Author Topic: ***SPOILERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon****  (Read 397142 times)


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You've also seen one other manifestation like this....
Such as...this?
The "lake" was barely ten feet deep—more like a pool. Its water was a crystalline blue, and Raoden could see no inlets or outlets.
If that's what you're hinting at...I never thought of the connection before! I just kept thinking of Aether of Night, and never thought of this pool at all.

Both are accurate, but the first is what I meant, as most people here don't have access to Aether.

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You've also seen one other manifestation like this....
Such as...this?
The "lake" was barely ten feet deep—more like a pool. Its water was a crystalline blue, and Raoden could see no inlets or outlets.
If that's what you're hinting at...I never thought of the connection before! I just kept thinking of Aether of Night, and never thought of this pool at all.

I'm also thinking that the Dor in Elantris is another Shard of Adonasium. Certainly in the Elantris world, where the Dor came from is rather ambiguous, which I expected it would be. Of course, if other Shards of Adonasium do exist, the Dor could have come from that source.

I will RAFO from here on the other Shards of Adonalsium, as it would be better for me not to give spoilers.  Please feel free to speculate.  Readers have met four shards other than Ruin and Preservation.

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Peter Ahlstrom

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the Spiritual, the Cognitive, and the Physical Realms.

I have to go look through my old files...
All Saiyuki fans should check out Dazzle! Emotionally wrenching action-adventure and quirky humor! (At least read chapter 6 and tell me if you're not hooked.) Volume 10 out now!

Lightning Eater

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In the later mistborn books, will duralumin become useless without Mistborn to burn it? (Unless hemalurgy is still around, but it seems like it would be hard enough to find duralumin mistings, let alone spike them)

On a related note, it must really suck to be an aluminum misting.


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On a related note, it must really suck to be an aluminum misting.

Not for very long, lol. ;)
Now you've got all the ones with beards on one side and all the
moustaches on the other.


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You've also seen one other manifestation like this....
Such as...this?
The "lake" was barely ten feet deep—more like a pool. Its water was a crystalline blue, and Raoden could see no inlets or outlets.
If that's what you're hinting at...I never thought of the connection before! I just kept thinking of Aether of Night, and never thought of this pool at all.

I'm also thinking that the Dor in Elantris is another Shard of Adonasium. Certainly in the Elantris world, where the Dor came from is rather ambiguous, which I expected it would be. Of course, if other Shards of Adonasium do exist, the Dor could have come from that source.

If that's the case, what's the counter-Dor Shard?

Here's my questions from the book:

1. Preservation can fuel Allomancy, (Minus Atium.) but can Ruin fuel Hemalurgy? (Or Atium?) And could Sazed fuel all three Metallic Arts?

2. Are Atium and the External Temporal Pulling metal really the same?

3. Are there any Allomantic metals we have not seen yet, besides Chromium and Nicrosil?

4. Does every metal have a Feruchemical and Hemalurgic property? If not, are there metals which have Feruchemical or Hemalurgic properties which do not have Allomantic ones?

5. When Vin is feeling out The Lord Ruler's final message plate, she finds a circle with a dot at the center. What does that mean?

I think that's all for now. I'm sure I'll have more soon though.

1.  Both gods could, if they wanted, fuel all of the metallic arts.  Preservation is stronger at fueling Allomancy, Ruin stronger at fueling Allomancy or Feruchemy when it has been given via a spike.  Both are balanced when it comes to Feruchemy.  But this rarely comes up in the books, as it required expending power in a way that the gods were hesitant to do.  

2.  You are on to something.

3.  RAFO.  (Sorry.)  Let's just say that when Sazed said there are two metals you haven't found, he MIGHT not have been referring to a metal and its alloy, but two base metals.  Who knows.  Gods can be frustratingly ambiguous in times like that.  

4.  Every metal has a Feruchemical, an Allomantic, and a Hemalurgic property.  The godly metals each also do something else.  There are several interesting Feruchemical powers yet to be discovered and revealed in the next series.  Feruchemy is less widely understood because there were so few practitioners in the modern era, and a lot of the time they were too afraid of capture to really study and use their powers.

5.  No big reveal here.  That was to mean the center of the empire, which allowed one to place the map (which was very abstract) in reference to the empire.

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This is fun.

The note to Spook states that Sazed hasn't yet figured out how to put souls back into bodies.  Is he going to learn that skill eventually (I'm expecting a RAFO here, but I figured I'd ask anyway)?

Does Sazed get to see Tindwyl again now that he is a deity?

Did we already find out what metal is combined with Atium to make Malatium?

1.  RAFO.  (Sorry, but this is plot sensitive for a future series.)
2.  Sazed has yet to learn how to touch the distant other side, where all souls go.  He is able to see into the Spiritual and Cognitive Realms, and any spirits or souls who remain there, rather than passing on.  Generally, you have to be tied to the Physical Realm in specific ways to not pass on.  As for where Tindwyl is, I will have to leave this up to you to imagine for now.
3.  I might have said somewhere in the series.  I can't remember.  It's gold.

"Technically, I don't even have a brain."--Fellfrosch


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Well, I'd sure pay to see it in theaters!  ;) 

To be more serious, I think this series--particularly the first book--is quite cinematic.  I'd love to sell movie rights on it, assuming I can find the right people to work with.  So if you have any contacts, let me know.

I have a camcorder; we could toss dummies through the air to simulate aerial combat. Who wants metal spikes pounded into their skull?

Ooh, me me me!

And I can provide some props . . . I expect to be 2/3rds of the way done with my Mistcloak by tonight.

Now for more questions.

1. Do certain aspects of the Shards (Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual) correspond to specific states of matter? (Solid, liquid, vapor?) If so, which ones are which?

2. Do the symbols at the head of each section and book relate to anything, or were they just chosen at random?

3. Whatever happened to the bag of atium beads Zane buried? Are they still there?

Also, it's kind of ironic that Miyabi was at least partly right about his planar theory and none of us believed it.
I came because I heard stories, tales of a lengendary man.
A man who was known as the Lord of the Mists, a man they named Survivor.
A man called Hope.


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How many moons circle Scadrial, ie. when the planet was moved were the moons moved as well?

Was there anything on the other side of the planet or did the entire population live on one side?

Pushing/Pulling use magnetics? Would a compass work on Scadrial?

Did Gemmel survive into the series or did he perish before MB1?

Would Hemalurgy work on animals?

1.  Scadrial has no moons.  I think I let slip the phrase "he's mooning over her" somewhere in the third book, but that is just a translation quirk to English.  These people have no concept of a moon.  There is a very bright star patch, however, covering much of the sky--much brighter than on Earth.

2. There is life on the other pole.  I will RAFO any other questions about it, though.  

3.  A compass would work, but remember that the Final Empire is set at the north pole of Scadrial, but not necessarily at the magnetic north pole.  These things are complicated, but just assume that it works the same way it would here on Earth.

4.  This will be answered in the short story in the Mistborn RPG, if all goes as planned.

5.  Yes, it would.  

And I want to note that I'm flying to LA tonight after my signing for an appearance at a trade show, so this weekend probably won't see any more answers here.  I'll try to do a few on Monday before I leave for Vegas.

"Technically, I don't even have a brain."--Fellfrosch

Peter Ahlstrom

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And people were asking what we'd have to do in this forum when there weren't any other wild theories to discuss. Now you tell us we've barely scratched the surface.

I knew you had Hoid popping up everywhere, but only realized that after reading Warbreaker and the first few Liar of Partinel chapters. I had no idea you had so many other connections between these series. Now I'm guessing that ALL your adult fantasy novels exist in the same universe (though...I'm not sure about Way of Kings...I need to check it later...). (I'm guessing Alcatraz and Scribbler are not connected.)
All Saiyuki fans should check out Dazzle! Emotionally wrenching action-adventure and quirky humor! (At least read chapter 6 and tell me if you're not hooked.) Volume 10 out now!


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Brandon, I believe in one of Sazed's epigraphs, he actually called it "Adonasium" rather than what you are referring to here, which is "Adonalsium". I'm thinking that's just a typo, right?

I don't suppose you could tell us which book series of yours will tell us more about Adonalsium, would you? You know, just so us theorizers on the forum know when to properly theorize about these things...

And people were asking what we'd have to do in this forum when there weren't any other wild theories to discuss. Now you tell us we've barely scratched the surface.

I knew you had Hoid popping up everywhere, but only realized that after reading Warbreaker and the first few Liar of Partinel chapters. I had no idea you had so many other connections between these series. Now I'm guessing that ALL your adult fantasy novels exist in the same universe (though...I'm not sure about Way of Kings...I need to check it later...). (I'm guessing Alcatraz and Scribbler are not connected.)

You can count on me to make an overly complex theory of everything that has little basis in reality. I'm good at that.

Another question, Brandon. Would the Three Metallic Arts operate in other worlds, or are they direct results of Ruin and Preservation and thus only operate in Scadriel? - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.


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Would the Three Metallic Arts operate in other worlds, or are they direct results of Ruin and Preservation and thus only operate in Scadriel?

Are you saying you can't burn metals and do amazing things? Maybe it was just the rest of us on the forum.
Now you've got all the ones with beards on one side and all the
moustaches on the other.


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Would the Three Metallic Arts operate in other worlds, or are they direct results of Ruin and Preservation and thus only operate in Scadriel?

Are you saying you can't burn metals and do amazing things? Maybe it was just the rest of us on the forum.

Mostly I was just wondering if Allomancy could translate into any of Brandon's other books in a hypothetical scenario. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.


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I can see it now. An army of Koloss and Steel Inquisitors taking on the city of Elantris.

So I have a theory question. If Hoid is in Warbreaker, is there a Shard?
I came because I heard stories, tales of a lengendary man.
A man who was known as the Lord of the Mists, a man they named Survivor.
A man called Hope.

Peter Ahlstrom

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Readers have met four shards other than Ruin and Preservation.
Have we met these four by name, or just by influence? I can't think of a name that would go with the one that the Elantris lake is a manifestation of.

Hoid could be one? I know nothing his purpose other than that he shows up in lots of different books, sometimes begging and sometimes telling stories. Since most of these series happen on different planets (though two of them may happen on the same planet as each other), I'm assuming he has mad planet-hopping skills.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2008, 11:09:49 PM by Ookla The Mok »
All Saiyuki fans should check out Dazzle! Emotionally wrenching action-adventure and quirky humor! (At least read chapter 6 and tell me if you're not hooked.) Volume 10 out now!