Spriggan, please, stop saying there are no binding machines for that...
The first copy I read of the LotR was a 1100 plus appendix pages, and I have seen books over 2000 pages. Yes, they are special editions, but they have been printed. And some of them are more than 30 years old. Oh, and the cost wasn't insane, but prices have gone up insanely since then, at least in here.
Anyway, I think the problem here is the concept. Let's face it, RJ said he would give one final book because it was his legacy and he didn't know if he could see it finished , which he finally won't
Hadn't he got ill, he would probably have written 3 or even 4 books.
But, as it is now, to transmutate one compact story-book into 3, well, they may go for the "chapters 1-45", "46-87" and "88-end" which would be something dissapointing, or they could try to have BS rewrite the story so that he could give 2 minor book endings, but still good enough, and the final one which is written by now (I believe). That would be acceptable and even desirable. I have some and I tell you, you don't want to have 1500 pages hardbacks, they are so difficult to read. And no paperback would resist that amount of pages.
Also we have the title. It ringed some bells and I looked after it. Apart from Winston Churchill's book about WW2, it is also one book (I think about terrorism or something like that) released around 2006, so copyrights.....