This is a version of The Typos/Errata I posted on the giant tor thread <> way last year. Since the thread now throws up an error page, I'm reposting it here.
Known / Suspected Errata (The Gathering Storm, Hardcover 1st Ed):
Other posters have picked up some unusual Idiom that is very out of place in the WoT: "Do the Math", "Saidared", "politicking", "homicidal", "compulsed", "Bloody Ashes", "bust", Etc.
Chapter 1: The Idiom 'Pawn' is used by Rand. Randland doesn't seem to have chess or chess idioms, Pawn is not used in any other WoT book except once to sell something (as in Pawn shop). See 2: Egwene thinks all the SAS spies were gray. It's clear in that scene that Egwene thinks all of the spies are Grey. Elaida knows who all of the spies are, and they are not all Grey. Beonin warned all the spies, who again, are not all Grey.
Chapter 5: It's cute how Cads doesn't remove the air weave from Semi's ears to let Merise think she is still questioning her, but wouldn't Merise notice the weave of air hadn't been dissipated?
Chapter 6: Turan says "save face". What he probably should have said was something along these lines: that she would break him to prevent having her eyes lowered for a period of time.
Chapter 6: Leane says "Palace Guards", which it seems to me should actually be "Tower Guards", as I don't think of the WT as a palace nor reason for Elaida's "palace" to have guards visiting Leane.
Chapter 8: Siuan says "one of the two others" which should be "three" The next phrase "The other" should also be changed to "Another".
Chapter 8+: Starting in chapter 8 "Great Captain" is replaced by "general" in most cases where it should not have been. Jordan only used general in a few particular instances: "Captain General" of Queens guards, "Banner General" of Seanchan forces, Etc. See 12: Missing word: Had. "It was the first time Egwene [had] been ordered to attend one of them."
Chapter 12: Shienar Sword. "Shienarian" OR was it "Shienaran" would be more correct.
Chapter 13: Gawyn refers to Egwene as a "Pawn".
Chapter 19: Tuon thinks about Suroth: "The deathwatch guard saw to her, at least until her hair grew out." Which is written in the past tense like this had already happened, yet a few paragraphs earlier, we learn that this is the day after Tuon has returned / Made Suroth Da'Covale.
Chapter 19: Galgan claims the WT are Rand's "Pawns".
Chapter 20: Typo page 314: "Cairhien in fashion" should be Cairhienin unless it was meant as the "in fashion" in Cairhien, which is a very awkward phrasing.
Chapter 20: Joline's Math is off per Warders calculation. Others have written of this.
Chapter 21: "stands of long, thin grasses". Seems like this should be "strands".
Chapter 24: Gawyn Refers to Egwene as a "Pawn", Again.
Chapter 25: Missing word: She. "But [she] would lose a great deal of credibility."
Chapter 27: Typo: "If course I need you, Thom!", should be "Of".
Chapter 28: "The town unravels at night, and then the world tries to reset it each morning to make things right again." Shouldn't it be the "wheel" that is doing the resetting? The "world" is afterall an artifact of the wheel and the pattern.
Chapter 33: page 517, typo: "He had done barely anything!" should be "He had barely done anything!"
Chapter 40-1: Possible error with how rings and angreal work in tower battle. Others have written of this.
Chapter 42: Typo Page 658: "pendants" should be pennants.
Chapter 45: Typo Page 703: "Now Egwene understand" should be "Now Egwene understood".
Chapter 46: Typo Page 721: "division on the" should be "division in the"
Chapter 50: Rand holds his head in his Hands (plural).