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Messages - Pygmalion

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 24, 2008, 03:19:59 AM »
Ummm... puppy?  ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 23, 2008, 10:40:46 PM »
When I was reading it however, I always imagined him looking more like a skinnier, blonder Aragorn.

Woah, that's exactly along the same lines that I was thinking!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So..what should Brandon do next?
« on: January 23, 2008, 10:38:19 PM »
... why does no one besides me seem to think that Mistborn has an epic feel? A single book can be an "epic" in the truest sense of the word. Of course epics are especially long by definition, but a three book chunk is long...

Anyway, I don't care what comes out next, because I have full confidence that I will love it and be the first one at the bookstore to buy it.   ;D

Movies and TV / Re: Masterpiece Theater Jane Austen
« on: January 23, 2008, 10:28:50 PM »
^ I agree about that version of Mansfield Park. They really made Fanny much too... outspoken. She was supposed to be INCREDIBLY shy... but I guess shy people don't make good movie characters...

Well, Cpt. Wentworth is in 2nd. Which makes me happy.  ;D Persuasion is my favorite story with P&P coming in 2nd. But I've seen clips of this version of Persuasion on YouTube and he doesn't read the letter as well as Ciarin Hinds. I'm very opinionated for someone who hasn't seen them.

I also noticed that Wentworth is worth the equivalent of $15 Million toady  :o wow.
Are the men listed over there the ones from the movies they are playing now?

Yeah, all the actors on that site are the ones playing in the versions they are currently showing.

Movies and TV / Re: Masterpiece Theater Jane Austen
« on: January 23, 2008, 05:52:31 AM »
I've been watching these religiously!

Persuasion is my favorite Jane Austen novel, and this adaptation was extremely disappointing. It was waaay too rushed. Very dew redeeming qualities.

Northanger Abbey was surprisingly good. I had no expectations after the disaster that was Persuasion, but I thought they picked good actors for the parts, especially Catherine. She was really good.

Mansfield Park, however... ehhh... I don't care for Billie Piper as Fanny at all. But then again I might be surprised.

Has anyone voted on the "Men of Austen" poll on the PBS website? I thought it was amusing. Mr. Darcy was firmly ensconced in the lead when I voted...

Books / Re: Bookswim: Netflix for books
« on: January 14, 2008, 05:57:09 AM »
The library is never open when I go! It's always closed, all the time.

I even call ahead to ask if they'll be open.

Go there, not open.


Yikes, that's irritating. Is it a regular old public library?

Books / Re: How many books to do you read?
« on: January 14, 2008, 05:55:24 AM »
Wow, 5 or 10? That's amazing... I couldn't remember what in the world was going on in any one given book.

I can read one fictional book at a time, but I can read several non-fiction books at the same time. I sort of have to be able to, or I'd never get any research done. I like getting completely taken in by one story at a time though... and it helps if all the non-fiction books are on the same subject. It's like reading the same story. If that makes any sense at all.

lol, it's nice to know I'm not the only one... And you know, I didn't see The Pursuit of Happyness for that same reason as well. *sheepish*

You know though, I wasn't ever really sad that Tindwyl died necessarily, but more Sazed's reaction. Clubs' death was rough though... I was just starting to really get into him as a character and then BAM he's gone.... *sniff*

Movies and TV / Re: The Hobbit!!!!!
« on: January 11, 2008, 11:14:44 PM »
it seems to me that if you were fine until Bowie showed up, you couldn't have been fine for very long. Doesn't he appear like, 5 minutes in?

You guys *do* realize that Bowie is not primarily a movie star, right? He's released around thirty albums as a musician and performer. He's one of the great music geniuses of popular music. In all seriousness, he belongs in the same category as Bob Dylan and the Beatles.

Right... and that's what makes him scary as an actor. I'm having a hard time thinking of a musician who has made a non-scary transition to film...

But it's all just speculation. :)

I'm curious to find out what that metal bead was the Elend swallowed.  Metal that makes someone Mistborn?  Where can I sign up!  ;D

My thoughts exactly.  ;D

I had this inkling waaay back at the beginning that Elend would somehow end up as a Mistborn, but I had no clue how that would happen. I mean, we couldn't have another book full of Vin trying to protect him from assassins could we? Elend: warrior-scholar. I love it... I just hope book 3 doesn't pick up too far after where book 2 leaves off. I want to read along as Elend figures out how to use his new power, not just read about how Vin taught him all she knows.

Oh, and Sazed at the end still makes me tear up a little bit... my family laughs at me, but I just can't help getting emotionally worked up over fictional characters.

^ I can't wait to figure that out either... but I actually liked Zane's character. He was not at all what I expected and I love being surprised. I never knew what he was going to do... I was actually bummed when Vin killed him, even though that scene was superb. Definitely one of my favorites.

I also liked the scene in Well of Ascension when Elend went to the koloss camp and threated Jastes... that was just cool.

And when Vin and Elend get married... I didn't see that coming either, but it was perfect.

In the first book... gosh... so many good moments. I liked the imagery of Vin's first ball. And the first time Kelsier took her out and asked her to step off the city wall.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: January 11, 2008, 06:20:09 AM »
Wow, nice choice! I read the whole thing for a Mythology course I took last semester and thought they were excellent... except for the names, which I don't even attempt to pronounce.

I speak a little Welsh, so it's not too bad for me.

You speak Welsh?? That is awesome! I've always been interested in the language, but it's not exactly an easy one to learn... especially in Oklahoma...

Movies and TV / Re: The Hobbit!!!!!
« on: January 11, 2008, 06:18:04 AM »
Wow... some people like David Bowie...

This is a revelation to me... is there a movie or something he's been in that I could watch and understand possibly why people aren't as freaked out by him as I am?

Movies and TV / Re: The Hobbit!!!!!
« on: January 02, 2008, 06:40:05 AM »
David Bowie as anythign would rock.

David Bowie > you.

You've seen David Bowie, right? :o

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: December 29, 2007, 01:32:54 AM »
The Mabinogion.  Classic Welsh tales.  I'm enjoying them.

Wow, nice choice! I read the whole thing for a Mythology course I took last semester and thought they were excellent... except for the names, which I don't even attempt to pronounce.

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