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The Hobbit Movie

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They keep announcing or rumoring a realease of Hobbit. But to date all we've ever gotten is the crappy cartoon that never finished.

Now it's slated for release in 2012. But wait! It's in two parts and we only get the FIRST half in 2012. Dejavu all over again.

I read that they will start filming in march. My understanding is that they had alot of issues financing the  movie due to the bad economy.

Didn't they get tied up in litigation during pre-production over an accusation of unpaid royalties to the Tolkien estate?

Here's video of the actors:!5757616/first-video-of-the-dwarf-and-hobbit-cast-of-peter-jacksons-the-hobbit-together-at-last/gallery/1

Dragon Shard:
I really hope that The Hobbits as good as the Ring Trilogy, we can only hope.


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