I see what you are saying, but there are several things you must consider if comparing the Pendragon series to Arthurian legends. First of all, considering "Raven Rise" is the ninth book in a series, reading the other eight leave you expecting certain things in the ninth. (You may not understand this not having read the book, but whether the good Travelers succeed in saving the Territory from Saint Dane, often a Traveler dies, etc.) Secondly, Arthurian legends are legends (obviously). And, although this is not always the case, legends often grow out of truths. It may be grossly exaggerated, distorted, and completely mixed up, but it often has a center of truth. If that is the case with Arthurian legend, you cannot compare. Those men (King Arthur, Lancelot, Knights of the Round Table, etc.) were not living their lives for the entertainment of others. When I pick up a book, most often I read it for entertainment–I take pleasure in it (and often learn something along the way). Along the same vein is the fact that authors create stories not only for the pleasure they get from it but to entertain their readers. A disappointing book is very different from a disappointing life story. Lastly, (please correct me if I'm wrong; I am not as familiar with Arthurian legend as I should wish to be) those who are killed do not ALL come back from the dead and have another go. In the Pendragon series, the good Travelers have a definitive goal: to save Halla (everything that ever was, is, or will be) from the evil clutches of Saint Dane. Each book is set on a different Territory (or "world" ). On each of those Territories, Saint Dane uses his supernatural powers and extreme knowledge of each world to bring the place to ruins. And in each book, he either succeeds, or his plans are foiled by Bobby and the good guys (this is most often the case). But in "Raven Rise" he succeeds in taking over the Territory and kills Bobby and his entire team. Then they come back to life and try again. Doesn't that make most of the book seem pretty pointless to you, if everyone's able to just try again?