Author Topic: Writers of the Future  (Read 16703 times)


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Re: Writers of the Future
« Reply #60 on: May 03, 2010, 04:13:41 PM »
First off, could we get a sticky on this topic?  It's one that will get used frequently I think.

Second, I've been doing some anthology reading for WotF, and while I've only read a handful of stories, I haven't found a single one that has any kind of violent content.  I've read the synopsis for a lot of the other stories too, and none of them sounds particularly violent.  This troubles me.

Is WotF pacifist in nature?  I submitted my last story which happened to be about a futuristic SWAT team.  It wasn't gory, but it was violent.  People got shot and/or blown up.  So my question to all the other WotF writer/readers is this: have you ever seen a winning entry/published finalist that had a militaristic feel and/or violence?  I guess what I'm asking is whether I got screwed before I ever got out the gate.  I had a lot of people say that my story was good enough to win, but I'm not sure if the content nuked it before it ever really got considered.  If you do know of a winning story of a more violent nature, could you tell me the title and volume number so I can give it a read over?
this is the way the world ends,
not with a bang, but a whimper
~T.S. Eliot