Author Topic: ***SPOILERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon****  (Read 397334 times)


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I don't remember and I lent my HoA out (that seems to be all the rage these days, lending awesome books out :P), but I definitely remember that there are points where Preservation/Kelsier speaks with people. This isn't really a surprise, because in Well of Ascension, Preservation speaks twice to Elend and Sazed. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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I don't remember and I lent my HoA out (that seems to be all the rage these days, lending awesome books out :P), but I definitely remember that there are points where Preservation/Kelsier speaks with people. This isn't really a surprise, because in Well of Ascension, Preservation speaks twice to Elend and Sazed.

I have never been all that good at seeing things like that if they are not obviously pointed to me. Maybe EUOL can explain it later for us blockheaded once he has the time. :) ???


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You aren't blockheaded. It's just the theorizers here (myself included) ripped the first two books to shreds looking for clues like this, and stressing about meaningless "clues", too. Don't feel bad! Your way saves more time in the long run :P - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Re: ***SPOLIERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon*
« Reply #198 on: October 20, 2008, 08:27:40 PM »
I don't remember and I lent my HoA out (that seems to be all the rage these days, lending awesome books out :P), but I definitely remember that there are points where Preservation/Kelsier speaks with people. This isn't really a surprise, because in Well of Ascension, Preservation speaks twice to Elend and Sazed.

I have never been all that good at seeing things like that if they are not obviously pointed to me. Maybe EUOL can explain it later for us blockheaded once he has the time. :) ???

Page 408, Kelsier talks to Spook, notably after he removed his spike...
And again on page 445. This time Spook thinks he's dreaming or hallucinating, but I'm fairly sure it's Kel taking to him.

There may be a few other instances, but those are the ones that came to mind.


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Approximately how many people survived, not including those that were on the other side of the planet and the koloss?

Did Sazed leave the other humans on their side of the planet or move them with Spook, Ham, et al?

Regarding the surviving koloss: Are they nearby? Do they act normal? Are there female of their species so they can reproduce?

If Marsh got jiggy with it and reproduced, would he pass any of his abilities to offspring?

How much direct contact would Sazed have with the survivors? I mean could they pray to him and he respond with miracles? Would they go to the kandra, tell them that they need a river from point a to point b, flatten this mountain here and dig a hole here for a nice lake and then Sazed do these things? Or is he going to stay hands off for the most part?

Do you frown upon fan faction?
Now you've got all the ones with beards on one side and all the
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Here are some questions I have.
1. Do Vin and Elend get a Survivor title like Spook and Kelsier?
2. Are any of the crew remember when the next series takes place?
3. Why Nicrosil? That alloy contain more nickel than anything else. The other alloy had more of the Allomatic metal than the other element. Don't believe me Wiki it.
4a. Where do they get the Aluminium? I mean it is impossible to get it in its natural form in this World.
4b. Do they have the Aluminium from before the Lord Ruler took over?
5a. You talk about Shards. What are those?
5b. Are Elantris, Warbreaker, and Mistborn all connected thru those shards.
6 What does RAFO mean?

Well I am out of questions. At work, cant remember the others I had.
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Do you frown upon fan faction?

Do you mean fanfiction?  And if so, the answer is no.  Here's what he said in response to my fanfic I wrote a while ago.

It's always fascinating to see how people interpret my work.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 09:39:12 PM by firstRainbowRose »
"The custom of royalty in referring to oneself is to naturally employ the royal 'we'.  We are very happy, we are very sad, we are bored and suffer from ennui.  For a royal prince there's no such word as 'me', It's always 'we'.  So rightfully I should be two or three, don't you agree?"


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Here are some questions I have.
1. Do Vin and Elend get a Survivor title like Spook and Kelsier?
2. Are any of the crew remember when the next series takes place?
3. Why Nicrosil? That alloy contain more nickel than anything else. The other alloy had more of the Allomatic metal than the other element. Don't believe me Wiki it.
4a. Where do they get the Aluminium? I mean it is impossible to get it in its natural form in this World.
4b. Do they have the Aluminium from before the Lord Ruler took over?
5a. You talk about Shards. What are those?
5b. Are Elantris, Warbreaker, and Mistborn all connected thru those shards.
6 What does RAFO mean?

Well I am out of questions. At work, cant remember the others I had.

A couple of these have already been answered, at least your questions 5 and 6.

So are all these epic novels in the same universe? Elantris, Mistborn, Dragonsteel, all that?

I'm afraid that question is best left to the rest of you, for now, to discuss.

Ok, I am new write and reading forums, so I'm a little slow on it, so please be kind.....
1.) What if RAFO?
2.) Who is HOID? I have read Elantris and all 3 Mistborns but don't remember the name, am I missing something?
3.) Dragonsteel, is that by Brandon or L. Yep, I am soooo confused.
4.) These Shards everyone is talking about...what are they?

I would be glad for someone to eliminate my ignorance on these matters....

As far as Kel's grabbing the power to Pres to hold for Vin, was it him that whispered to Spook, when Spook was unconscious, to get his message to Vin?

No problem!  Welcome.  Don't worry.  Someone probably answered this already, but I've only skimmed the later pages of the thread, as I'm trying to make my way through the questions.

1)  "Read and Find Out."  It was one of Robert Jordan's favorite phrases, and I have inherited it.  (Symbolically, actually, through his bookmark, which was given to me by his wife.  It's a little string one with weights on the end which spell out RAFO.)  When I say it, I don't mean it rudely at all--it is intended to mean "I'd rather not say, as this will spoil future books."  It doesn't indicate how I'll answer the question, or even if I will answer it.  It simply means that if I were to do so now (even to say "I'm not going to include this") I feel it would spoil the enjoyment of future books.

2)  Hoid is a mystery which I cannot speak on other than what has been written in the text of the novels.  However, I'm sure that others have explained it by now.

3)  I just did a post on my website explaining this.

4)  RAFO. ;)

Obviously, Brandon is rather tight-lipped on this Shard business, but I will be happy to explain to the best of my ability. "Shard" is short for "Shard of Adonalsium", "Adonalsium" occurring in one of the epigraphs. It's a rather mysterious thing, but Ruin and Preservation are both Shards of Adonalsium, so Adonalsium probably is a vast reservoir of energy of some variety that somehow got split into multiple Shards. That's how I interpret it, but I don't really know, I've just been reading Brandon's posts here and gleaning whatever information I can.

I think a good rule of thumb is that if Hoid appears in a book, then it is part of this connected universe. Brandon has hinted that there is some sort of related cosmology, and that while Ruin and Preservation are the only Shards on Scadriel (name for the Mistborn world), Brandon has also said that there are four other Shards we've encountered.

And we can only surmise what those might be :P - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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I reading thru and didnt answer to 5 and 6.
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And may just go where no one's been


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Ati and Leras. Well, the metal Lerasium creates Mistborn, so if that is the Preservation-metal, thus, Preservation's true name is Leras.

I pondered this for a few minutes and then it occurred to me: of course Ati is Ruin. His metal, after all, is atium. Ati for atium, Leras for Larasium.

Ruin, thus, is Ati, and Preservation is Leras. We have their names now.

Ati is an Aon, isn't it?  And so is Ado (Adonalsium).  Wasn't the city of Elantris originally called Adonis?

1.  The Allomantic table poster will have more info on this.
2.  I think I did a post on the circle.  The short of it is, that is drawing too much attention.  Just because Vin didn't quite understand it doesn't mean it's important.  (Though, of course, there are other things she doesn't understand that ARE important.)  Also, the lake might be involved more at a later date.  See the other posts.
3.  No, they're not dead.  Yes, Rashek was aware of them.  In fact, he placed them there as a reserve.  I knew he wanted a 'control' group of people in case his changes to genetics ended with the race being in serious trouble.  All I'll say is that he found a way other than changing them genetically to help them survive in the world he created.  And since they were created by Ruin and Preservation, they have the seeds of the Three Metallic Arts in them--though without anyone among them having burned Larasium, Allomancers would have been very rare in their population and full Mistborn unheard of.
That's so cool, I'd really like to hear some stories about them as well, that would be cool.  Did he keep them under ground maybe?
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- Dr. Horrible

"There's always another secret..."
- Kelsier


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No, I just checked my copy of Elantris and the closest thing there is is "Ata". Though, I just have the hardback, so maybe it changed later. Somehow, I doubt Ati's name is deeply intwined with Opelon and that world. That's just... too much. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Hello all!  I'm not a usual forum-goer at all, but this Q&A was just too much to resist...thank you Brandon, not only for the great books (of which I have enjoyed many and the Hero of Ages I think is even better!  And yes that includes the ending... :'( ) but also for being so open about them.  The blogs, this forum, the annotations.  They are what all of us who are addicted to books are looking for.  

Anyways, I was just checking to see where those where Kelsier speaks and yes it was twice to Spook from about pg 404 and then at 445.  Later on he also talk to Vin in almost the same words he used when alive on pg 491 right after Marsh rips her earring out.  At first I thought he had been talking to Marsh also, but then I realized he was definitely still spiked...Marsh really is just that strong-willed.

I really enjoyed the epigraphs.  At first I thought they were by Vin, but after reading a few thinking that it was her, I realized that was just too scholarly sounding for her.  Even after I guessed Sazed it still gave me no clue as to what would happen at the end!  (Unfortunately I like reading too much and so go too fast, forgetting many details from earlier - like the opening line! :D )

Ok so now that I have blabbered a bit, my actual question is about the symbols for the metals.  (If this is already in another thread, please point me in the right direction!)   I'm assuming the symbols are made up from spikes for hemalurgy, crescents (rings, bracers) for feruchumy and beads for allomancy.  Does their placement in these symbols mean anything in terms of their uses?  As in, the ones with more spikes be more powerful for hemalurgy?  The bead on top for Allomancy?  two crescents for feruchumy?  Also some "pairs" have symbols that are visibly similar, whereas others are quite different (brass/zinc).     hehe...basically I guess I am asking whether there is any meaning to these symbols, or are they just symbols, like our own periodic table?   And what are these new symbols used at the beginning of chapters in HoA?   Maybe the poster will tell all...or at least some!


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I thought the images at the beginning of MB3 chapters were wisps of air, representing the mists. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Actually, the symbols in Hero of Ages are just further regressed characters of the same old language.

It was one of the questions we asked Brandon and Issac at the Sam Weller's signing, and we were told that these symbols are supposedly another thousand years before Alendi's time. So where in "today's" world The Lord Ruler has regulated script to make crisp strong writing, way back when it looked like this flowing artistic hand. I think it's actually quite fun to go through and compare how the symbols have progressed.

Another fact is that supposedly these 23 or so characters that can be found at the beginning of each chapter form an actual writable, speakable, language, so if/when Brandon and Issac ever get around releasing it we could all be super-nerds and start writing in "Mistborn language." (Scadrian? Scadrialsh? Scadrialanese?) In addition to that, the letters which correspond to the paired metals also have paired sounds. So the symbol for iron may be a soft "b" sound (As in boy.) and steel would be a soft "p" sound, (as in chop.) because they're both made the same way.

And in relation to your question, koan, I know at least the position of the dot can indicate if it is a pushing or pulling metal. (Inside the circles for pushing, outside the circles for pulling.)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2008, 12:38:26 AM by Czanos »
I came because I heard stories, tales of a lengendary man.
A man who was known as the Lord of the Mists, a man they named Survivor.
A man called Hope.

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3. Why Nicrosil? That alloy contain more nickel than anything else. The other alloy had more of the Allomatic metal than the other element.
Not all allomantic alloys have their base metal as their primary component. Brass is paired with zinc, but brass has more copper than zinc in it. And I'll bet you that malatium has more gold than atium in it (because that would be a waste...).
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