Local Authors > Brandon Sanderson

The Next Annotations

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Should be The Way of Kings, right? I don't think there is anything else left. So if that's the case, when should we expect to see them come up? I think by the time I got to Brandon's annotations, all of Elantris' and Mistborn's ones have been out, and Warbreaker's ones were just coming out, so I have no idea how long it takes for a new book's commentary to come out after the old one's have been all published.

Brandon didn't have time to write annotations for Wok during the copyedit process, so he'll write them while rereading the book in preparation for writing the next one, after he finishes AMoL. So it'll be a few months at best.


Peter Ahlstrom:
Brandon did write most of the Alloy of Law annotations, except for the first two chapters and the last few. So if he finishes those by the time I'm done running Mythwalker chapters, we can start putting them up.

Running Mythwalker chapters? Have I missed some big announcement?

Wait. Wasn't Mythwalker the "old name", so speak, of Warbreaker? Those are done, Brandon posted the last one just a couple of days ago... I feel a little lost, Peter, save me like Jesus!


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