Author Topic: Suggestions Welcome  (Read 9525 times)


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Suggestions Welcome
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:11:59 AM »
Ok, so in this story I'm writing (trying to write) I have a Queen who's sort of a self styled empress, really powerful, perfectionist, with absolute control of her kingdom, you know the drill.  Anyway, she has four assistants called Sentinels, who take care of most of the daily administration fo the kingdom, leaving her to deal with other matters.  The Sentinels have been raised from childhood to be what they are, I think they are going to be orphans of some kind, or something like that (I'm done the story part in my head, I'm still figuring out some background stuff), and one is currently having an affair with the Queen.  Wierd, I know.  Anyway, I wanted there to be a personal term for the Sentinals to have for the queen, a sort of title or nickname.  Right now I'm using "your majesty," but I would like the Sentinels to have another, more personal title for her, and I think master, mistress, teacher and all that have been way over done.  Some suggested terms have been, Mother (which is creepy considering she's having an affair with one of them,) earth mother, Essence, Radiance, Sun, Morning Star, that sort of thing, but none of them seem to fit.  I was wondering if anyone else had some ideas, because I have no idea what to say, so post here if you have an idea or like one of the ones listed above.

Oh, and if anyone has a replacement for the word sentinel, I' d like that too, it just feels a tad overdone to me as well.  Thanks
« Last Edit: March 30, 2008, 02:30:13 AM by Comatose »
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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2008, 01:07:29 PM »
If it is seen as wrong by the law, society or common people that she is having an affair with a sentinel, it would be fitting that she be given the title 'Mother'. That helps establish the wrongdoing in the subconscious mind of the reader. If it is not seen as morally suspect, then you could find another name.

She could be called
I feel that this nickname should hold some affection from the sentinels towards the Queen, however since her personality is only sketchy it is hard to know what she would find flattering - and it should be something she finds flattering, or she would just have changed it.

They could be called:
'Representative' (although that lends credence to them being elected which they are not)
'Knowledge' of (the area that person administrates) - Knowledge of State, Knowledge of War


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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2008, 10:46:32 PM »
I completely agree about the flattering bit, and I have never thought about using the word mother in that way before.  I do want there to be some wrongness to what they are doing, but I don't think I want it to go that for, then again, I haven't decided yet, so maybe I will.  I really liked Preserver too, but I still haven't settled, however, I think I like it best so far.  Keep sending in suggestions, they really help.

If you want some insight into the queen's personality, she's rather vain and arrogant, she is also bored with everyday preceedings, which is why she has the sentinels.  In all the meetings with the sentinels, she simply gives them orders, and rarely explains herslef, and she spends the rest of her time in pursuit of knowledge, what knowledge gets a bit more complicated, as I would have to delve into the story more, but basically she is trying to get more power.  She also feels some guilt about the people (or person ;)) she has betrayed to get to where she is.
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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2008, 06:25:29 PM »
I'm new to TWG, hi. I was looking around and saw this post. The first thing came to mind is the way "old word" kings were called Sire (dady horse). Why not have the queen called Dam (mommy horse). It would also be fun for a few play on words.  ;)
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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2008, 01:39:50 AM »
Hmm, interesting, I'm not sure the queen would like the horse reference, but I love the word, and it does have that personal feel, I'm looking for.

Only two posts, and already I'm getting awesome ideas, thanks!!
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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2008, 07:52:17 AM »
Hmmm, "Beloved" is already used by Eddings. Perhaps something similar, such as "Dear One" or "So and So Heart".

You could call the Sentinels "Ministers", "Arbiters", or "Arch-something or the other".


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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2008, 06:31:28 AM »
Personally i find 'Dam' to be a bit too close to 'Damn', but that is just me :)

They could also call her 'Knowing One', 'Radiant One'

If you are planning to play with an 'old language' in your text, you can invent a word and say it means 'Beloved Teacher' or something, and then just use that one.

Also, i feel that the nick name should either play into her pursuit of knowledge or her vanity.


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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2008, 06:25:55 PM »
Yes, perhaps something to do with glass, sand or mirrors, they are kind of morifs  for her, she is known as the desert Queen, because her capital is in a desert.  I'm using a little bit of old language, if you want to call it that, but I'm trying to keep it to a minimum.  I'll prehaps also go a little more into depth with the sentinels, they consist of three men, and one woman, the four areas they control are the army and military, palace security and secret police, intelleigence and policy, and clergy and beurocratics (sp?).
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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2008, 06:43:42 PM »
If it were me, I'd go with something Orwellian and call them something nice.  Like, "protectors" or "beneficiaries".

 And if it were me, I'd go with something Freudian, which would be along the lines of "Mother".  Oedipus repeats are always hilarious.
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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2008, 02:40:46 AM »
If it were me, I'd go with something Orwellian and call them something nice.  Like, "protectors" or "beneficiaries".

And if it were me, I'd go with something Freudian, which would be along the lines of "Mother".  Oedipus repeats are always hilarious.

I haven't read any George Orwell, and, I'm not sure I want things to end up like they did for poor Oedipus, besides, she's not really their mother.
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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2008, 10:34:58 AM »
If i was you, i would find out how much you want to play with the forbidden relationship. If it will be a big deal in the book, i would name the 'sentinels' so their name subtly plays into the forbidden relationship.  If the relationship is merely a subplot i would name then according to their area of expertise, and i would go with 'Administrator'. It is a powerful word to a powerful position and tells clearly that they are persons of beurocracy (sp?).


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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2008, 11:25:57 PM »
I'd say the relationship is pretty major.
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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2008, 10:24:05 AM »
You've probably already got this figured out, but just in case you're still taking suggestions:

They could call her "Inamorata." 

It means a woman who loves or is loved.  And since its not the sort of word you heard a lot, most people won't have any preconceptions about it.  Most probably won't even know what it means.  (I sure didn't) ^^;


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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2008, 08:01:58 PM »
That's so cool, and I'm always open to new suggestion if it will make my story better.  I really like the feel of that word, you got any more like that???
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Re: Suggestions Welcome
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2008, 02:11:13 AM »
Technically I've got a thesaurus (or, rather, the interweb).  That's how I found inamorata.  ^_^;;

I can always find more though.  What kind of words would you want?