Author Topic: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books  (Read 79217 times)

Peter Ahlstrom

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Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« on: June 24, 2009, 07:37:14 PM »
Brandon asked me to start this thread to collect all of Brandon's typos in one place.

If you've seen a typo or other mistake in one of Brandon's books, please post it here. List what page number it may be found on. Paperback page numbers are preferred since that's the most recent version and likely most correct. (If you find a mistake in a hardback, it may have been fixed already in the paperback.)

I'll also be going through my old notes and previous typos threads and checking the most recent paperback printings to see what still needs to be fixed.
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little wilson

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2009, 12:39:04 AM »
Warbreaker, HC. Top of pg 550. "Lightsong stared ahead. Too much information. To much was happening." Should be 'Too much was happening.'

Warbreaker HC. Top of 567. "He reached upward, toward where lighting lit the surface." I believe the word should be lightning....

I'll just edit this post as I find more.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 03:49:37 AM by little_wilson »
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009, 08:24:55 AM »
Welll... long as you're askin'.

In the Well of Ascension Metals Quick-Reference Chart in the back, it says Iron pushes and Steel pulls. I believe that's backways-round.

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2009, 05:36:21 PM »
Yeah, the Ars Arcana have given a lot of headaches. It's finally right in Hero of Ages, except that Zinc really should be listed before Brass because all the other metal pairs have the alloy listed second.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2009, 07:15:15 PM »
Warbreaker page 66

"This princess’s arrival should have settled it, but knew that the war hawks among the gods would not let the
issue die."

"but knew"?

This is Lightsongs inner monologue and seems like it should reference him....

"This princess’s arrival should have settled it, but he knew that the war hawks among the gods would not let the
issue die."

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2009, 07:20:14 PM »
Here's the list from the most recent Mistborn: The Final Empire mass market paperback edition. (Christian McGrath cover.) If you see any typos from that edition that aren't on this list, post them here.

What should be fixed. page#-paragraph#

Kaylynne -> Kaylynn
Krista Olson, Benjamin R. Olson -> Krista Olsen, Benjamin R. Olsen

29-2 as a group of skaa workers worked in the street below -> workers toiled in the street below

49-8 he was thrown backward as if had been punched -> as if he had been punched

62-3 and associating with her could have tainted them by association. -> and being around her could have tainted them by association.

96-7 Strength flooded his legs, and he flared his steel as well, Pulling -> his iron as well, Pulling

106-7 they were far more cleanly -> they were far more clean (not technically wrong but very annoying to my wife)

122-14 Breeze said, sipping his wine. -> Breeze said, lifting his cup. (He downed the last of his wine at the top of the page.)

141-1 The internal mental Pulling metal -> The internal mental Pushing metal

177-14 Kelsier didn't think she was practiced enough go with him -> enough to go with him

188-6 What happens when old two friends -> two old friends

188-8 Vin paused. -> Vin frowned. (Breeze is the one talking; Vin isn't pausing from anything.)

238-9 Vin crouched on the lip on a rooftop -> lip of a rooftop

243-14 But, I warn you Vin. -> But I warn you, Vin.

266-15 "Kell's fine," Breeze said. -> Dockson said.

267-2 "Sazed," Vin she finally said. -> (delete "Vin" or "she")

273-16 Sazed paused, hand laying on the cover of the large book. -> (should be "hand lying" or "laying a hand")

282-8 how eager she was to go the ball. -> to go to the ball.

293-7 when he finally sat the book down -> set the book down

302-2 Unfortunately, House Elariel was one of the more powerful Great Houses--probably not someone to dismiss offhandedly. -> Great Houses--she was probably not someone to dismiss offhandedly.

308-10 then walked out the front steps and down the carpeted stairs -> then walked out the front entryway and down the carpeted stairs (or some word other than steps, since it's a doorway she's walking out of)

358-11 A few quick boxings in exchange for four thousand lives? -> seven thousand lives?

373-12 "An event," he said his voice growing almost wistful. -> he said, his voice growing almost wistful.

389-14 a Lekal and a Hasting, political enemies of the Venture. -> ("of the Ventures." or "of House Venture.")

416-6 Vin followed, following him as he rushed up a nearby hill. -> Vin followed him as he rushed up a nearby hill.

416-9 it had ambushed the skaa soldiers as it passed. -> skaa soldiers as they passed.

453-14 There was one, single line -> ("There was a single line" or "There was one line" or "There was one single line" though this third option is least pleasing)

474-6 speaking quietly with TenSoon--the Venture Kandra. -> the Venture kandra.

485-3 There were a group of poeple -> There was a group of people

488-4 he didn't wish to be involved in the plan anymore than he had to. -> plan any more than he had to.

501-4 She couldn't stop the progression of time, she could only enjoy the moment. -> of time; she could only enjoy the moment.

503-12 Deliver a message to your uncle for me, will you dear? -> for me, will you, dear?

510-9 The sound of bodies colliding sounded from -> The thud of bodies colliding sounded from

545-12 "And so I return," Kelsier whispered. His scars burned, and memories returned. -> and memories flooded his mind.

546-1 Kelsier held up his arms, looking at the scars, still white and stark on his arms. -> on his skin.

547-4 At least I know that since another has seen it. -> At least I know that another has seen it. (Sentence fragment)

553-7 Ash fell from the sky, floating in lazily flakes. -> in lazy flakes. (Or "floating down lazily"?)

554-7 He took another step forward, approaching up onto the roof's edge. -> forward, up onto the roof's edge.

556-9&10 Men screamed. Kelsier spun, Pushing against a group of soldiers and sending himself flying toward a prison cart. He smashed into it, flaring his steel and grabbing the metal door with his hands.
Prisoners huddled back in surprise. Kelsier ripped the door free with a burst of pewter-enhanced power, then tossed it toward a group of approaching soldiers.
Men screamed. Kelsier spun, Pushing against a group of soldiers and sending himself flying toward a prison cart. Flaring his pewter, he smashed into it and grabbed the metal door with his hands.
Prisoners huddled back in surprise. His pewter still flared, Kelsier ripped the door free with a burst of power, then tossed it toward a group of approaching soldiers.

563-2 The creature switched directions immediately, instead hurling toward Kelsier. -> immediately, instead hurtling toward Kelsier.

606-3 KELSIER, YOU CURSED LUNATIC, Dockson thought, -> KELSIER, YOU CURSED LUNATIC, DOCKSON thought, (all the other chapters I've checked have the first five words in all caps. The first four words are correctly italicized in this edition though.)

Ars Arcanum:

645-chart This needs a little rearranging. The zinc and brass lines should be switched. What each line says is correct, and they have the correct symbol, but they're in the wrong order (all the other metal pairs are listed with the alloy on the bottom). Also, the whole Brass line should be bolded and the whole Zinc line should not be bolded.


646-4 As a side effect, the person burning copper is themselves immune -> effect, people burning copper are themselves immune

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2009, 09:02:22 PM »
I found several in Warbreaker, but I don't remember where now. Maybe I'll tell my husband (who's currently reading) to keep an eye out.


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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2009, 11:01:00 PM »
I found several in Warbreaker, but I don't remember where now. Maybe I'll tell my husband (who's currently reading) to keep an eye out.

Same here ... (except for the part about telling my husband to keep an eye out) ...  I'll post as I go back through the 2nd time ...


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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2009, 04:41:39 AM »
This isn't part of his books but I was reading over his First Law in the Articles section of his website and at one point he says "fast" instead of "vast".
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2009, 09:06:37 AM »
In 'Mistborn: Hero of Ages', both the hardback and paperback, Adonalsium is spelled incorrectly in the one sentence mentioning it(?).


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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2009, 06:00:43 AM »
Warbreaker, p. 225, halfway down the page: "She would have thought the caution unnecessary had she just not seen Denth kill two men..."

Should be not just, I think.

I wish this thread were here earlier. There were at least three (maybe four) typos in Warbreaker before now that I caught and ignored. Ah well. Maybe someone else will get them.
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Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2009, 07:20:03 AM »
Sorry. I know not everyone automatically writes down typo page numbers while reading Brandon's books. :)

There's no rush or anything. This thread is just the place to go whenever you happen to be reading one of his books and happen to see a mistake.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 05:00:52 AM by Ookla The Mok »
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2009, 07:31:07 PM »
There were at least three (maybe four) typos in Warbreaker before now that I caught and ignored. Ah well. Maybe someone else will get them.

Exactly...And I don't have the time right now to read back through it. I mean, as a good a story it is, I just have too much homework I have to do in the next 2-3 weeks....Typo-finding will have to wait til after the semester...
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2009, 07:11:23 AM »
Warbreaker, p. 263, towards the bottom: "It's you who do these things. We're just your tools."

Edit to add: p. 238, Mercystar is depicted wearing orange, where in two other places her color is said to be yellow. (This report brought to you by the fact that Warbreaker is available as a (searchable) PDF.)
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 11:44:51 PM by ryos »
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2009, 11:47:54 PM »
With the Mercystar typos, if she's wearing orange OR yellow I'm pretty sure it's fine because doesn't Lightsong say those are both of her colors?
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