Author Topic: A question :)  (Read 7450 times)


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A question :)
« on: June 16, 2010, 11:44:50 PM »
I'm just wondering if someone could give me a run down on how forums actually work? This is the first one I've actually joined and I'm feeling rather helpless.
So many buttons, so many topics, so many sub-topics.. A quick run-down would help a lot  ;D

Thank you!
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Re: A question :)
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 05:05:09 AM »
I'm just wondering if someone could give me a run down on how forums actually work? This is the first one I've actually joined and I'm feeling rather helpless.
So many buttons, so many topics, so many sub-topics.. A quick run-down would help a lot  ;D

Thank you!

*Cracks knuckles* Let a pro show you how its done.

Basically a forum is a medium where you post messages, and other users post messages. Its sort of like a chat program where its NOT real time, and the messages tend to stick around. A message and all replies stick in the same "thread". Your topic in this thread is the original post, or sometimes called the OP. Essentially, its a giant string of conversation.

There are various buttons on the posting screen that let you do individual things, such as posting a link, image, bolding text, changing colors, sizes, etc. Each these buttons should be relatively self explanatory.

On the main page of the forum, you have different sections and sub topics of each section. They're essentially an area to group all like posts. inside, you have individual topics that are each about an individual subject matter of the groups discussion.

This topic contains the forum rules, and a breakdown of all the sections and what should be discussed in them. This will change depending on the forums you are on, these are just ours in specific.

Each of the groups should contain posts about what you are going to talk about. For example, if you plan on joining the brandon sanderson fan club (note, there isnt a real club that im aware of, figure of speech) like everyone else and want to discuss his newest book, discuss it here in the brandon sanderson section. Note that from a technical perspective, these topics could technically apply to books as well, but since brandon has his own section, all brandon book talk should go there.

In general, netiquette, (how you act) should be reasonably determinable. Don't be rude, don't flame (make fun of or provoke) others, DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS (is considered yelling. So unless you meant to yell, don't do it), don't post multiple posts in a row (if you have more to add after you all ready posted something, there will be an edit button your post. Use that, or wait until someone else posts), and type reasonably well in so far as grammar and spelling (misspelled words poor grammar are ok to a point. dont talk in all short hand, but using u instead of you would be fine). Follow these rules and you'll fit in well.

As far as posting comments, you have a post, preview, and spell check buttons. All basically explain what they do. Post finalizes, preview shows what it would look like if you hit post, and spell check does its name sake.

Above the post window, you have various smiley buttons. Click one to insert it to where your cursor is. Above that, you have buttons for inserting certain things like flash, links, and pictures. For these, they'll insert codes put in brackets [ ]. There's generally an opening and closing bracket, the closing one always has / before the closing one. Usually, whatever is in between the opening and closing part of the tag is what's affected by it.

For example, to bold something brackets that look like this would surround the text.  [ b]like this.[ /b]

Note that it wont actually show with the bracketed text, i added a space to show you what it looks like in the bracket codes. it will actually look like this when posted.

Hopefully that should let you hit the ground running. if you have anymore questions, feel free to hit me up via private message (at the top left, in the pane where it says "user info" you should see a message that says "you have x messages", click that to get to your inbox, which is kinda like an email page for web email), or just post some more in here.
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Re: A question :)
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2010, 08:31:44 AM »
Alright that all sounds understandable enough for me, thanks.  :)
My peace is gone,
My heart is heavy,
I will find it never
and never more.     - Goethe


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Re: A question :)
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 10:52:54 PM »
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