Author Topic: Warbreaker not in stores! D: (Although Brandon wrote another book?)  (Read 6634 times)

Andrew the Great

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Re: Warbreaker not in stores! D: (Although Brandon wrote another book?)
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2009, 06:51:01 AM »
I'll try to show up for a little bit too. I'm not sure what I'm doing that day, but if there's any way humanly possible for me to go (which there should be) then I will. The only thing I can think of is if my parents make me go with them to pick up my little sister from her dance clinic thingy. Yes. And I do have something in the morning, so I should be able to get out of going, so since the signing's in the afternoon. Yeah, I should be able to. When are you guys planning on going? Relative time frame here, since I don't even know when I'm going.
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Hero of Ages

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Re: Warbreaker not in stores! D: (Although Brandon wrote another book?)
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2009, 08:29:01 AM »
I can't really say when I will be there because EUOL hasn't said when he will be there yet.  As soon as he says the time frame we can plan to meet up.
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Re: Warbreaker not in stores! D: (Although Brandon wrote another book?)
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2009, 05:22:49 PM »
My wife secretly bought me Warbreaker for Father's Day.  But I must say I am a little upset (ok, a lot).  She bought the book at Barnes & Noble and had to pay full cover price.  They didn't offer any discount like they do on many bestselling author's new works.  Why does this make me angry???

1.  This probably only curtails sales to those people who are thinking of picking up a Brandon Sanderson book but may not have a lot of disposable income.

2.  I had to spend an extra $8.00 on a book that I won't get to read until probably after TGS comes out.

Natalie Perkins

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Re: Warbreaker not in stores! D: (Although Brandon wrote another book?)
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2009, 05:00:14 PM »
no, this would be the B&N in Evanston, IL  :P

Yea, Illinois bookstores aren't too up to date on any of Brandon's books.
I went to Border's first and they said there copies weren't in yet and they were only getting 6.
Then I went to Barnes and Noble and they had them all with Brandon's other books. I was hoping for a convenient display. Maybe I'll build one and sneak it in there once I'm back in the country...
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Re: Warbreaker not in stores! D: (Although Brandon wrote another book?)
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2009, 11:33:42 PM »
no, this would be the B&N in Evanston, IL  :P

Yea, Illinois bookstores aren't too up to date on any of Brandon's books.
I went to Border's first and they said there copies weren't in yet and they were only getting 6.
Then I went to Barnes and Noble and they had them all with Brandon's other books. I was hoping for a convenient display. Maybe I'll build one and sneak it in there once I'm back in the country...

there's one thing that can fix that...

A visit from the big B.S. himself!

c'mon, Brandon: visit our city!
My old account demented_yam is on the Warbreaker acknowledgments page.  Awesome.