Author Topic: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*  (Read 66646 times)


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #60 on: April 13, 2011, 12:33:30 AM »
Of course if the Knights Radiant powered their plate differently then it wouldn't interfere with their abilities... :)


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #61 on: April 13, 2011, 12:51:50 AM »
Of course if the Knights Radiant powered their plate differently then it wouldn't interfere with their abilities... :)

Absorbing stormlight held in gemstones into themselves (like Szeth and Kaladin do) to power the shardplate and create lashings. Thats my theory at least.
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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #62 on: June 01, 2011, 04:57:11 PM »
Expounding on the theory of Radiants powering their suits differently:

Would the Radiants be inhibited in the amount of stormlight they infuse themselves with like Szeth and Kaladin?
You'll recall that in the book the more they inhaled, they increasingly felt as though the storm would rip them apart.
Granted, the Radiants would be enhanced by the plate, but not infinitely. If they were using lashings they would be massively bound by time. It would be a balancing act of keeping the plate and self infused. The more spent on lashings, the less the plate has.



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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2011, 05:49:58 PM »
Expounding on the theory of Radiants powering their suits differently:

Would the Radiants be inhibited in the amount of stormlight they infuse themselves with like Szeth and Kaladin?
You'll recall that in the book the more they inhaled, they increasingly felt as though the storm would rip them apart.
Granted, the Radiants would be enhanced by the plate, but not infinitely. If they were using lashings they would be massively bound by time. It would be a balancing act of keeping the plate and self infused. The more spent on lashings, the less the plate has.


Personally, I think they use the crystals in the armor/plate as batteries. Instead of directly absorbing the stormlight themselves, they absorb it and then store it in the armor - providing the armor with its glow.

Then they use the stored stormlight to fuel their lashings (or other powers). It's a process that must have been lost - directly using stormlight without having to absorb it first.

Or perhaps there's some sort of hybrid effect when the suit and the user can both use stormlight. We'll see, but I think my battery idea might be fairly close.


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #64 on: July 14, 2011, 12:56:28 PM »
page 648 of US Hardcover

Could this have importance as to what Kaladin will become? Also, 'men ride the storms no longer' could be referring to a way that the windrunners travelled, instead of the idea that they just use lashings. Putting it out there.


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #65 on: July 17, 2011, 05:59:06 AM »
Personally I'm wondering where Szeth's honorspren is.  Syl really doesn't like leaving Kal, so why is Szeth missing his companion?
In the magical descriptions at the end of The way of Kings it say that there were two types of surgebinding, windrunning could be one type and  Szeth could have another type. Furthermore Nohadon says the Alakavish is a surgebinder and has the Nahel bond but not all spren are as discerning as a honorspren suggesting differnet types of Surgebinding. Jasnah says there were two orders that did soulcasting so it makes sense that two orders performed surgebinding. I just wanted to ask if anyone knows anything about Dustbringers it is mentioned in the prologue.


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #66 on: July 17, 2011, 06:12:40 AM »

I have honestly not been keeping up with this thread, so I apologize if something I say has already been said or discussed.

Remember how the Knights Radiants' armor glowed and they were able to jump and fly in a similar manner to the way Szeth or Kaladin probably could if they got advanced enough and had enough Stormlight?

My theory is that eventually Syl will outgrow her body's capability to hold power.  I think at this time she will become a Blade and/or Plate and perhaps change back to a Spren when she is not being used.

If you think about it, not everyone can see all Spren right?  (e.g. You have to be drunk to see that one Spren.)  Now perhaps all Blades are made this way.  Where do they go when they disappear?  I propose they turn back into Spren, but no one is attuned to them so no  one sees them.  Perhaps this is why Syl loathes the other Blades so much.  They could be a different type of Spren, a corrupt, evil version of herself.

When someone intentionally puts a Blade down it doesn't evaporate.  We know Spren can be caught and put into gems.  This could be a similar concept.

If she turned into Plate, her abilities to Bind would still be usable by her, which could explain the Radiant's being able to do it even though they were in Plate.

This could also explain why Szeth wouldn't be able to use his Binding in another set of Plate, because it's from a different type of Spren and it doesn't interact with the Honor Spren.

I agree with what your saying and i just wanted to point out that when Kaladin is dying after being strung out Syl wears armor and has a sword to fights off the death spren. We can see that Syl knows how to form armor and plate.


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #67 on: July 17, 2011, 07:04:34 AM »
Personally I'm wondering where Szeth's honorspren is.  Syl really doesn't like leaving Kal, so why is Szeth missing his companion?
In the magical descriptions at the end of The way of Kings it say that there were two types of surgebinding, windrunning could be one type and  Szeth could have another type. Furthermore Nohadon says the Alakavish is a surgebinder and has the Nahel bond but not all spren are as discerning as a honorspren suggesting differnet types of Surgebinding. Jasnah says there were two orders that did soulcasting so it makes sense that two orders performed surgebinding. I just wanted to ask if anyone knows anything about Dustbringers it is mentioned in the prologue.

There's actually 10 types of Surgebinding I think,  Szeth and Kaladin both can control Gravity (the Basic and Reverse Lashings) and Pressure (the Full Lashing) which is two types. Each order of the KR had two types of Surgebinding and each type was shared by two orders  (and Brandon has clarified that Soulcasting the way Jasnah and Shallan do is a type of Surgebinding, controlling a Surge called Transformation).

Also, Brandon has said that something different is happening with Szeth then with Kaladin, which implies that he gets his powers in a different way then Kaladin and we think he doesn't have a spren. But he did confirm that Kaladin and Szeth are using the same powerset, even if they get it in different ways.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 07:07:36 AM by andygal »


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #68 on: July 19, 2011, 07:59:07 PM »
I was always wondering about that scene when Syl fights off the death spren. I don't have the book with me at the moment, but didn't Kaladin mention something about the appearance of the sword Syl was weilding? I don't remember her wearing armor but I could be wrong.

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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #69 on: July 19, 2011, 08:02:51 PM »
Also, Brandon has said that something different is happening with Szeth then with Kaladin, which implies that he gets his powers in a different way then Kaladin and we think he doesn't have a spren. But he did confirm that Kaladin and Szeth are using the same powerset, even if they get it in different ways.

For some reason I think Szeth's shardblade is extra magical, and that it is what gives him his windrunner abilities.  But there's not enough shardblades shown for me to be sure that Szeth's is actually different from normal.  Turning his eyes sapphire might not mean anything at all.


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #70 on: July 19, 2011, 08:26:54 PM »
Szeth's Blade is considerably smaller than the other Shardblades that were described; Szeth's is not 6 feet long. So his Blade is definitely 'different' but I don't think 'extra-magical' is the right term.


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #71 on: July 19, 2011, 09:25:17 PM »
Szeth implies that the fact that it changes his eyes when he summons it is unique to that particular one. 

Also, Szeth is shorter then most of the other characters, so his sword is well suited to him.


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #72 on: July 23, 2011, 09:43:09 PM »
where does Szeth imply that?

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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #73 on: July 26, 2011, 10:08:55 PM »
Taravangian says
"Was this your destiny? Do you wonder? Given that monstrosity of a Shardblade by your people, cast out and absolved of any sin your masters might require of you?"
In the prologue Szeth thinks:
He left the king’s Shardblade; he had no use for it. The Blade Szeth already carried was curse enough.
Either the Shin think all shardblades are trouble, or there's something special about his.

In the Glory of Ignorance intermission chapter, Szeth thinks:
What would these men say if they knew that the man who emptied their chamber pot was a Shardbearer and a Surgebinder? A Windrunner, like the Radiants of old? The moment he summoned his Blade, his eyes would turn from dark green to pale—almost glowing—sapphire, a unique effect of his particular weapon.

Also, Szeth's shardblade is edged on both sides.  I'm not sure that any of the others are, and I know for sure that some are single edged.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 10:49:06 PM by Cheese Ninja »


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Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« Reply #74 on: August 05, 2011, 12:15:56 PM »
Szeth implies that the fact that it changes his eyes when he summons it is unique to that particular one. 

Also, Szeth is shorter then most of the other characters, so his sword is well suited to him.

This probably has something to do with the legend that a darkeyes taking up a shardblade becomes a lighteyes. You wouldn't notice with Adolin or the others because they already have light colored eyes.
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