Author Topic: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)  (Read 20929 times)


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**Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« on: July 02, 2009, 05:39:36 AM »

Galad and the First of Mayene fall in love. Gawyn Marries Egwene. Elaida Dies, The Dark One's prison is perfectly sealed, and, oh yeah, RAND DIES! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.

(It must be true, we wants it to happen)
(also, i remember a poem about Rand written by the late Robert Jordan and posted after his death on his blog by his wife.

He came like the wind/ (something about like the wind moved the world or changed it irrevocable (quote please?))/ And then, like the wind was gone.)

also, Nyneave remains hot tempered and awesome, Noal is revealed as Jain Farstrider, Mat and Noal rescue Moiraine From Finnland (I start to dislike the series ever so slightly as a direct result), and Mat loses an eye.

What did i miss, and what are your theories?

Also, am I a terrible person?
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2009, 02:31:53 AM »
Mat shoots his eye out with a Red Rider cannon.

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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2009, 05:33:09 AM »
For reasons totaly unrelated to your unreasonable hate for the coolest character in WoT you are a terrible person...something to do with liking nyneave....
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2009, 06:14:11 AM »
Nah, I don't hate Rand or Moiraine, They're both incredible characters which I'm fond of. But Rand needs to die for the sake of fulfilling Min's visions, and Moiraine needs to stay trapped because i really dislike it when characters are brought back from the dead. It's too... ummmm.. I don't think Deus Ex Machina is what I'm meaning, but I can't think of a better term.
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2009, 08:40:30 PM »
Nah, I don't hate Rand or Moiraine, They're both incredible characters which I'm fond of. But Rand needs to die for the sake of fulfilling Min's visions, and Moiraine needs to stay trapped because i really dislike it when characters are brought back from the dead. It's too... ummmm.. I don't think Deus Ex Machina is what I'm meaning, but I can't think of a better term.

But she never died!  Her "death" was not on-screen, there was no a priori reason to think falling through the ter'angreal would kill her, and there was solid foreshadowing that she was still alive.  People have been speculating about a return ever since she left.
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2009, 10:05:56 PM »
Yeah, but if Lanfear died, she should have died, it's just that simple.
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2009, 10:40:02 PM »
We don't know how and when Lanfear died, all we know is that she did die. The Finns could have killed her and not Moiraine. Moiraine had knowledge on what was going to happen and so, we can assume, took precautions. Lanfear didn't know that was going to happen, and as well as being one of the Forsaken (which might have been enough for the Finns to kill her), she could have had something that was offensive to the Finns, like iron.
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2009, 10:52:44 PM »
Yeah, but if Lanfear died, she should have died, it's just that simple.

What necrenos said.  Long story short, we don't know that the fall through the ter'angreal is what killed Lanfear.  If it was something else (as seems extremely likely), that Lanfear died at some point is irrelevant.

I fully expect Moiraine to have been alive the entire time.  The only reason the characters assumed she was dead was because Lan's warder bond was broken.
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2009, 11:02:48 PM »
To expand on what happyman said, Moiraine could have made it so that her bond passed when she went through the doorway. We don't know if Lan's bond was ever broken. One minute he could feel her through the bond, and the next he could feel someone else.

Moiraine knew a lot of things and, I'm guessing, one of them was how to make the bond pass, not when she died (as assumed) but when she left the world of Randland to another (Finnland in this case, but it could have been to another using a portal stone).
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2009, 03:17:09 PM »
We know that bonds can be seen (the link to the dark one) by some people and that they are like strings connecting people.  It is easily possible that they bond to land was severed when the doorway was destroyed then. 

As for the Finns killing Lanfear, I find that very likely as they seem to have an aversion to anything with a connection to the shadow.  Or at least the other ones did and you had to be careful to not ask them questions connected with the dark one. 


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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2009, 11:55:36 AM »
So after reading Chapters 1 and the prologue any new theories as to what's going to happen next?

Here's a quote from the Dragonmount review of TGS:
There is a scene towards the middle of the book that was so dramatic and intense, that I … I don’t even know to say it. As a long time fan of the novels, it rocked me to read it. I had to set the book down and let it soak in. Remember the intensity of Dumai’s Wells at the end of Lord of Chaos? This is like that, minus the armies. . I am certain that in the years ahead, we’ll run polls on DM for the “Best Scenes in the Series”, and this will be one of the popular choices. Trust me. You’ll know it when you read it.

In the prologue, the Forsaken (sorry I'm horrible at remembering names) are going to make Rand hurt. Rand is also losing his mind just a little bit and is having trouble controlling Saiden. I think this is pointing towards someone close to Rand getting killed, Min perhaps. Maybe the Forsaken will kill him/her or Rand will accidentally kill him/her.  That would stir the waters if it were to happen don't you think?

I think that it was Ookla and Bookstore that said that Rand wasn't going insane, and the more I think about it the more I think that there right. I know I'm going out on a limb here, but I think Rand suffers from split personalities.  He's accepted that he's the Dragon Reborn, but not that he's Lews Therin Reborn.

I think that's what Cadsuane is going to help him with. She's going to help Rand understand that Rand is Lews and Lews is Rand, that Lews isn't trying to take over Rand, but that their the same person.  When that happens he'll probably have to learn to grieve and forgive himself.  Cadsuane is kind of a mother figure, so she's perfect for the part, and then Rand can be happy.

What are your thoughts? Any other theories out there?

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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2009, 12:10:51 AM »
1. For a bond to pass to a when all parties are still living all said parties must be together (mentioned in KoD about Nyneave getting Lan's Bond)...under normal circumstances i believe the Finn's doorway being destroyed "broadend the gap" between the worlds severing the bond
2. Cadsuane better darn well teach Rand to cry and laugh again...nothing else matters
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2009, 01:26:02 PM »
1. For a bond to pass to a when all parties are still living all said parties must be together (mentioned in KoD about Nyneave getting Lan's Bond)...under normal circumstances i believe the Finn's doorway being destroyed "broadend the gap" between the worlds severing the bond
2. Cadsuane better darn well teach Rand to cry and laugh again...nothing else matters

Whatever Cadsuane teaches Rand, I think will result in Lews and Rand finally melding into one conscience. But before that happens something traumatic needs to happen to knock Rand down a few steps. I don't think that it'll be anything physical because he lost his hand and it didn't phase him, that's why I think someone close to him will die. That would get him thinking, what's the point. That would open the door for Cadsuane to walk in and counsel him.

If Rand is going to laugh again, he's going to need to forgive himself at some point. Maybe when he has Lews memories at his disposal he'll see everything in a different light?
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2009, 12:36:10 AM »
Not a likely theory but a plausable scenario. Elayne dies in child birth, Rand blames himself for knocking her up, remembers how to cry, and because Rand blames himself for Elayne's death (like LTT does for Illyena's) he finnally excepts that he is LTT reborn.
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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2009, 01:28:05 AM »
So after reading Chapters 1 and the prologue any new theories as to what's going to happen next?

The Prologue changed my thoughts on Min's vision in LoC of Rand and another man touching and merging.  I thought it was LTT and Rand, but now I think it's Moridin and Rand.  It would actually be really nice symmetry to the entire story.  WoT opens with a scene between LTT and Ishy and ends with a scene with Moridin and Rand...two souls "reborn" into new bodies.

For Moiraine, we've had immense foreshadowing that she's going to make it out of Finnland alive.  My bet is that seeing her is what breaks through Rand's neurosis and teaches him to laugh and cry again.  This won't happen until Towers of Midnight (is it too early to start calling it ToM yet?).  Oh yeah, and then we find out that Moiraine killed Asmodean because the Finn in Tear told her to do it, so that Rand could start the Black Tower :D.  On a more probable note, I also bet Cadsuane will die and Nynaeve will take her place as Rand's advisor.

Other predictions: Rand's alliance with the Seanchan will happen in this book, with Tuon and Tylee's connections to Mat and Perrin playing a key role.  Semirhage will escape thanks to an as-of-yet unknown darkfriend in Rand's camp. The two Aes Sedai factions are reunified, thanks to the Ajah heads and something involving Gawyn.  My loony theory is that Siuan is somehow restored as Amyrlin and all records of the break and Elaida and Egwene as Amyrlin are sealed in the 13th Depository.  Mat and Perrin probably have minimal roles.  Mat maybe makes it to the Tower of Ghenji, Perrin probably runs into Galad's Whitecloak faction.  Elayne also will get minimal screentime and I bet her coronation doesn't go as smoothly as expected...

One thing we haven't seen yet is the Shadow openly ruling anywhere.  I think TGS may be the book where one of the Forsaken comes out into the open.