Author Topic: We the Peeps  (Read 6893 times)


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We the Peeps
« on: January 31, 2006, 06:49:00 PM »
Hey, I would love to share my as you all know, I can play a guitar, but I don't know anything about this durn computer...noooope! Does anyone here know how I can do that? I DO have it on CD, but I'll warn you, it's pretty crazy stuff.

We recorded it at one of our guys' friends apartments, and it has a garage band sound to it...especially since they only had time for us to record each song once before they went and recorded their stuff at a real studio. But we HAD to record it that day because that was the day before our violinist went to...Rochester New York...I finally got it. Apparently when you record, you're supposed to record each instrument separately, only bands like U2 record together. It's supposed to improve the sound or something when you record separately. Well, we only had two hours to record, so that wasn't an option. I still like it, but of course, I'm biased.

We also have pictures of our band, and the cover of our CD and all that (the cover is on my website on the 'about me' section).

On a side note, I also have some 'Mormon ads' we made for our ward encourage dating. I took the pictures and the guy who helped me with my website designed the layout. It was a complete joke and they're pretty funny. We even saw it in someone else's chapel (outside a bishop's office). Once I figure out how to download that kind of stuff (and if it doesn't take too much space, I'd do it).

Hey, so does anyone else play an instrument? Have a band? I'd love to hear about it. Any other crazy projects?
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Eric James Stone

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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2006, 07:35:18 PM »
Does anyone here know how I can do that? I DO have it on CD,

If you have it on CD, then you can create MP3 files out of the songs. (If you aren't sure whether you have a program to do that, you can get RealPlayer for free from You could then upload the files to your website (or have whoever takes care of your website upload them for you.)
Eric James Stone
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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2006, 09:20:34 PM »
and be prepared to hemmorage bandwidth :D
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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2006, 09:32:20 PM »
You are mad!

Okay, I'll bug my friend about helping me out with that. You realize, of course, that I will now owe him EVEN more Taco Bell. The things I do...

Here's a line from WWFHE: "Brothers and sisters, it's Monday Night again and it's time to party...and get some loving from your father and mother...don't be a heathen, come to Family Home Evening..."

Now do you still wanna hear it? Hey, I really really try to be good, but my sense of humor gets in the way every time!
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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2006, 10:22:32 PM »
(Sorry, guitarbabe. I'm busting the off-topic curve. :D)

Oh suuuure. I get a frog ad here.


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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2006, 10:31:13 PM »
Ha! I got one, too. Crazy Frog.
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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2006, 09:58:52 AM »
if anyone ever encourages someone to actually install realplayer on purpose in my presence I think my brain will suffer massive hemorage, resulting in the destruction of several continents.

to rip cd to mp3, the easiest way with a non-crappy program is to use CDex,

Very simple interface with quality rips. And it's open source.

Eric James Stone

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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2006, 10:44:39 AM »
Sigh.  For most people, the question of whether something is open source or not makes no difference.  I recommended RealPlayer because:

1. RealPlayer works.
2. RealPlayer is one of three de facto standards for accessing media on the web (along with Quicktime and Windows Media), so you might as well have it installed.

Personally, I rip CDs with Winamp because I think llamas are cool.
Eric James Stone
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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2006, 10:47:30 AM »
It's not that realplayer isn't open source, it's that Realplayer is the laughing stock of the internet community when it comes to media players.  It's a horrible piece of software that spams you with adds.
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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2006, 11:19:47 AM »
open source is an ADDITIONAL benefit. It's nice because, being on sourceforge, you know a lot of people have looked it over and that the code is clean and doesn't do anything to commandeer your computer (like RealPlayer does). CDex only runs when I tell it to. CDex doesn't reside in my task bar and eat up resources when it's not being used. Best of all, CDex is a small program that works fast.

RealPlayer doesn't always work. And in fact, it is hardly a de facto standard. It's becoming MUCH more rare to see anyone offering anything in Real format.
If you had said Windows Media Player, I wouldn't have rolled my eyes, though it has some major problems, but at least that shows up all over hte place. Of the three, QT is the most solid program.

The first thing I do when I get on any computer is uninstall Real anything. Seriously, it eats up my resources and it never ever gets used. It's a waste of space and memory and does some very annoying things. I think you do a major disservice to people when you recommend they use Real.

No, i'm not the kind of guy who thinks something is better *just* because it's open source. But when you're comparing RealPlayer to, well, anything, Real for teh lose.


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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2006, 11:46:39 AM »
You guys argue about the silliest stuff.

And by the way, I finally got the frog ad too. And I still can't get one on the actual frog ad thread. Khan!!!
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Re: We the Peeps
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2006, 08:24:41 PM »
Ha ha, I had NO idea what you guys what you meant by a frog? I think I know least you're not on drugs.
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