Author Topic: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*  (Read 30097 times)


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #90 on: September 28, 2010, 05:10:10 AM »

Personally I don't think there were any spren around when the Heralds were active, the herald in the proloque ( I suck at remembering names) never mentioned them, even in passing. He didn't think of his own spren, or note any pain/fear spren on a giant battlefield. Also dalinar doesn't mention a single spren in any of his visions...

Nohadon said "alas, not all spren are as discerning as honorspren" in one of Dalinar's visions.

Hmm yeah I'd forgotten about that. Still there is a conspicuous lack of spren everywhere else, I'm not willing to believe Brandon just forgot to include them. There has to be a reason they aren't mentioned.


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #91 on: September 28, 2010, 07:54:18 AM »
Nohadon said "alas, not all spren are as discerning as honorspren" in one of Dalinar's visions.

Hmm yeah I'd forgotten about that. Still there is a conspicuous lack of spren everywhere else, I'm not willing to believe Brandon just forgot to include them. There has to be a reason they aren't mentioned.

It could just be the "white room effect" where Dalinar simply wasn't paying attention to the Spren, but it is a little suspicious. I wouldn't call it a huge thing, though.


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #92 on: September 28, 2010, 09:14:27 PM »
an idea I had, which I'm sure no one else will like,  what if Spren, are Cultivations Magic/Gift?   I know, I know, it would be nice if their Just the Almighty's shards, but what if?

My theory runs this way, spren are Drawn to Extreme States of Being.  in essance, Pain, Anger, Death, Honor, Life etc.  Syl is the only Spren we've seen that's Bonded to a person, so I'm basing this theory on her Actions.   how does she act?  mostly, like a conscious, or guide, prodding Kaladein out of his Depressions, and away from Suicidal thoughts.  She grows over the course of the book, gaining memories, personality, and understanding, which she uses on Kaladein to enhance his life.  This might be the Purpose of Spren, as Guides to Enhance/Grown/Cultivate people into "better" versions.   Honorspren are Attracted to people who display Honor, and they Encourage it.  Truthspren seem to also function the same way,  Shallen had to speak a "Truth" in order to use her gift, but she didn't Lose that Truth, instead she has to Face it, Remember it, and Grow from Using it.

this brings to mind a possibility, the most commen Spren seen in Elhkoars presence has been Gloryspren, one wonders what ability's they have?

anyway, that's my crazy theory, please, shoot holes in it?


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #93 on: September 28, 2010, 10:50:28 PM »
sorry to jump right over your questions, but I don't have many theories on that:)

it just made me think: what do we know about Szeth? does he/did he have an honorspren bonded to him? After finishing, i had automatically assumed that Szeth had a spren, and just wasn't mentioning it, but maybe that's not right. I'm just delving into all the ideas on WoK now, so I might be behind on some things, sorry:)


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #94 on: September 29, 2010, 12:51:59 AM »
sorry to jump right over your questions, but I don't have many theories on that:)

it just made me think: what do we know about Szeth? does he/did he have an honorspren bonded to him? After finishing, i had automatically assumed that Szeth had a spren, and just wasn't mentioning it, but maybe that's not right. I'm just delving into all the ideas on WoK now, so I might be behind on some things, sorry:)

I think there are about 2 or 3 different posts discussing this at the moment. I'm pretty sure that to use stormlight you must have some sort of spren bond.

Personally, I think Szeth's Oathstone is a fabriel-like contraption made by the stone sharman that traps the spren and allows him to surgebind.

Other's believe that he has so much honour that he is definitely bonded to an honourspren, just like Kaladin.

Then others think differently again. Just take your pick, or feel free to create your own theory.
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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #95 on: September 29, 2010, 06:14:50 PM »
feel free to create your own theory.
thank you, I think I will.  Szeth can surbind because he is clearly the descendent of a Herald, that explains the whole voidbingers do/do not exist conflict of his, the heralds founded Shin and told everybody that the voidbringers were gone, he discovered that they were lying through their teeth and called them on it, hence he became a truthless!


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #96 on: September 30, 2010, 02:38:54 AM »
feel free to create your own theory.
thank you, I think I will.  Szeth can surbind because he is clearly the descendent of a Herald, that explains the whole voidbingers do/do not exist conflict of his, the heralds founded Shin and told everybody that the voidbringers were gone, he discovered that they were lying through their teeth and called them on it, hence he became a truthless!
Possible, I like the latter part of the theory, but I don't think someone can surgebind just because their ancestors could. I think a more direct bond with spren is needed.
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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #97 on: September 30, 2010, 07:11:19 PM »
crazy idea:

Heralds are bonded to deathspren.

trapped in death/undeath.