Author Topic: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)  (Read 20926 times)


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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #60 on: October 01, 2009, 12:27:02 AM »
You are absolutely right about the tower.  I wonder where I got that someone saw it in the dream world?  Maybe it's possible they did.  Some days I just wish I wrote some of these things down but I use WoT Wiki a lot for the research. 

"A stone carving the size of her hand, all deep blue curves--it was for growing something.  Not plants.  It made her think of holes only they were not exactly holes.  Only sing the right song!  Some ter'angreal did not require channeling but really! Singing?" pg 343 Book 10

It might have to do with the Ogier but it might also have something to do with the Tinkerers.  I'm interested if it will play a part in anything.


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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #61 on: October 01, 2009, 04:19:11 AM »
I could buy into the ter'angreal.

Perrin runs into Birgette while chasing Slayer around in TAR and he ends up around the tower, and she tells him it leads to the land of the Aelfinn and Eelfinn.
RJF: "I spit upon the ground where you no longer ever existed."


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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #62 on: October 01, 2009, 05:29:46 AM »
The Tower of Ghenjei exists in both the real world and TAR, and can be entered in either.  According to Birgitte, it is much more difficult to leave if you enter through TAR than directly from the real world.


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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #63 on: October 01, 2009, 04:31:40 PM »
  According to Birgitte, it is much more difficult to leave if you enter through TAR than directly from the real world.

I don't even remember that part.  I just remember it stuck out that they needed to be in TAR for some reason. 

I don't envy Brandon's research with these books - just the notes alone would fill their own books. 

I'm sure Matt could come up with something though if he entered through the real world hehe.


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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #64 on: October 01, 2009, 06:25:06 PM »
I just finished reading about Mat's healing, and the Wonder Girls being sent to hunt black Ajah.

And I had a though. Verin is the one who pulled together the list of Terangreal stolen by the BA. She is also one of the ones who helped heal Mat. And she is the one who said the lucky dice Terangreal was stolen. Mat is supposed to be the lucky one and Taveren, anyway, but what if Verin decided to help him, took the lucky dice Terangreal herself, and used it while participating in the healing? Possibly she aided the light by boosting his luck even further than it already went?

I don't hold with Lanfear doing it, because why would she? But Verin? I could picture it. Not providing the luck, just making it even stronger. I know part of the idea was touched on already, but that particular twist came to mind as I reread this section today.


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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #65 on: October 01, 2009, 07:23:29 PM »
Hmmm I do believe that Min had viewings of Matt and dice when she first met him. 

I'm not sure if the tar valon dice are connected but he is one of my favorite characters.  I hope we hear more about him and Tuon. 


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Re: **Spilers** What's going to happen in AMoL (our theories)
« Reply #66 on: October 01, 2009, 08:28:55 PM »
I don't think Mat needs the dice ter'angreal.
Min's vision of Mat with dice could simply mean the dice that roll in his head occasionally, or that he's a gambler, or that he's lucky.
Verin concerns me. I read in one of the books that she wasn't going to let someone mess things up that she'd been planning for 70 years. That's longer than Siuan and Moiraine's plans.
RJF: "I spit upon the ground where you no longer ever existed."