The Gathering Storm...OF FAN OUTRAGE!!!
I'm really impressed with the pace of Brandon's writing here. I hope he eases off the accelerator a bit, even if it means further delays.
The ironic thing, for me at least, about this whole ordeal is that Brandon's hypothetical alternative - railroading the book from climax to climax and cutting minor characters and plotlines to get it done in 400K - actually sounds
awesome. I stopped reading WoT after book eight in frustration over the endless dawdling with minor characters and plotlines. Based on Amazon reviews of those last few books, it seems I'm not alone.
What happened to RJ's promise that he wouldn't try and resolve everything? He may have changed his mind...or maybe, this 800K behemoth actually
doesn't resolve everything. In which case, I further dread reading books 9, 10, and 11 in the series reread I'm planning to do.
In any case, kudos to Brandon, Harriet, Tor, and everyone involved for the handling of this work.
Edit: I should probably mention that the above is somewhat tongue-in-cheek. I don't actually think the rushed 400K scenario is what they should have done, given the circumstances...however, I do wish that RJ's legacy were such that it could have happened that way.