Wow... This book was AMAZING. Not since the WoT have I been so into and impacted by a series...
I'm surprised more people don't mention Vin as their favorite character. I mean, she may be the obvious choice for the casual reader, but what I loved was that Brandon was willing to make the "leading" character a very powerful (yet small and seemingly unassuming) girl. I mean, the image of her wiping out armies of humans and koloss (much less Inquisitors) was always awesome and refreshing!
Which brings me to say... Vin vs. the Inquisitors has to be the most incredible fight scene I've ever read. Images of the final battle in Matrix Revolutions flashed to mind, yet this was far beyond that. This IMO is what gives Brandon's writing such strength: you can rarely find an author who can write combat scenes well. Yet they are gripping, but also technical enough without getting bogged down in details or unrealism. That, plus how he can create vivid images of the world and action in a scene without using paragraphs and paragraphs of description are what, what I compare him to Robert Jordan, makes me confident not only that the WoT is in good hands, but that the last book will be as good and possibly better than any other WoT book. And if the climax is anything as gripping as Hero of Ages was, then I will be satisfied and it will be well worth the wait!
What I really loved about Vin (or the way that Brandon writes her) is how resourceful she is... She's always able to figure out how to do what seems impossible. That makes you *believe* she can do virtually anything, and absorbs you into her character in anticipation of what she's going to do next. I don't think I've ever devoured chapters of a character as hungrily as I did with Vin's. It was hard to absorb the ending for me. I thought that with Ruin's body destroyed, Vin would end up stronger and could destroy him, then take both halves of the power into herself. Though while part of me wishes it had ended this way, without being able to live with Elend they would both have been... incomplete. After reflection I see that she did was she was born to do... and in my mind she's not only the hero of the book, but the Hero of Ages, as well.
BTW... Has anyone felt a resemblance between Vin, and of Gally/Alita of the Battle Angel manga/anime series? I know it's a long-shot that there may be some Battle Angel fans out there, but I just wanted to throw that out... (for pics check out
Speaking of which, "Mistborn" would make an excellent manga - and video game - and movie - as well. Hopefully as Brandon's skill continues to become known in the literary world (as it should) we will see some of these someday.
- Josh