Author Topic: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours  (Read 124695 times)

Patriotic Kaz

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Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« Reply #795 on: January 22, 2011, 08:37:56 PM »
I have a cold!!!! I haven't been sick outside of sinus infections in three years!!!! DARN IT ALL!!!!
"Words are double edged blades. Only the great and the foolish play with knives." - Kaz the Buddah

"Take off your sandals, for you are posting on holy ground." -  Yahweh Kaz

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Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« Reply #796 on: February 11, 2011, 03:55:04 AM »


*Takes a deep breath*

So I know this person who happens to have a friend who has Asperger's, one of the highest functioning forms of autism.  Today this person I know has gone on an all out tirade posting on people's pages, tagging people in notes, and posting on the Autism Speaks facebook page his thoughts, which can be summed up as:

Autism isn't a disease or illness, it's just the way people are.  We need to just chill and not look for a cure.  Looking for a cure would be taking away something from people that they want.

He only knows this one person with Asperger's, so I feel like he doesn't even come close to understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders, which really frustrates me.

I tried to explain to him how hard life can be for a lot of people suffering from autism and how badly it can affect their life, from social interaction, to having a job, to successfully completing school.  Despite the fact that I work with people who have Autism every day at work and he knows a single person with Asperger's he refuses to hear anything I say.

I am just so frustrated right now and I needed to vent.  Sorry yous guys had to be the ones to hear me out, but thanks for listening I guess.



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Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« Reply #797 on: February 11, 2011, 04:02:39 AM »
Hey, don't worry about it.  I have a friend that would agree with you 100%.  Her husband and son both have Asperger's.


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Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« Reply #798 on: February 20, 2011, 06:04:31 PM »

Stupid spam bot posted 4 and a half pages of spam topics on the books board.


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Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« Reply #799 on: February 27, 2011, 05:42:38 AM »
I hate working with stupid people!  My boss refuses to fire someone who has repeatedly proven that they don't have the mental capacity for such a demanding job.

Patriotic Kaz

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Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« Reply #800 on: April 20, 2011, 06:13:01 PM »
Still mildy sick after 8 weeks of various viruses from Tracen Cape May :(
"Words are double edged blades. Only the great and the foolish play with knives." - Kaz the Buddah

"Take off your sandals, for you are posting on holy ground." -  Yahweh Kaz

"Chaos, go to your room!" - Momma Kaz


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Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« Reply #801 on: June 30, 2011, 08:11:16 PM »
Whatever authentication process that Twitter/Echofon for Firefox have just switched to is clearly not working, since it has refused to complete the process every single time I've tried (and it pesters me constantly as long as I stay logged in).