet.  If that was your intent; good job.

Reading Excuses / Re: 1 - 19 - 09 Reaves, Crystalheart: Ch. 5
« on: January 21, 2009, 06:24:18 AM »
Respectfully, this was a hard chapter to read.  It's quite a mess, frankly.  Aermyst's motivations are all out of whack, the fight scene is a mess,  and even the typos and grammar errors seem extra noticeable here.   

You say above that chapters 2-5 were your weakest.  Well I can't peak for those others chapters (I actually enjoyed them), but I think you should take a long hard look at this one and see what this chapter is offering your story (if anything). 

Now the good news:
"I don't know what to say." Her voice broke. "I don't know who you are. Who are you?"
   "I am Aermyst," he said, with hands open wide and arms outspread.
   "And what kind of man is Aermyst?" She turned to face him again. "What kind of man are you?"
   He ran his hands through his hair, august red in the poor light. "Ilis, I-"
   "No." She turned again and crossed her arms. "Spare me."

Ah ha!  A theme!  A man with literally no soul is trying to find his soul.  Or something.   Intentional or not, awkward dialogue or not, there's some good stuff here.   Grab hold of that theme and explore it more.  Maybe this is a good time for Aermyst to reflect on what it feels like to be a heartless killer.  All sword talent. All combat.  Is it just a game to him?

I'm still into this story, and I'm still eager to see Aermyst track down the Silver-Haired Man.  I just think chapter 5 is a little extra bumpy.

Looking forward to ch 6.


One more thing and then I'll leave you alone, your font left me squinting for a few hours. It really hurt my eyes, and I have good eyes,  :o  see.

Hmm. I just used courier new. Double spaced. 10 pt.

Did anybody else have trouble?  It works well for me, but I can export differenly next time.

Man, this writing group thing rocks.  All of th feedback so far has been great.  Thank you.  And thank you for your kind words as well. :)

Several of the items that have been mentioned are things that I address much more directly in the next few chapters. I'll comment on them once I've shared those with you down the road.   :)

@ maxonennis:  In my head I pronounce Aric's name as "AR-ic", which sounds similar to how the word "arc" sounds.  Although "Erik" or "Eric" is another perfectly suitable version, I suppose. 

Regarding adding some conflict in chapter 1.  @ Frog... you made an excellent point. I'm such a stickler for adding conflict in my reviews of other people's work that it's nice to see my medicine fed back to me. ;-)    One of the ideas I had this afternoon as I thought about your feedback was:   what if that meeting Aric has with the other captains doesn't go well? Instead of it just being a monthly "Ra, Ra, Go Team!" meeting, it actually shows deep cracks and resentment toward him and this quest?  I mean, they've been at sea for NINE months and people are wondering if these damn islands even exist.   Do you think that might add some tension?  It certainly would make life harder for Aric, and I am ALL about making his life rough.  (Poor guy. Just wait until ch 8)   Then, perhaps, right on cue,  they find land, and Aric's point of trusting the King seems almost divine.   Thoughts?

@ Pipe.... *bows to you*  You found a typo.  I swear I spell checked that thing ten times and had a second person look at it too.  Some things just slip past I guess. :)

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