Author Topic: Signing in Paris, France @ WHSmith in November  (Read 1762 times)


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Signing in Paris, France @ WHSmith in November
« on: October 11, 2010, 10:46:59 AM »
Hey you guys, my devious plan to get a bookstore in Paris to invite Brandon Sanderson seems to have worked!

Brandon will be doing a signing at WH Smith in Paris before or after the utopiales con. Thanks to them for setting this up and to Brandon for accepting. Details will be posted on their events page once its confirmed, but I wanted to mention it here already for interested people since its not that far off!

Their home page page ( currently says:
"Brandon Sanderson, author of The Gathering Storm and The Towers of Midnight, will be at WH Smith Paris in November. Please check our website regularly for the date and time."

I'm very happy about this because I will get to come to this signing and because it should be LOTS easier for folks in UK/Netherlands/Spain/Belgium and other countries surrounding France to come if you want.

This is a very good bookstore specializing in English books and I like it a lot. Their staff all speak English by the way.

If you are going to come, please consider ordering your copy of TofM from them, or buy another book or something else at the signing.  You might want to call in advance to order the book you want to buy. You can get a 5% off card by signing up for their newsletter:

FYI this is also one of the only places you can find reces pieces and other US/UK food not ordinarily sold in France!