I have a book that big, $2 at a garage sale. It has aluminum rods through the binding to strengthen it and one is broken so we can't use the totally awesome unabridged dictionary. I do not want something that big to read for real though, unless the lectern came with it. And maybe a nice chain to connect the two.
Buy the "A memory of light" collector's edition.
1800 pages, carved rustic hardcovers, oak lectern and silver chain, and your own monks garments and candles.
Cristal expositor and chorus incoming in the Deluxe Edition.
EDIT: I just checked some of the books we have on the shelves right now (we can see it now we are moving and have packaged 42 boxes full of books). The count of Montecristo is around 1460 pages, 1st edition 2004 3rd edition 2006, in perfect shape (my wife is fan of Montecristo, I tell you it is not there for exposition). And Johnatan Strange and Mrs. Norrel (never read, I'm naming on memory alone) is about 900 pages but with thick paper, almost the size of Montecristo.
So, yeah, these kind of books are done, but, you know, I have 6 points worth stitches in my back and doctor said I shouldn't lift weights, so they will be staying there till they are packaged