The problem I might have with it is the issue of passivity. Rigney's titles fallow a pattern that describes the beginning, plateau, climax and if it had ended with AMOL falling off point. The book titles help you know where you are in the concise novel The Wheel of Time. A Gathering Storm has less punch than Knife of Dreams where it should have had more and lead seamlessly into Tarmon Gaiden, a good title.
I disagree completely. The Gathering Storm, imo, is meant to signify the upcoming battle, and i think it sets the tone for the final 3 books better than The Knife of Dreams ever did. The Knife of Dreams is a neat title, but it is only mentioned in the little block of text before the start of the novel. It actually doesn't really do anything. Once again, remember that Nyneave has been talking about this approaching storm for several novels in between incessant braid-pulling. This is a fitting title that is not passive in the least - it's the foreboding that accompanies the doom you know is coming, and is precisely where the series is at now. It implies the final lead-in to the storm that is Tarmon Gai'Don. I think you are worrying about the wrong title. It is the second one that needs to be the perfect transition.
A Knife of Dreams represents a lot of different things though. It represents the Aiel belief that life is but a dream that one must wake from. It represents the Ayamar who are also descended from the original Aiel and took the belief to the extreme committing mass suicide. It represents the fog of war that Mat uses to confuse the Seanchan. And it represents the fraying of reality as time wavers and the shades of the ghosts become ever more present as the Dark One comes closer and closer to breaking free.
I would have chosen the titles for these books from the lines of the Karaethon Cycle.
These would be great titles for the three books that are coming.
Dread Fires Born Again.
The Dark Hunt Rides / or Rent in Blood and Fire (from an Elaida foretelling)
The Pain of Salvation.
If it has to do with storms, "Storm clouds gather" and "Rider of the Storm" is in the prophecies. I like that last one, makes me think of the Doors.