Szeth? Bridge crews?
Stop confusing me... >_<
Honestly, the cover does nothing for me. I couldn't tell there was a storm brewing until someone else mentioned it, I could barely tell that was a sword in the guy's hand (on first glance it looked like an umbrella), and while the art is superb, it looks like the standard fantasy cover. The only interesting aspect, the only part I can directly connect with what little I know about The Way of Kings is the shelled plants on the ground.
If I had never heard of Brandon Sanderson, never read any of his books, and I came across this in the bookstore, I'd likely pass it right on by. I could pick a book off my shelf at home and have a fifty percent chance of pulling a cover with a guy holding a sword with an obscure figure in the background.
And is the guy in the foreground wearing a poncho?
But really, this is just me. Even in the above scenario I'd likely buy the book based off the synopsis on the inside jacket. I guess I was just hoping to see a cover with a really freakin' huge sword, and a guy in the middle of one of these violent storms. Or something like that.