Author Topic: So, Hoid was there when what happened?  (Read 23640 times)


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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2010, 03:29:14 AM »
Are we trying to imply that Elvis is Hoid?  I can totally see him breaking god with pelvic thrusts.
Adonalsium got "all shook up." Hur, hur, hur.


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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #31 on: January 04, 2010, 10:07:13 PM »
I'm up for the bet!

Link von Kelsier Harvey XXIV

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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2010, 10:19:41 PM »
Hmm... One wonders if there will ever be a book that details exactly what happened, and what Hoid's (Elvis's) role in the whole thing was.  Or perhaps the body of work that happens around Hoid will become so massive that even from the tiny glimpses each affords us, we'll be able to piece the whole thing together.  Mayhaps we will wind up with a massive several world crossover wherein all of our favorite characters put Adolnasium back together again.  .... That sounds like really bad fan-fiction. :-[ But I bet Brandon could do it!  Of course, the real answer probably surpasses my puny imaginings by a great deal. ;)
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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2010, 10:31:32 PM »
Hmm... One wonders if there will ever be a book that details exactly what happened, and what Hoid's (Elvis's) role in the whole thing was.  Or perhaps the body of work that happens around Hoid will become so massive that even from the tiny glimpses each affords us, we'll be able to piece the whole thing together.  Mayhaps we will wind up with a massive several world crossover wherein all of our favorite characters put Adolnasium back together again.  .... That sounds like really bad fan-fiction. :-[ But I bet Brandon could do it!  Of course, the real answer probably surpasses my puny imaginings by a great deal. ;)

while it's really cool and all that the novels brandon writes are all based in the same universe, i really hope we don't see a huge crossover novel of like mistborn/elantris/etc. on down the line. Crossovers always make me roll my eyes, i've never had one I enjoyed (outside of laughing at it out of dumb-factor)

though, if anyone can pull it off, it may be brandon.
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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2010, 10:33:45 PM »
Hmm... One wonders if there will ever be a book that details exactly what happened, and what Hoid's (Elvis's) role in the whole thing was.  Or perhaps the body of work that happens around Hoid will become so massive that even from the tiny glimpses each affords us, we'll be able to piece the whole thing together.  Mayhaps we will wind up with a massive several world crossover wherein all of our favorite characters put Adolnasium back together again.  .... That sounds like really bad fan-fiction. :-[ But I bet Brandon could do it!  Of course, the real answer probably surpasses my puny imaginings by a great deal. ;)

while it's really cool and all that the novels brandon writes are all based in the same universe, i really hope we don't see a huge crossover novel of like mistborn/elantris/etc. on down the line. Crossovers always make me roll my eyes, i've never had one I enjoyed (outside of laughing at it out of dumb-factor)

though, if anyone can pull it off, it may be brandon.

I"m guessing that the books are actually separated by extremely large time spans.  If there is a story that pulls everything together, it will probably do it in the distant future/past of all the standalone stories we've read so far.
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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2010, 11:29:03 PM »
Back on topic.....

Since Preservation and Ruin made intelligent life, and thus the contract to end the world, where did Ati and Leras come from with there distinct bodies (Ati's flaming red hair, and Leras's nose). Are they 'doppelgangers' in a sense? Fractured pieces of personality from Andonalsium? Or was it just the power that shattered from Andonalsium? And how come there are two shards on Scadrial? How come they all aren't separated? Maybe Hoid moved them? Found hosts for the power?

Just some food for thought.


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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2010, 02:57:46 AM »
Ati and Leras were other people who merged with Chaos/Preservation, like Vin eventually merged with Preservation. This was discussed in the super long HOA thread. But interesting questions about shards...why two there?
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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2010, 03:58:46 PM »
WoK has more.....
"Words are double edged blades. Only the great and the foolish play with knives." - Kaz the Buddah

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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2010, 07:18:26 PM »
Ati and Leras were other people who merged with Chaos/Preservation, like Vin eventually merged with Preservation. This was discussed in the super long HOA thread. But interesting questions about shards...why two there?

This seems very likely, but I don't think we know for sure that Ati and Leras were* just* people who happened on the power.  They certainly seemed to embody the power they held in outlook and behavior more completely than either Vin or Sazed did.  If Hoid was present when Andalosium split, maybe others were there as well?

Given the worlds we have seen so far, it seems that Ruin and Preservation were not the only shards that decided to go do their own thing.  Ruin and Preservation probably stuck together simply because they couldn't create worlds on their own, and thus could not get any satisfaction at all from anything they did without the other.  (With the other present, they would only get limited satisfaction, but still more than nothing.)
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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #39 on: January 06, 2010, 08:21:47 AM »
Hmm... One wonders if there will ever be a book that details exactly what happened, and what Hoid's (Elvis's) role in the whole thing was.  Or perhaps the body of work that happens around Hoid will become so massive that even from the tiny glimpses each affords us, we'll be able to piece the whole thing together.  Mayhaps we will wind up with a massive several world crossover wherein all of our favorite characters put Adolnasium back together again.  .... That sounds like really bad fan-fiction. :-[ But I bet Brandon could do it!  Of course, the real answer probably surpasses my puny imaginings by a great deal. ;)

Answer: Barnes and Nobles Q&A!! (Man I love that thing!)
(Note- This is Brandon speaking in all of these quotes)
Also I wondered whether you will ever publish an encyclopoedia of your interlocking worlds and their relationship to each other within their cosmos?
 I plan to do something like this, as things progress.  It won't happen until the future, however, and will likely happen only on-line.  There will eventually be short stories showing some of what is going on behind the main stories of the novels.  I do have some novels planned which would deal with all of this in a more direct way, but they are decades away from being written.

Answer to Doppelganger: Doesn't look like it. From the same source:
The man who died before Vin took over was named Leras.  (I've occasionally written it as Laras.  I've said the names in my head for years, but I'm only now writing them down as people ask me on forums.)  Leras, like Ati (aka Ruin), were NOT Adonalsium.  (Sorry about the typo on that one in MB3.  I wrote it down on the manuscript, and it didn't get put in quite right.  We'll get it fixed.).
(emphasis added by me)

For Cognitive traveling:
I do have a cohesive metaphysical reasoning for how my worlds and magic works.  And there is a single plane of existence--called Shadesmar, the Cognative Realm--which connects them all.
You will never need to know any of this to read and enjoy my books, but there is an overarching story behind all of them, going on in the background.  Adonalsium, Hoid, the origin of Ati, Leras, the Dor, and the Voice (from Warbreaker) are all tied up in this.

One Man Hoid (a long dead argument, but hey, why not...)
common character appearing in all of the books

Wow. This ended up being a fairly large post. Hmm. Anywho, for more Barnes and Nobles Q&A goodness, look here.
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Link von Kelsier Harvey XXIV

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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #40 on: January 06, 2010, 05:05:59 PM »
Oh!!! Shadesmar is the cognitive realm!  Now maybe I can participate in WofK discussions without sounding stupid. :P
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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #41 on: January 07, 2010, 02:31:45 AM »
Oh!!! Shadesmar is the cognitive realm!  Now maybe I can participate in WofK discussions without sounding stupid. :P

I second that...and I've long assumed that the Cognitive (which is Shadesmar apparently) is how Hoid put in so many appearances.

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Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2010, 03:31:33 AM »
That is popular opinion Mellington
"Words are double edged blades. Only the great and the foolish play with knives." - Kaz the Buddah

"Take off your sandals, for you are posting on holy ground." -  Yahweh Kaz

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