The exposition is a bit heavy in places. I think that once you add the descriptions in, it will even out. The dialogue was pretty good throughout.
She flushed. “Not really … he just thought I should put the idea in the had that I would be impressed by you deciding fight"
That sentence doesn't make sense, I think you just messed up some of the wording. Also, I think that you should have some sort of descriptor before the next sentence ( he wasn't that crude). Otherwise, it feels like one long sentence and as it's refuting the previous statement, it feels awkward. A sigh, snort, chuckle, grin, or something of that nature would help differentiate between the two.
Instead of having the number 20 and 60, I think it should be written out. Better yet you could use something like a score and threescore. That's something you have to decide, but definitely have it written out.
I'm having trouble with all of the different terms. There are so many that it's really hard to keep them separated. I know its early in the story yet, but I feel that either the terms should be dialed down or better explained. I don't mind the steep learning curve, but I think others might and it is a little heavy.
Having said that, if I were reading this in a book, I'd be intrigued enough to read on. I liked the prose, although I still think the lack of description is hurting the story. I'm glad that we got Jhuz's reaction. Up until this point I didn't realize how naive/young/green he was. Now that I do, it throws the previous chapters into a whole new light. I missed the first chapter or two so maybe that was already stated. Either way, I really liked the fact that he wasn't perfect and didn't realize what was going on. Hopefully he begins to mature/grow and we see him do that as the story progresses (and still fail a few times along the way).
All in all, a good chapter. I'm interested to see how the scouting goes, how the new commander handles things, and if the Legion will be able to stay cohesive after such disastrous blows.