Author Topic: Mutation Press/Music For Another World Anthology  (Read 2731 times)


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Mutation Press/Music For Another World Anthology
« on: April 27, 2010, 01:36:44 AM »
Has anyone heard of this anthology or this publishing company? (Mutation Press, edited by a fellow named Mark Harding.) I first found them through an author's blog, so, you know, one assumes they're legitimate, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of information about them and their website is, ah, not quite what I might consider to be professional calibre...

(There doesn't seem to be anything about them on Preditors and Editors or Writer Beware, positive or negative. Though it looks like they're new, so I don't know if that means anything.)

Anyway, the deadline is April 30th if anyone had some music-themed sf they wanted to submit. I might, if I can get my story that sort-of fits the requirements to where I want it. Maybe.