I agree with ryos and RC that you do have a lot of redundancy in this chapter. I get the feeling that the reason your characters are being so precise with their dialogue, at least as concerns the bodies, is because they're making some sort of attempt at being... professional? Thorough? The kind of thing you see in crime shows- where they clinically discuss what happened, even if the characters can see for themselves exactly what happened. The thing is, you're also telling us what they're going to be telling each other, before they tell each other. Why not just let them proceed with their investigation and we'll learn as we go?
You can do a lot more with Awrtek's character, and I'm sure you will as the story progresses. At least his vocation is clear-cut. One thing, though- the first time you refer to him as the God of Mercy, it threw me out of the story as I tried to figure out if the POV changed, or if Awrtek *was* the God of Mercy.
Tyrus is confusing, and you do nothing to make him less so. You describe his appearance as if it means anything to the reader. He left his sword behind- well, ok, but we already know that blades aren't allowed in the city limits from chapter 1, so why would that be such a big deal?
The Glabn- is that the species name? is visually confusing. I'm not quite sure what you're going for here. It certainly sounds intimidating, so Tyrus at least gets points for standing up to it. Also, these Syndicates- are they synonymous with the Cult of Lunus? You imply that they are, but never come out and say so. If they are, I would assume that they are already as "united" as they're going to get, all being a part of one cult.
You do need to take the time to go through and really organize your scenes- right now they're really chaotic and it's hard to get a good picture of anything. And you keep misusing homonyms. In particular "Veiled Boarders". Is that a person who pays rent in a building and goes veiled? From context, probably not. Is it a sort of veiled pirate who boards ships? Again, probably not. I gather you are talking about borders between countries, or dimensions, or maybe even states of existence, but please be more clear.
But obviously you grabbed my attention enough to make me complain about all this stuff, so good job! Keep at it and worry about proof-reading when you've got the story down!