Author Topic: ***SPOILERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon****  (Read 389554 times)

Natalie Perkins

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I'm one of those readers tha gets swept in the stories and fails to come up with any theories whatsover.

However I did notice one...  2 years ago.

I can't believe this is being talked about. I remember making a thread about it shortly after I joined the forums (I can't even find it anymore) About how I thought it was odd to see Hoid in Mistborn as an informant, Elantris as a beggar, Warbreaker as a storyteller, and I had a strong feeling it was in the first chapter as Liar as well but was too lazy to investigate.
It was before these forums got so crazy crowded and I'm pretty sure my questions on whether the use of the name was intetional were brushed off. Weird right? Ever since then I considered my speculations unimportant (much like my speculation's on Reen's obsidian, the nobility really being terris, and Vin being a feruchemist, by the way, don't ask about the second two, I'm crazy)

Anyway, just wanted to add this. I sure wish I could find my original Hoid post but I'm pretty sure it was so old, it's been deleted.
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First of all. WOW!!!!!! I cannot express how much I enjoyed this series! I was extremely happy to finally meet you at the Provo signing, so now 2 of my top 3 authors are down (unfortunately I can't meet RJ, :( ) Anyhow here is my question

Will Vin and Elend fade like mistborn? or will they live on as the "father and mother" of the new world?
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Seriously I would be all over that, and I would love to see allomancers in space, but it could be very hard to pull off.
(not sure if i did that right)...
Anyway, Ookla...I think the SF allomancers have to be extremely careful, their powers are gravitational, in space it could come off as a 'Force'-like ability and then that's a whole other mess! Now, if they went to other planets...maybe, but can you imagine a Coinshot with bad aim, or a Thug that punches the wrong wall? Or someone trying to Pull/ could get really messy.

I imagine that there could be a not-so-lame way to bring Vin, Elend, and Kelsier back, but not as normal players. I could imagine, that if Sazed can't return their souls, he could use them as spiritual emissaries. The could help share the load of watching over the new world, with occasional whispers and hints here and there. Maybe Sazed could send them to other planets as ambassadors to further his influence on other planets so that in the future trilogy allomancy will work on other worlds. This might work as long as it doesn't go the way of Mt. Olympus and such...

Maybe Hoid is like Sazed, maybe he has the combined forces of one shard that allows him to be at the right place at the right time to further the cause/plight of the story, but he has a 'prime directive'-like rule that he can not expose his power or the answers. Maybe we'll find out that all the stories are indeed on the same planet....Imagine that!!! Dor vs Allomancy/Hermalurgy/Feruchemy vs Chromatic Breathes.....forgive my tangent, but what if one could obtain all 3 powers from each book.... scary individual...maybe Hoid....

Father and Mother....sounds like a RAFO question...

Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: ***SPOLIERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon*
« Reply #138 on: October 20, 2008, 12:51:09 AM »
notxaxlie, here is your Hoid thread. I'm pretty sure you are indeed the first person to post a thread about Hoid. But reading the thread, I don't see any brush-off. You were right, and you shouldn't have felt your speculations were unimportant!

I didn't notice that the Hoid phenomenon was a phenomenon until you posted your thread, so thank you. I hadn't noticed him in Mistborn or Elantris, and only noticed him in Liar of Partinel and Warbreaker because I was reading both at the same time. Since Brandon sometimes takes a piece of one book that he thinks doesn't work there and instead puts it in another book, I assumed that was what had happened there, but I was oh so wrong.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 12:54:34 AM by Ookla The Mok »
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Ookla, is there a way for me to read Dragonsteel? I have been seeing it pop up in this forum and it's starting to drive me out of my mind...arrgh! Head swimming, room's spinning...mist is tapping on my window....

Peter Ahlstrom

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Sometimes Brandon will send you an old book if you e-mail him asking nicely. But he may want to keep Dragonsteel close to his chest because there will be a different version of it published eventually.

If you are very dedicated, though, you may be able to get Dragonsteel via interlibrary loan. Go to a library you're a member of and ask them about interlibrary loan. Say you want to get the book Dragonsteel by Brandon Sanderson from the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University. They'll have you fill out a form, and then you wait. Possibly for months. I once waited a whole year for an interlibrary loan book to come in (and it was worth it—Bugs Potter LIVE at Nickaninny, which was only published in Canada, but some upstate New York library had it). Note: A lot of libraries charge you good money to get anything on interlibrary loan, because it costs the library money. Also, you usually cannot renew an interlibrary-loaned book, so you have to read it quickly.
All Saiyuki fans should check out Dazzle! Emotionally wrenching action-adventure and quirky humor! (At least read chapter 6 and tell me if you're not hooked.) Volume 10 out now!


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thanks, Ookla


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Re: ***SPOLIERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon*
« Reply #142 on: October 20, 2008, 01:48:38 AM »
I was at work and got to about 100 pages from the end with an hour and a half left until I could go home, so I decided I had best wait, and I'm glad I did.  (To explain, it took me about an hour to finish, with a few interuptions during that time.)

lol, I'm glad you made it home before the waterworks came! Other people's reactions to my outburst were quite interesting though. I don't think any of them had ever seen anyone become so emotionally involved in a book before.

Actually, I think this is one of the most powerful books I've read. I can tell because I finished it hours ago and I still can't think about anything else.  Also, I'm kind of depressed that it's over, a little like it was after the last LOTR movie came out. I know there might be more Mistborn books, but it won't be the same. *sigh* ...where's Preservation when you need it?
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Peter Ahlstrom

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Another negative review has been posted to Amazon. It says: "I found the story picked up midway through; then shot itself in the foot rather explosively with a stunningly trite epilogue that honestly made me cringe."

Goes to prove my point: there will be some on both ends of the spectrum who hate it. The review I have the most difficulty getting is the one that says the ending is underwhelming.

(Good reviews may not help sales much, but negative reviews often do hurt sales. So it helps if the negative reviews are vastly outnumbered. Hint, hint.)
All Saiyuki fans should check out Dazzle! Emotionally wrenching action-adventure and quirky humor! (At least read chapter 6 and tell me if you're not hooked.) Volume 10 out now!


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Just put my .02 cents in review form of amazon. I hope I wasn't too over the top, but hey it's for Brandon, so what's over the top? I read some of those guys and wondered if they were just jealous So anyone else post a review on amazon?


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Another negative review has been posted to Amazon. It says: "I found the story picked up midway through; then shot itself in the foot rather explosively with a stunningly trite epilogue that honestly made me cringe."

Goes to prove my point: there will be some on both ends of the spectrum who hate it. The review I have the most difficulty getting is the one that says the ending is underwhelming.

(Good reviews may not help sales much, but negative reviews often do hurt sales. So it helps if the negative reviews are vastly outnumbered. Hint, hint.)

I'm on it. Eloquent (maybe wordy) review coming right up!

In other news, I just thought I'd show you this:

I'm not sure how this applies,

I like Mistborn so much that I bought seven more copies of the paperback. And that image doesn't even include the Sam Weller's Hero of Ages that is coming in, not to mention the four other three other MB1 paperbacks I gave away and a MB2 paperback I also gave away. I need to keep a better handle on these things so I don't have to keep buying more paperbacks...

(Tomorrow, I'm actually lending all seven of those paperbacks out to people in a class of mine. They all seemed very interested in it :P) - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.

Peter Ahlstrom

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Chaos, I hope you have money to spare! @_@

As for the Amazon reviews, I'm sure they're all sincere (so far, at least). They did make it through the book, after all.
All Saiyuki fans should check out Dazzle! Emotionally wrenching action-adventure and quirky humor! (At least read chapter 6 and tell me if you're not hooked.) Volume 10 out now!


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Hi, I'm a bit confused about something. You say
(Note that Ruin wouldn't have gotten out if the prison wasn't renewed, he'd simply have been able to touch the world a little bit more.)

Why is it that taking the power, using it, and not renewing the prison only weakens it, whereas taking the power and releasing it without use breaks the prison and sets Ruin free? Either way Preservation is emptied from the Well? (I feel this is something simple I'm just not getting =P)


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Chaos, I hope you have money to spare! @_@

As for the Amazon reviews, I'm sure they're all sincere (so far, at least). They did make it through the book, after all.

Sure I do. What else would I buy the Warbreaker hardcover with? :P At least, when it is finally published.

The scary part is that I probably own more of Brandon's work than all the libraries in the Bozeman area does. (I have two copies of Elantris, too, but I gave my paperback away...) That makes me virtually the emissary of Brandon's novels for all of Montana State University. I already have five converts, soon to be many more.

EDIT: Also, I wrote a review for the book on Amazon, but it hasn't been published yet. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.


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Re: ***SPOLIERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon*
« Reply #149 on: October 20, 2008, 04:51:01 AM »
Geez Chaos2651... I thought I was going over the top by purchasing the first two books in both hardback and paperback. Apparently I'm a little further behind in fanatic fandom than I thought...  ;D
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