In answer to you miyabi, my inactivity is due to several factors.
1) Lack of interest. There's only occasionally a topic on these boards that interests me these days. I post when I see something I find interesting, but I do most of my WOT theorizing on Dragonmount, and I really wasn't particularly interested in theorizing in anything else Brandon had written. If we start getting some interesting talk going about warbreaker, I'll happily start coming back more frequently, to post all my lengthy ideas.
2) Lack of Time - I'm going in to finals week, and I've been pretty slammed for time with all the homework. So that's part of it as well.
3) Lack of Remembering to get on when I do have time - Kind of like # 1, since 1 prevents this, but is still is a problem.
4) (Occasionally) Inability to use computer - I have a large family, and people like to do things on the computer. Usually I can hop on my laptop, but occasionally my mom will decide I'm spending too much time on the computer and ban me from my laptop.
5) New Outlets for randomness - most of my posting that isn't theory-centered tends to be placed in the 'random' category. Last year when I joined, I only had one class at school where people would even act remotely random. Now, 4 out of my 5 classes have people who make random jokes and tell random stories for most of the class period, with teachers who let us talk. Hence, I don't feel the need to post randomly here as much since I'm randomly talking all day. That's probably one of the more confusing paragraphs I've ever written.
Side note, if you like meat, don't read
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. I haven't been able to comfortably eat meat for the last several days due to my own reading of it for US History. I can force it down, but it's not near as much fun. That sentence is also probably not very good grammar. hmmm.
Anyway, yes. WAY OF KINGS. That's what I'm most excited for. When they start coming out, it will be time for some serious theorizing. But I would also settle for the Second Mistborn Trilogy, Warbreaker, or even Dragonsteel (assuming we ever see more of it...). I'm also assuming that we'll get some sort of information about any of these. The problem is that we just don't have enough information about any of the new series coming out to really theorize on them.
As for comments on Way of Kings, when I talked to Brandon at a signing a while back, he said Ten Books, Ten Magic Systems. That's where that came from. He also may have told that to someone else, but me as well. He also did mention the fact that not all of the magic systems would be fully-developed systems like allomancy and feruchemy, but that some of them would be. Hence, I'm excited.
Other random side notes, anyone new who hasn't yet read the notes for Way of Kings on Amazon, go there. Now. Their hilarious. Then write your own. I'll even give you a link.
The Way of Kings on Amazon. There.
But I'm now rambling, and this post is sufficiently long to satisfy my long-windedness. So I will now cease and desist.