Author Topic: The Gathering Storm Chapter One  (Read 23599 times)

Andrew the Great

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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #45 on: September 09, 2009, 11:21:22 PM »
I'm impressed with your self-control. I found out chapter one was out, and was over there shortly afterward, even though I was planning on waiting until the whole thing came out. My thoughts went something like this.

Me:"Must .... wait....."
Tempting voice from nowhere/internet-land: "Chapter one.....
Voice:"Chapter One......"
Me:"Chapter One......"

Yeah, my resolve lasted about 3 seconds when it came down to it. And though I don't typically like buying things twice, I already know I'll end up buying the prologue later this month, too.
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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #46 on: September 10, 2009, 09:24:42 PM »
Also, there are apparently some misunderstandings that Kestrel needs to have cleared up, really to many to go into in any great detail. Basically, I would recommend the person to learn to read more widely.

Haha, oh wow. Wow. I'm sorry for laughing, because I haven't posted here often enough for anyone to know much about me, but to even suggest I need to read more widely. Dear, I read everything from Dickens to Murakami, from Nabokov to Saramago to Yoshikawa, to any more "pulpy" fantasy you'd pick up on a Barnes & Noble shelf. My reading experience has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not I think Jordan is overly wordy. It's the same reason I can't stand Tolkien. It's too bloody dry.

Just because Kestrel said that the chapter was boring doesn't mean that you need to say that Kestrel is, essentially, ignorant...Kestrel pointed out the things he (or she, not quite sure) that he didn't care for...

Thank you. :) I didn't think I was coming off as overly inflammatory, though I am aware that Wheel of Time fans seem to be incredibly devoted--after this many books, I'm not surprised. Hell, I dated a hardcore fan for three years, I'm aware of people's love for the series. And it's she, just to clear that up.

I do feel that when someone "goes out" as hard as Kestrel did in this case, they should expect some opposition.

Don't worry, I did. xD I wasn't trying to troll or anything, but I certainly expected disagreement.

Sanderson's published work is clearly inferior to Jordan's by any yardstick.

Agreeing with Bookstore Guy in saying "not by mine." I've read nearly everything Sanderson's released by now barring the Alcatraz books, and I'd choose him as the more enjoyable and more capable author than Jordan any day--no offense to Jordan, of course. Like I said, Brandon seems much more capable when it comes to his systems of magic (though I do enjoy what exists in WoT), infusing characters with life, and the amount of detail put into his work in general. By detail I don't mean how I complained about Jordan's descriptions, I mean how things all connect--such as the ending result of Sazed's religious studies in Mistborn.

Kestrel's was needless raving that i found offensive

I explained exactly what I found to my displeasure about the chapter, my post was hardly "needless raving." I understand some Wheel of Time fans are to literature what console fanboys are to video games, but I've been as polite as possible in the matter--I would appreciate if you did the same, regardless of differing opinions. I'm not attacking you for your love of a book I find dull, am I? I fail to see how you could find that 'Offensive' unless you'd been the author yourself.

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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #47 on: September 10, 2009, 11:36:11 PM »
Your sense of manners is that of a child who got away with saying almost anything that came to mind... what is offensive is the fact of how you say it not the meaning behind it.

P.S. I am not saying my manners are good but then again i don't defend them...ever
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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #48 on: September 11, 2009, 12:15:53 AM »
I understand some Wheel of Time fans are to literature what console fanboys are to video games, but I've been as polite as possible in the matter--I would appreciate if you did the same, regardless of differing opinions. I'm not attacking you for your love of a book I find dull, am I? I fail to see how you could find that 'Offensive' unless you'd been the author yourself.

I'm not sure how many different ways I should be offended here. I am a fan of both WOT and Console video game systems. Your comments seem to be disparaging and attack anyone who doesn't agree with you as somehow being less than you. I believe that is what other people's overall objections to your comments has been.


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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #49 on: September 11, 2009, 12:22:12 AM »
Your sense of manners is that of a child who got away with saying almost anything that came to mind... what is offensive is the fact of how you say it not the meaning behind it.

P.S. I am not saying my manners are good but then again i don't defend them...ever

...Excuse me? I'm sorry, but I really didn't say anything out of line at all. Then again, I'm not the one calling people ignorant and getting personally offended over a book that I'm a fan of. ._.

I'm not sure how many different ways I should be offended here. I am a fan of both WOT and Console video game systems. Your comments seem to be disparaging and attack anyone who doesn't agree with you as somehow being less than you.

-How-? I love video games, but if you can seriously defend the irrationality of the most hardcore fanboys in -any- system's camp, well, I don't know what to say. As for how I've once attacked someone, I'm at a loss. It's becoming quite clear that very few people here can handle differing opinions. All I've done was point out why I didn't like WoT and I may as well have burned down an orphanage.


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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #50 on: September 11, 2009, 12:49:28 AM »
You burned down an orphanage?!?!  That discredits you even more!


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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #51 on: September 11, 2009, 03:20:28 AM »
I read it, I liked it mostly. I thought the tease the wind gave of reviewing several major plot threads quickly with it blowing so far was, at first annoying as a Trolloc at a dinner party, but then I realized something. I was annoyed because I was immediately expecting each new paragraph to grow into a focus on that thread, so I guess Brandon's use of the technique worked. I was hoping for more in Chapter one on Egwene, as her story line has shown more growth than 2 of the boys. She's in far and away the most interesting position of any Edmonds Field character now, including Rand.
         Rand seemed much more insane than last book, but that might just be a result of the cat being out of the bag. Since Semi outed his malady, he no longer has to try to maintain an appearance of sanity with those close to him. I was already feeling sympathy, and from the Dragonmount description of the book that was posted there, he'll be in hell in Randland soon.
        I thought the whole must find Faile sequence should have been deleted from the novels, as I just don't see it at this point as anything other than a distraction. I haven't gathered how any of  its events drive the plot forward.
       Mat is growing nicely, but what's next for him and the Band now that he's spending his honeymoon on the opposite side of battle from his bride. What's he gonna do next?

Patriotic Kaz

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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #52 on: September 11, 2009, 03:57:53 AM »
When did i venture comment about ignorance can someone kindly point that out for me? Get your fact's straight if you wish to point the finger. Also, if that comment wasn't directed at me then i will rephrase what i stated earlier... you phrase things poorly your intent isn't what has people upset...we get it you dislike WoT but so does Steve and no one cares about the comments he put forth... how you say something is rather important, and the fact that you don't understand what you did that got such a reaction doesn't reflect much on you or your upbringing. So please either think about your aproach and find out what was offensive on your own, or stop playing the victim and just accept that you don't think highly enough of those around you to care if they are offended.

P.S. i have many faults but i can almost certainly tell what i did wrong on reflection my problem is justification.
"Words are double edged blades. Only the great and the foolish play with knives." - Kaz the Buddah

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Bookstore Guy

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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #53 on: September 11, 2009, 04:23:23 AM »
...we get it you dislike WoT but so does Steve and no one cares about the comments he put forth...

But, one cares? I thought I was was special? My mom said I was...
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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #54 on: September 11, 2009, 06:30:56 AM »
I still don't think Rand is insane. Well, Lews Therin is really there. Rand certainly has issues--needing to be steel, his obsession with dead women's names/faces, but that's not insanity in my mind.

His really dangerous problem is the dizziness etc when seizing Saidin.

(And no, I have not read the book early.)
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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #55 on: September 11, 2009, 02:32:49 PM »
...we get it you dislike WoT but so does Steve and no one cares about the comments he put forth...

But, one cares? I thought I was was special? My mom said I was...

Yet another victim of the self esteem movement.   :'(     

Amen to everything posed by Ookla and Mennis.  I really loved the way Brandon wrote the wind sequence.  I usually breeze over that stuff to get to the action, especially when the prologue has been less than engaging, but Brandon got me looking at the map and really connecting the breeze to what was happening in relation to the geography.  I liked that a whole lot.  My book is pre-ordered and  hope I have the discipline to wait until then to read the prologue.  Probly not.

Kaz, can't we all just get along?  Don't worry, be happy!  O.K., now I'm stuck in the eighties. . . .


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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #56 on: September 11, 2009, 05:20:25 PM »
Oh I realize that less time has passed. I don't, however, feel that it absolves the need for character change and development. Time changes people slowly, events change them quickly. Static characters are boring to me.

I agree wholeheartedly that static characters are boring.  However, I would not agree that Perrin has become static and underdeveloped.  I think that is what we are discussing here.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  Perrin has reacted to the events in his life.  He has been pushed the entire way into becoming something he never wanted to be.  The major change in his life has been Faile.  He loves her.  A deep, blind love that changes a man into something he normally doesn't even understand himself.  Nothing else matters to Perrin but Faile, be it Rand, Tarmon Gai'don, or the Dark One.  With Faile by his side he has the courage and will to deal with those things.  However, if he loses Faile then there is no point to go on and he won't.  In all likelihood he would either kill himself or retreat to within.  That is the reason he spends so much time trying to get her back.  It does add to the plotline.  It shows us just how much Perrin is infatuated with Faile and where his loyalties really lie.  We are a very short jump now from Perrin as he is to a Darkfriend Perrin who is forced to the follow the will of the Dark One because Faile is in danger or because Faile leads him astray.  She has more influence over him currently than anyone else and it has taken all this to show just how strong those bonds are so if something like the aforementioned were to happen it wouldn't seem out of character for him to suddenly be willing to give up the world for his love.

I have no knowledge of the coming books and haven't even read chapter one, for that matter I'm about half way through CoT and can't even remember what else happens in this and the next book.  I'm not saying either of those things will happen, just that something like that could be where the current character development of Perrin could be leading.  Was the chase in the books boring to read when compared with everything else that is going on in Randland?  Without a doubt.  Was it necessary.  I'm going to say probably.

Comfortable Madness

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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #57 on: September 11, 2009, 06:41:50 PM »
Oh I realize that less time has passed. I don't, however, feel that it absolves the need for character change and development. Time changes people slowly, events change them quickly. Static characters are boring to me.

I agree wholeheartedly that static characters are boring.  However, I would not agree that Perrin has become static and underdeveloped.  I think that is what we are discussing here.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  Perrin has reacted to the events in his life.  He has been pushed the entire way into becoming something he never wanted to be.  The major change in his life has been Faile.  He loves her.  A deep, blind love that changes a man into something he normally doesn't even understand himself.  Nothing else matters to Perrin but Faile, be it Rand, Tarmon Gai'don, or the Dark One.  With Faile by his side he has the courage and will to deal with those things.  However, if he loses Faile then there is no point to go on and he won't.  In all likelihood he would either kill himself or retreat to within.  That is the reason he spends so much time trying to get her back.  It does add to the plotline.  It shows us just how much Perrin is infatuated with Faile and where his loyalties really lie.  We are a very short jump now from Perrin as he is to a Darkfriend Perrin who is forced to the follow the will of the Dark One because Faile is in danger or because Faile leads him astray.  She has more influence over him currently than anyone else and it has taken all this to show just how strong those bonds are so if something like the aforementioned were to happen it wouldn't seem out of character for him to suddenly be willing to give up the world for his love.

I have no knowledge of the coming books and haven't even read chapter one, for that matter I'm about half way through CoT and can't even remember what else happens in this and the next book.  I'm not saying either of those things will happen, just that something like that could be where the current character development of Perrin could be leading.  Was the chase in the books boring to read when compared with everything else that is going on in Randland?  Without a doubt.  Was it necessary.  I'm going to say probably.

Good point. But what you're really trying to say is.......

Down with Faile, up with Berelain! ;D ;)
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Patriotic Kaz

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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2009, 06:50:44 PM »
I like Berelian much more that she isn't trying to get into Perrins pants.
"Words are double edged blades. Only the great and the foolish play with knives." - Kaz the Buddah

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Bookstore Guy

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Re: The Gathering Storm Chapter One
« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2009, 08:06:15 PM »
As I said, I believe that Perrin has become static. Both him and Rand have become one-trick-ponies and single minded. You're right, for Perrin all he thinks about is Faile regardless of what else is going on, and I feel that is boring. It used to be when we saw Perrin we saw his internal and external struggles and growth. We saw him learn. Perrin stopped learning after he became "Lord Perrin." Same with Rand. You know that when it gets to a Rand section all we get to see is him recite a list of names, and say, "I need to be harder." Regardless of what is happening to them, they act the same. Perrin growls while Rand lists names (much like Arya in Martin's novels). Mat is the only character I feel is actually growing, and consequently the only character I care about.

I also feel that the female characters have all had their personalities meld to closely. I want individual characters, not a group that share one brain.

What I need to see is these characters growing the heck up. After everything they have seen and experienced, they are still the most narrow-minded characters I have ever read. It's like I reading the one-trait characters from an Eddings novel again. This was fine when I was twelve, but I'm almost 30 now. I need some complexity in the characters, and only Mat shows any sign of that.

Edit: I also agree with Ookla, the insanity (which really isnt insanity at all here) isnt the danger. His control over the power is the problem. I would like to see a character close to Rand die because of his issue so he, you know, has to have a reaction of some sort. In fact, having a main character die would be a great way to actually shake up the series a bit and lend some sort of ACTUAL DANGER to the people.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 08:11:42 PM by Bookstore Guy »
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