Local Authors > Brandon Sanderson

Recommend a book

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Golden Dragon:
Hi all,

I am almost done reading ToM, so I'll need something new to read!  Please recommend a good fantasy series for me to read while I await more Way of Kings, Wheel of Time, and Mistborn!

Thanks :)

Have you read Jim Butcher's stuff? Both The Dresden Files  (urban fantasy) and Codex Alera (traditional fantasy) are good stuff.

Hmmm... hard to think of anything that's quite like Brandon...

Easier to just think of generally good books I've enjoyed lately. Anything by Terry Pratchett is good stuff, though your mileage may vary depending on your enjoyment of witty prose and fantasy satire. Brandon & Howard have been pimping the Tiffany Aching books especially of late (and deservedly so, because they are frickin' awesome), but I usually tell people to start with Small Gods or Guards! Guards!.

I've been listening to Westerfeld's Leviathan on audiobook and enjoying the hell out of it. Reading John Scalzi's Agent to the Stars, just finished David Wong's John Dies at the End and I expect next I'll move on to China Meiville's The City and The City.

I'd recommend any of those (well... still reading the Scalzi and I haven't gotten to the Meiville, but I like what I've read so far and I've enjoyed everything else Scalzi or Meiville have written. Check out Old Man's War or Perdido Street Station, respectively).

I especially like the illustrations in the print edition of  Leviathan, it's Keith Thompson's work and it's absolutely brilliant.

Take a look at Michael A. Stackpoles "Age of Discovery" triology, it has some nice ideas and I enjoyed it.


--- Quote from: Golden Dragon on December 23, 2010, 04:17:55 AM ---Hi all,

I am almost done reading ToM, so I'll need something new to read!  Please recommend a good fantasy series for me to read while I await more Way of Kings, Wheel of Time, and Mistborn!

Thanks :)

--- End quote ---

My fantasy reads (or re-reads) over the last year...in whole or in part
A Song of Ice and Fire
Locke Lamora
Name of the Wind
Abhorsen Series
Stormlight Archives
Wheel of Time
Vlad Taltos novels
Dresden files
Felix Castor Novels

For some reason, WoK put me in mind of Greg bear's only(?) fantasy series, 'The Infinity Concerto' and 'The Serpent Mage.'  I think they were later combined into 'Songs of Earth and Power'  As it is closer to what eventually became Urban Fantasy, I am not sure why I make the association.


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