This was a very enjoyable Ellie chapter. Can't say I've said that about Ellie before
This one made me laugh out loud a couple of times. "I hope Kail was alive. 'Cause I'd kill him", "Girls are smarter than boys". Those were great lines! I much prefer this Ellie to the old writings of Ellie. She's more likable.
The imagery of the flowers with eyes, the bug carrying a rabbit gave me a wonderful impression that this world is strange and new--and scary. That's exactly what this chapter needed. At the time I read the first page, though, I wondered if mentioning those creatures second-hand, rather than showing Ellie's initial impression of them, was a wise decision. On one hand, because we haven't seen Ellie in a while, it makes sense that she'd be summarizing a bit, but it also kicks me out of the scene slightly, too.
Now I've been writing first-person this past week, so maybe that's why I just noticed something else about your prose. Silk, in one of her critiques, said that we aren't perfectly inside the character's brains, and I must wholeheartedly agree. We are close, but we're still a few feet away from that sweet spot. I don't think this is an Ellie-specific problem (I worry that if I'm bringing this point up during an Ellie chapter, you're thinking I'm taking it out on Ellie, which I'm not! I
like this Ellie, really!), though you need to tighten that up in later drafts. I actually think third-limited POV is easier, because as long as you don't make obvious viewpoint errors, people are a tad more forgiving with it. In first-person, when that sense of "presence of mind" isn't there, I feel it.
For example:
Part of me couldn’t believe that I’d just told a joke to a monster, but another part of me sure could. Everyone always told me I was a brat. What were these freaking things, demons, gargoyles?
“What the heck are you anyway?”
Well, for one thing, the dialogue basically reiterates the exact same thing she just thought. Bad. It doesn't make that paragraph jell together at all. Also, it doesn't feel like Ellie would think about being a brat right here. She's too scared. ...On second thought, maybe she would think that general idea, but I don't think you displayed it right. As written, it knocks me out of the story.
What I'm trying to say is that I think your characters are perfectly fine. The writing needs to display them better. Does that make sense?
I enjoyed the submission well enough as it was, though. It just could be better.
“No!” I shouted, dropping the knife and crouching down next to him. I tried to feel for a pulse, but there wasn’t one. I started chest compressions on him, but he was so stiff. So I straddled him and tried to get as much leverage as I could, and found the strength I needed to do them right. Tears ran down my cheeks and neck as I tried to help him.
I didn’t mean to kill him; I didn’t mean to kill him . . . I ignored everyone else around me, although I could hear them moving. An acrid, rotten smell finally stopped me. When I looked up, a dark mist was steaming out of the corners of Droolfaces eyes, like smoke, and flowing out of his mouth.
I love the imagery here. You're hitting the imagery hard in this chapter, which is precisely what the scene needs. Good job.
However, this is another moment where the prose does not seem to "evoke" Ellie (the only other I remember). At the time, it seemed really unrealistic for her to immediately leap to try and save the Draken. The next paragraph explains her rationale, but I think we need her reasoning
immediately as she leaps into action to make it feel more believable. By breaking up the paragraphs by topic--one being "action" and the other "justifications"--I don't feel inside the character.
Okay, that's all the major stuff. One excessively minor thing which is probably just me being dumb, Droolface. The way it was written, it seemed like Ellie inherently knew that Draken's name was Droolface, which seemed quite unreasonable. It was only until a few pages later that I realized that was just Ellie's placeholder name for him. Lol...
Also, your chapters are deceptively long! After reading Kendra's submission, I thought "oh, this Sword of Worlds submission is just 9 pages". But it's not double-spaced
This is, by far, the best Ellie chapter. It was a treat to read. Bratty and scared is just how I like my Ellie in the morning.
...and I just made that sound dirty. Go me.