Author Topic: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*  (Read 5824 times)


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Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« on: October 07, 2010, 10:19:33 PM »
As stated, I finished WoK at about 6:30 this morning, and in the end it was just impossible for me to put it down.  This is a series that I am very excited for, though I'm not looking forward to wait 10-20 years to see it completed, though I will gladly.  The only thing I noticed in the book was the grammatical errors, which really never bothered me other than re-reading some lines to make sure I had it right.  Understandable though when a book is bigger than the bible. :)

 I loved the battle scenes especially when Kaladin and the bridgemen were seconds away from being bombarded with arrows from the Parshendi and Dalinar bulled through the lot of archers and saluting the bridgemen.  I must have read that part 6 times and it still had my heart racing and tears in my eyes.  Of course the same reaction occured when Kaladin and the bridgemen returned after Dalinar was left behind on the Tower.  Dalinar cursing Sadeas and than catching sight of the bridgemen returning.  Kaladin catching a hundred arrows on his shield, and finally leaping from the bridge across the chasm and saying the words, turning into a whirlwind.    Brandon Sanderson wrote epically throughout the book.  Finally, I loved, loved the interactions between Syl and Kaladin.  I have so many dog-eared pages that are just about those two talking, Syl coming more and more to life and the friendship between the two.  This book is amazing.  Thankyou Mr. Sanderson, for giving us something so wonderfully imagined and brought to life.

In anycase I just wanted to see what others we're thinking about the book and what questions/theories THEY had about parts or characters or history of the world that they enjoyed.

Now Kaladin and Szeth are both Surgebinders and Windrunners, (or are they one in the same?) but apparently Kaladin has recieved these powers through a bond with Syl.  Are there other ways to Surgebind without bonding with an honorspren, can it be done with any type of spren?  If it is only with spren than why is there no mention of Szeth and a spren being bonded?  When Dalinar is talking with Nohadon, Nohadon mentions a man named Alakavish being a Surgebinder bonding with a spren, and that most likely, this spren wasn't an honorspren. That had me thinking.

So what did you think?  Who was your favorite character? :)

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear, or read, your thoughts!


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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2010, 01:16:40 AM »
Axies the Collector was my favourite. Anyone who gets drunk just to prove a scientific point has my vote.  :P

WoK can only be described in one word: epic. It was unlike any other Sanderson book ever. Where most other Sanderson books have the ability to stand on their own (with possibly the exclusion of WoA and HoA -I haven't read alcatraz) WoK is definitely not a book that can be read just by itself. It raises some very interesting questions, answering very few of them (which is expected for the first book in a series of 10) and ends on a number of cliffhangers.

It is also filled with millions of little easter eggs, hints, and foreshadowings. There is more of this in WoK than in any other book, and I LOVE IT!!!  :D It has led to many theories being created, and the discussion boards are still going strong.

Overall 12/10 - bonus marks given for awesomeness.
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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2010, 10:09:57 PM »
Axies was definitely a very interesting character, there were quite a few from the interludes and Hoid was also a character I would have liked to see more of.  After his interaction with Kaladin I thought maybe he was the last Herald but that was proven wrong, though I'm still interested, and can't wait to find out what his story is.  I just wish I didn't have to wait until 2012 to read more.  I'm used to waiting though, I guess you learn patience when you're a series reader.  I've been waiting years for the next book in the songs of ice and fire.

I'm also curious to find out more about Jasnah and Shallan an what this connection to Shadesmar is, what Shadesmar itself is, and the uses of the Soulcasters.  It's all so exciting! :)


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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2010, 10:36:07 PM »
Hoid was also a character I would have liked to see more of.  After his interaction with Kaladin I thought maybe he was the last Herald but that was proven wrong, though I'm still interested, and can't wait to find out what his story is.
Search around on this forum a bit and you'll find plenty more about him.  He is practically immortal, able to travel between planets, and has appeared in Elantris, all three Mistborn books, and Warbreaker in addition to Way of Kings.  He has yet to play a central role and has had no viewpoint scenes, though, so he's still mostly a mystery.


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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2010, 10:44:32 PM »
Yeah I couldn't believe I didn't remember who Hoid was, I've read everything Sanderson has written except for Alcatraz books.  Now I'm trying to remember and find all the roles he has had untie other books.  I just hope Hoid will be explained more in the stormlight saga.


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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2010, 11:12:46 PM »
Yeah I couldn't believe I didn't remember who Hoid was, I've read everything Sanderson has written except for Alcatraz books.  Now I'm trying to remember and find all the roles he has had untie other books.  I just hope Hoid will be explained more in the stormlight saga.

Don't feel bad, I didn't catch his other appearances until I finished WoK and came to this forum to see if I could find out more. It's definitely intriguing. :D
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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2010, 12:22:17 AM »
Yeah I couldn't believe I didn't remember who Hoid was, I've read everything Sanderson has written except for Alcatraz books.  Now I'm trying to remember and find all the roles he has had untie other books.  I just hope Hoid will be explained more in the stormlight saga.

Don't feel bad, I didn't catch his other appearances until I finished WoK and came to this forum to see if I could find out more. It's definitely intriguing. :D

Same here!! His appearances in the other books are  more like teasers than anything. Warbreaker is the only book that gives any hint to Hoid's past, and that vague at best (except for the fact that Ruin doesn't want Vin to talk to Hoid in HoA).

I'm sure we'll learn more about Hoid in the Stormlight Archive, but you'll have to wait to the Dragonsteel series to learn Hoid's story.
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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2010, 05:49:32 AM »
I just finished the book tonight, I had put off buying it because I'm a little short on funds right now and it's in hardcover, but boy am I glad I bit the bullet and bought it.  This story was amazing, in a way I haven't felt about a fantasy book in a long time.  It was just so...EPIC.  My favorite character was Kaladin by a long shot, though Dalinar grew on me more and more as time went on, they were just such good guys.  Honorable men in a dishonorable time so to speak. 

Shallan wasn't as interesting to me until later on in the narrative, but by the end I was chomping at the bit for more of what's going to happen with her, but it looks like I'll have to wait on that one.  Of course any scene with Szeth had me on the edge of my seat the entire time, he's just so tragic, scary, even a little awesome. 

I have to say, as a grown man, there's very very few books that can bring tears to my eyes, but there were a few scenes near the end that had me get a bit teary eyed, or nearly so.  It would have to be of course the scene where Kaladin is holding Tien's lifeless body in the flashback, it was absolutely heartbreaking. The interaction between Kaladin and Dalinar after the bridgemen's lives were purchased with the cost of a Shardblade.  " you and your men sacrificed to buy me twenty-six hundred priceless lives.  And all I had to repay you with was a single priceless sword.  I call that a bargain."  I don't know why but I suddenly found myself having trouble reading the page after that and had to clear my eyes, it was just so well written. 

And of course Kaladin had his crowning moment of awesome (thus far) leaping across the chasm and engaging dozens of Parshendi and taking charge of Dalinar's entire force and organizing the retreat.  Wow gosh I love that guy.  And Dalinar as well, finally knocking some sense into that nephew of his.  I kept wondering why Dalinar didn't just smack Elhokar upside the head and say "Hey I'm your Uncle and the most loyal person to you in the entire world."  So I was so excited to see that happen.  "Tomorrow you're going to name me Highprince of War."  Finally!

Anyway, yeah, great book.  LOVED it.     


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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2010, 06:38:34 AM »
If Dalinar was Greek, he would of just hit Elhokar on head with the back of his hand and said: "You do stupid thing. You listen to me."
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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2010, 09:38:14 AM »
Well, eventually that's kinda what he did.


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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2010, 10:09:29 AM »
Well, eventually that's kinda what he did.

Lol, he took to long. But at least he did it right.  ;)
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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2010, 02:12:22 PM »
Well, eventually that's kinda what he did.

Lol, he took to long. But at least he did it right.  ;)

Yeah it took him long enough to do it, and he lost six thousand of his own men before he got to that point, but I'd literally been waiting for the entire book since he'd been introduced into the narrative for him to do that.  When his nephew told people about their confidential conversation, and then named Sadeas Highprince of Information, I kept saying, "Ok Dalinar this guy might be king, but he's an idiot and he don't get it, so you're going to have to help him get it."


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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2010, 02:18:23 PM »
I just loved it when he said:

"They won't come, ELhokar...They're my men, and I left them with orders not to enter - or let anyone else enter - no matter what they heard. Even if that included pleas for help from you."
and again:
"I trained them. I placed them there. They've always been loyal to me."
When I read that, I was like, this guy demands respect. He knows how to lead men, and take charge. He has power.
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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2010, 11:58:38 PM »
Personally my favorite part with the king was:
"Oh, and Elhokar?  Your mother and I are courting.  You'll want to start growing accustomed to that."

Just one of those small priceless moments.

A scene with Kaladin and Syl that I thought was great was after Kaladin and been beaten and hung for the Highstorm.  Deathspren moving over his body and little Syl standing guard on his chest, defending him with a sword of light.

Now, was that symbolism or was she truly defending him from something those spren could do to harm Kal.  I think it could be seen both ways, but if the later, it makes you wonder where the spren originated from.


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Re: Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2010, 12:19:16 AM »
I just loved it when he said:

"They won't come, ELhokar...They're my men, and I left them with orders not to enter - or let anyone else enter - no matter what they heard. Even if that included pleas for help from you."
and again:
"I trained them. I placed them there. They've always been loyal to me."
When I read that, I was like, this guy demands respect. He knows how to lead men, and take charge. He has power.
Ooh, yes - both those lines gave me chills. That entire scene has to be one of my favourites in the book - the entire time I was just bouncing up and down in my seat yelling quotes from Gurren Lagann.

...I have very strange ways of showing my appreciation.
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