then things might be a step towards slightly less doomed.
From what I've seen, this is not how Brandon's books work. We will read because he gives us flashes of hope and amazing action sequences, but he will tear at our hearts and souls the rest of the time. Up until the last couple chapters of the last book, it will appear as though Odium is going to win, just like it appeared that Ruin would triumph or Raoden would fail. At the climax, Brandon will kill off half the characters we have come to know and love over more than a decade. Afterward, we will love him for it even more than we did before.
A haphazard recreation of the Radiants would still fit with that, though - I doubt a recreation would be as powerful or skilled or numerous as the original, and probably wouldn't have all the Shardblades, etc. The Heralds are all gone except for one, too. Having a few new Knights Radiant would be one of those 'flashes of hope' - but in and of itself it would be a drop in the bucket against the True Desolation, presumably.
One thing to also keep in mind is all the previous Desolations were apparently much lesser than the one coming now - they were just 'Desolations' - this one sounds extra-nasty, the 'True Desolation', the 'Everstorm' and all that. Under that context, you could probably doubt that even all the Radiants in their full glory and all the heralds and all the armies of mankind might still lose under ordinary circumstances.
Regaining some of that lost power wouldn't be making things 'too easy' for the main characters by any means.