OK, I think I've caught up with all the posts so far, and won't be going back over old ground, much.
I agree with RedMars11 #42 that there are some good and refreshing conversations in TGS. In particular, I like:
- the developing romance between Siuan and "You lout!" a.k.a. Gareth; Brandon does seem to have a knack for low-key romance subplots: there were at least three good ones in Mistborn
- the deadpan humour from Talmanes, something other than WoT's usual mix of solemnity and rants
- the straight shooting from Tam despite being menaced by the might-makes-right channelers Rand and Cadsuane. Tam in particular had me thinking "Yes! At last!" after Rand's repeated refusal to explore his own motivations beyond the dreaded "Because I must" mantra.
An important piece of communication yet to come is for the Ta'veren and the Seanchan to compare notes about their prophesies, and try to reconcile them.
Subversion of Rand
I agree with happyman #198 et seq, that the DO's trying hard to subvert Rand. It was a goal worth sacrificing Semirhage for - which looks like a very deliberate move, as Shaidar Haran itself was involved. It also fits with something Verin said on p600 of the novel, about the DO being subtler than people think.
My predictions
I saw 2 things coming that happened, and one that didn't. Aviendha's pointless chores were to provoke her into defiance: yep. Silviana as Keeper (rather like the way Henry VII married Elizabeth of York to stop The War of the Roses from flaring up again): yep. The Seanchan extracting the Horn of Valere from the White Tower for Mat: nope.
Mmmm, I do like a good 'torpedo' character. There are a few of them dotted around in Dickens's novels, for example, and I was impressed at how Verin went the same sort of way.
Perrin's anecdote
The bit about enjoying the anticipation of the wooden horse, even more than eventually having it, was a good little reflection and nicely in character.
For all we know, Siuan may have saved Egwene from the bloodknives, so Egwene's reproach of "You should've left me lying in the corridor", or whatever it was, was a bit off. Still, maybe Egwene didn't know about bloodknives.
The last book I read before TGS was Catch-22, and one of its catchphrases is "He's got flies in his eyes!" - so that's what I was thinking every time saa were described.
Brandon had something up on his website last year, about putting a sponsored character into TGS as a charity fundraiser. He/she would be a peripheral character resembling the auction winner, and would have a display of awesomeness, much like Charlz Guybon in one of the previous books. My guess is that it went ahead, and that the warder Sleete is the sponsored character.
Moiraine's still my favourite character in the series, mainly because she was an active and dedicated field operative, in strong contrast to the usual exasperating Aes Sedai style of sitting back and making machinations based on bad intelligence. It was comforting to read that some of the other characters were missing her too.
I'm feeling very satisfied with TGS.