Author Topic: Progress and Submission Reports  (Read 80469 times)


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Progress and Submission Reports
« on: April 27, 2009, 07:13:12 AM »
I find that sharing my progress on a project helps motivate me to work on it, so I'm making this thread as a place for any who desire to report on their progress. I also want to be able to keep up with how we, as a writing group, are doing on submitting and *gasp* selling stories, and hope others will join me in reporting that, too.

I have no idea if this will catch on, but it seems like a good idea at the moment.
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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2009, 07:19:21 AM »
Today, I made some edits to Sea of Sand. Working on the ending now. Man, it really is full of suck. I had no idea while I was writing it just how awful it really is. You guys were too kind with your critiques.

I vow to never again write at 5 AM, self-imposed deadline or no.
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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2009, 08:26:37 AM »
I actually think a thread like this is a really good idea. But, should it be upstairs at the Writing Group forum? Yays and nays, anyone?

Anyway. I'm doing pretty poorly so far for today. Only about 800 words on my novel so far. I blame work.

Going to go write until I pass out from exhaustion now. And hopefully actually get something done this time.


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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2009, 08:31:59 AM »
In my wholesome opinion, this topic should stay in Reading Excuses, as it pertains specifically to this writing group, not TWG in general.

I am midway through Fateless's rewrite. It may be a bit late (late monday, early tuesday) because of my slowness in writing. And a horde of Japanese and physics homework waiting for me tomorrow, which I have completely ignored up until now.

Ideally, if this draft is good, I may do another, less extensive draft. The eventual goal is to send this to Writers of the Future. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.


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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2009, 12:26:11 PM »
In my wholesome opinion, this topic should stay in Reading Excuses, as it pertains specifically to this writing group, not TWG in general.
It may be a bit late (late monday, early tuesday) because of my slowness in writing. And a horde of Japanese and physics homework waiting for me tomorrow, which I have completely ignored up until now.
Good, good! We need more like you!
Ideally, if this draft is good, I may do another, less extensive draft. The eventual goal is to send this to Writers of the Future.
absolutely go for it. Let us know what happens, of course!

I had been stuck for a week or two on where to go next for Crystalheart. I knew what needed to happen, I just wasn't sure how to get from point A to point B. Now I know what to do, I just don't know how to make it work.
So, in the meantime, another story attacked. I've written the first chapter in what I am calling a "modern mystery/thriller with fantastical elements"  :P  I think my plan is to be outlining that and working on Crystalheart at the same time.
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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2009, 04:05:46 PM »
So, in the meantime, another story attacked. I've written the first chapter in what I am calling a "modern mystery/thriller with fantastical elements" 

You should use the term "Urban Fantasy." It is a genre that sells well.
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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2009, 07:03:01 PM »
Good stuff everyone. I like the updates.

Well, I am still working on editing my eternal project (Queen's). It's not going anywhere fast, but I keep hoping for some major breakthroughs to tie it together once and for all.... yeah, hasn't happened yet, but I can dream. :(

Got another few story ideas floating around that I have been writing sections for, but nothing too exciting yet. Kind of hoping I can get an ending and an outline together on them first so I don't end up with another Queen's type mess, but it is very slow going and has put me a bit behind in critiques. I will try to catch up soon though. :D
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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2009, 08:32:15 PM »
So, in the meantime, another story attacked. I've written the first chapter in what I am calling a "modern mystery/thriller with fantastical elements" 

You should use the term "Urban Fantasy." It is a genre that sells well.

I suppose technically I could. However, to me urban fantasy connotates vampires and werewolves and a hidden society of faeries. There is quite literally almost no fantasy in the story I've got in mind, certainly not of the faery variety.
Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!


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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2009, 10:10:50 PM »
Blegh.  Been swamped with other things lately, so I haven't done much writing at all.  Or critiquing for that matter.  Instead I've been world building for Junction, as well as working on characters and plot outline for last years NaNo book.  Tell you what, listening to Writing Excuses has been invaluable lately...
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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2009, 11:10:47 PM »
Despite the perception of it, I think urban fantasy's a lot broader than just vampires, werewolves, and faeries. I'd say you're fine.

Also, urban fantasy is less of a mouthful. :P

Apparently I've written 1487 words so far today.

Hm. It's now 3:10pm and my novel totals 112,182 words. I'll report back in a while and see how far I've gotten :D


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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2009, 12:57:03 AM »
My speculative fiction Novel is 132,563 words (mechanical word count) or 729,308 characters and it's only abut 60% done.  Every time I finish a chapter, it seems like it demands two new ones not in my original outline.  It's kind of like the math proverb:
"How do you exit a room?" 
"You aim for he door and keep cutting the distance to the door in half."
"Then it's impossible to leave the room."
"Because the distance to the door is infinitely divisible by 2."
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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2009, 01:06:39 AM »
Heh. Tell me about it.

I'm now at 119,957 words.

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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2009, 05:52:00 PM »
I can dimly recall myself announcing that I'd soon be joining the list of submitters two months or so ago... we-ell, since then I've managed to outline the first act (of three, I hope). Thankfully, that wasn't all I spent those two months on (or rather: I spent next to no time at all being in any way productive in that time), but it'll be at least June before I'll be submitting a prologue. My personal deadline is sometime before my birthday, which is in July, and I'm fairly confident that that's realistic. It has to be, seeing as you'd all be laughing at me if I needed until August. ;)

Anyway, I'm not writing a single word until my plot outline is done. Doing that has never worked before, tempting as it may be.

So if you're having self-doubts because you think you're writing too little, simply think of me, my endless pages of fluff, my third of an outline, and my zero-word manuscript. 8)


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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2009, 05:36:27 PM »
I knocked down a little over 3k yesterday to end up with a word count of 144,387.

Getting so close.


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Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2009, 09:06:31 PM »
If I could I'd trip you.  You're pulling way ahead of me. Silk. :P

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