Unfortunately, if I took your stance on not submitting things that aren't finished, I'd never submit anything. I work a lot (60+ hour weeks are not uncommon), and then I have the full-time job of taking care of my house by myself. On top of that, I tend to get stuck on things, because I'm such a perfectionist. Let's put it this way: I'm about 200 words into the next chapter on it, and I have *not*gone back to edit this one, nor have I worked on anything else. I've also only ever finished one work, and that died off around the 50k mark, with the intent to rewrite it in 3rd person eventually (which would have added enough to get it to novel length). Then I realized that the basic prose felt like a Xanth novel, and I put it down because I'd have to rewrite the whole thing to remove it. So, I cut out the magic system, revised it, and have yet to stick it back into something.
Not going back and revising is an issue of self-control, though. After getting the feedback from this, I went back and marked several places where I will edit things. Then I moved on. The reason I would not want to wait until I was done is that an issue with tone would end up having to be changed in *every* chapter after it was noticed; the earlier it is found, the better, because then I can change. I tend to write in discovery mode; I have an overarching plot, but almost everything between is still fluid. I also tend not to do things like outlines, or keep notes, or such. My brain has done a good job of keeping track of things so far, so I'll let it continue.
It's nice to know that there's a writing group in Logan. At this time I'd be hesitant to pay for it, though, as my amount of contribution would likely not be worth the money.